RCW 9.46.235: Slot machines, antique - Washington State

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Galactic Economics 7: Leapfrogging

I ended up splitting off some of 8 into 9 based on feedback. The story I've thought of will end on 10, and then it's back to the drawing board for me. I'm not sure if I would continue with this universe or come back with another idea, let me know if you have an opinion either way.
I'll start posting these onto a site I found called RoyalRoad in addition to reddit. I won't take donations, but it does seem like it has nice utilities to manage all the stories even if the audience is smaller. Any advice on this welcome too.
And as always, I'm still a new writer trying to improve. Feedback about the story or my writing are all very welcome, and I read every one of them.
Galactic Credits weren't technically a currency yet. They had a lot of GCs in the bank, but as the aliens would say, that's just numbers on a screen. You couldn't pay rent and taxes with GCs, not yet.
As some human traders switched to exclusively buying goods from the market, they paid hard earned Dollars in exchange for virtual GC, and that became the revenue stream. This revenue balanced out almost perfectly with sellers who were instantly cashing out.
For every Dollar that someone paid GC to convert to credits, only about 95 cents would be asked to be paid out by a seller trying to withdraw their GCs for cash.
The transaction fees that GC made on every transaction can be visualized as credits disappearing into an untouched locked account. This was effectively a profit for GC, because it meant less credits that had to be exchanged for $. That 5% margin was a steady Dollar revenue stream that they could safely cash out.
But because all the humans needed to pay bills and taxes, they would withdraw their money almost immediately, which meant that they would always be stuck around that 5% margin. Unlike a regular bank, they couldn't make a lot of investments.
That's when the universe decided to give them a break.
Or rather, their interests had aligned with the self interest of some very rich people who had just started paying attention.
At first, the financial systems on Earth did not care much about GCs. They were used in spaceports all around Earth, and space was very exciting, but it was inaccessible to most people and the actual trade volume was a small percentage of total businesses done on Earth.
The aliens directly made a few people very, very rich, mostly traders and GC. But what were of more interest to financial institutions were the reverse engineered alien technology products that they predicted were coming shortly. At the same time Sarah and her friends were trying to fix a famine, the human economy was booming.
Like GC, banks were in the business of selling gold prospecting equipment, not looking for gold themselves.
Naturally, banks started allowing deposits and withdrawal of GC. This wasn't unusual. Banks have no issues holding onto cryptocurrency and non-USD currencies for customers' savings accounts. That was their business, after all. There were some costs, but it was generally a good business: fat transaction fees led to fat profit margins.
In the case of GC, banks needed to charge their customers a high transaction fee because GC itself charged a high transaction fee. This was bad for business. Not many people kept their credits in other banks because GC itself was a bank and they kept their money in there just fine without having to pay an even higher transaction fee.
They were understandably unhappy about several of their wealthier customers keeping a lot of money in another bank, but not enough to want to choke out GC's business. That would be killing their golden goose that is the booming alien knockoff economy.
So when GC decided to raise liquidity, as they would need to do to continue to bankroll a multi-planetary relief mission indefinitely, the banks saw an opportunity. Or rather, VISA did.
It was an incredibly generous offer: VISA would treat Galactic Credits like Dollars and allow full convertibility on their own network, in exchange for GC waiving their entire transaction fee for bank transfers. Their lawyers didn't want GC to go ahead and print money without limits, so they put a contingency that allowed them to cut off GC whenever they wanted and clauses that allowed for regular auditing.
Sarah and her friends thought about it, but not for very long.
Galactic Credit became no longer the only bank that could deal in credits.
Credits were now freely transferable between banks.
Now, you could pay taxes in credits converted to USD.
Which meant people stopped withdrawing their Dollars from GC immediately, and GC could "borrow" that money to pay for supplies, equipment, and then use some to invest in companies on Earth.
It was like a limited run of fractional reserve banking.
The aid operation to Gak continued.
"Isn't this technically a blatant violation of minimum wage laws?" Asked Sarah over the FTL video comms, the crisp and quick quality of which was a testament of how much human infrastructure had been shipped into Gakrek orbit, "doing some quick maths with the average fuel and maintenance costs here… it looks like we're basically paying the space traders only about $10 for every hour of shipping they do for us."
Kathleen Bryce, GC's head counsel shifted uncomfortably in a conference room chair 50 light years away, though her immediate reply indicated she had indeed thought the problem through, "Not if anyone asks."
She continued, "the short story is nobody has tested the courts to see if aliens working for us in space are subject to California employment and labor regulations, or federal minimum wage laws, or perhaps, even no laws."
"What's the long story?" Jen asked, slightly interested.
"We're pretty sure they're at most contractors, definitely not employees. Cali Prop 22 took care of that. The spaceport is probably considered international territory, or else the traders would be considered 'illegal aliens' every time they landed," Kathleen did a little chuckle at that most unoriginal pun around the GC legal team watercooler, "In which case, the lower federal minimum wage applies. Or maybe it's not even international territory, maybe it's some new thing. Too many edge cases to descri-"
"Ok," Sarah said after a moment, "it'll probably look bad though."
"What will?" Jen countered, rolling her eyes, "that they're being asked to voluntarily work just above cost to help save a billion hungry aliens, a problem that, let's not forget, most people in the galaxy think they helped create in the first place? Give me a break. There's fifty thousand Red Cross workers working for free on Gakrek and you're telling me we-"
"Ok, ok, we'll save this discussion for later, interesting as the implications are," Stearns interrupted, "until the labor board starts sniffing around, we'll let Legal deal with it. The other item I wanted to get to today is what we're going to do for Gak in the medium and long term."
"Right, the immediate crisis is over, but the moment we pull our people out and stop sending food constantly, the Gaks are back to square one in two months," Sarah returned to her presentation, "over the past two weeks, our models keep having to be revised down on the future of Gakrek farming. Their climate system has been dramatically spiraling downwards for decades now. With this disaster: the out of control burning and flooding, the trashed ecosystems, and the Gaks literally selling off their farming tools to squeeze out some more fruits from traders, they added up to one conclusion: traditional subsistence agriculture is no longer viable on Gakrek."
Here she put up a chart on screen. There were two lines. There's a straight horizontal line, marking the average calories that healthy Gaks needed, and then there's a quickly plummeting line denoting the drastic decrease of Gak agricultural productivity over time. They crossed about ten years ago. The meaning was clear.
"It's increasingly obvious that all Gak food will need to be shipped in from offworld sources until we completely overhaul their agricultural economy," Sarah continued.
"What kind of overhaul are we even talking about?" Benny chimed in. He owned a good portion of the company, but rarely came to these executive meetings. Today, he was making an exception for his son Benny Jr, who was on the view screen with the rest of the offworld team on Gakrek.
Stearns replied, "in a word: industrialization."
"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race," wrote Ted Kaczynski, known more famously as his press nickname, the Unabomber. When this was published in the Washington Post in 1995 in response to a threat, a number of people thought he was making a lot of sense.
It made all the headlines, inspired countless hours of political debate, and gave a major boost to anarcho-primitive ideas in the academic sphere.
But as many historians knew, his ideas were not wildly original. Industrialization, like every major economic change, created winners and losers. Sometimes there were more of one, and sometimes the other.
In human society, previously skilled workers, usually guild craftsmen who made up the upper-middle class of late feudal Europe, became the biggest losers of industrialization as their labor was replaced by machines that could do what they did at hundreds if not thousands of times faster. Without skill, without rest, and without emotion. Some of them were so angry, they even went out and smashed the machines, but mechanization continued anyway.
The biggest winners of the Industrial Revolution were the subsistence farmers who made up the vast majority of lower class workers in feudal Europe. They went into cities, to work mind-numbingly boring jobs, doing the same thing day after day, on risky and dangerous assembly lines for excruciatingly long hours. Many got injured. Some died. A few were even children.
And yet mostly, they did so willingly.
That's not because they were all tricked, under some grand illusion that factory work was comfortable, safe, and enriching.
It was because subsistence farming on its worst day was a hecking nightmare.
The Gaks were living it.
"Why can't we just build a tractor factory there then?" Sarah demanded.
In her mind, tractors were synonymous with food. She'd been on a road trip through the American Midwest once, on the way to the Yellowstone. There, she'd seen rows of gigantic tractors plowing fields, endless food from horizon to horizon. To Sarah, the massive scale of the corn fields of America was just how industrialization was done.
"Because tractor factories depend on a thousand different parts. Who's gonna make the tires? Who's gonna make the motors? Who's gonna make the onboard computer?" Stearns explained, "and who's gonna bring them gasoline to keep running? And each of those components have a thousand factories to make them, and each have dependencies on thousands of other factories! It would literally be easier to move Los Angeles onto Gak than it would be to help them mass manufacture tractors."
Sarah made a facepalming gesture, but Stearns cut her off before she launched into despair, "there actually is a much easier solution to this problem."
"On Earth, most economists agree that the most efficient way to send foreign aid to areas that consistently couldn't produce enough food is not to send them food; it's to send them money so they can buy food, or if they have good soil, they can buy some tools to grow their own," said Stearns, leading Sarah to the obvious conclusion.
"But they don't use money here, we can't just send them money!"
"Exactly. So let's talk about that."
Gordorker's family had finally cleaned up his house from the dust storm. The broken roof was re-tiled as best as he could. His children had helped on some of the menial tasks, but that's what children were for.
It was nice to have purpose again.
The humans had said that their mission would be here for months, maybe years, but Gordorker was not so naive to believe that he wouldn't have to work for food again. He was certainly not so stupid to take this to mean he should be lounging around all day.
Winters on Gakrek were not bad in terms of freezing people to death, but the dry winds would not allow crop planting until spring again.
Next time, he would have 21 mouths to feed, not including his, and he'd have to get the fields plowed without poor Grunger. He was lucky he had so many children.
Traders Only
New Thread: Bohor spaceports have just banned bartering!
Body: If your friends want to do any business at Bohor, they better get themselves a GC Terminal fast! The Bohor are banning barter at their main port. You will only be able to conduct trades by credits starting in a few days!
Comment: Whaaaaat? Are you crazy??? Only two of my friends have Terminals. How is everyone else supposed to make a living?!
Comment: Get a Terminal lol
Comment: We told you guys last week this was gonna happen if you assholes keep holding up the line with your obnoxious rare fruit peddling. Newsflash, we don't care about how exotic your stuff is on Bohor. Just unload it. We weigh it, read the price list for food items, do the math, you get your credits, and you're out of there in minutes. You want air filters? We've got air filters for 2,800 GCs, no haggling, no bartering. If you don't like it, someone else will take it. Don't waste our time! -- Bohor Spaceport Management Team
Comment: Hey Bohor, have you considered maybe getting a Terminal yourself so that everyone else don't all need to get one just to get some fuel?
Comment: I'm selling air filters for 3,000 GCs in orbit above Bohor for traders who don't have Terminals.
"Our plan for the leasing model for the Terminals is not going to work," Sarah observed.
"Yup, the famine crisis on Gakrek is forcing our hand," admitted Stearns, "and we'd expected a much slower rollout to bring the aliens on board over the course of years, not weeks. In hindsight, it was obvious how this was different to how humans popularized credit and debit cards in the 1970s. We were replacing cash, which was just slightly inferior to a card, but with the aliens, we're replacing their entire dumpster fire of an economy. We earned a lot of goodwill with our relief effort and the galaxy is buying in."
"So what, we just abandon the original timeline and move to phase two immediately?" Asked Sarah.
"Exactly right. When the iron is hot, you gotta strike it," replied Stearns, "we'll give the merchants already with Terminals an option to opt out of their lease and switch to the new devices, but I doubt most will. Our internal data shows that they've universally been getting their money's worth out of those."
"Are our manufacturers even ready to handle the inevitable barrage of orders?" Asked Jen, eager to move onto the logistics and technology discussion.
They were not.
Version two of the offworld trading terminals were actually a downgrade to the original Terminals. The originals were prototypes, modified out of consumer tablets that cost hundreds of dollars to produce.
The new ones, branded Mini Terminals, were basic card readers with pin pads and a tiny OLED display, attached to a now mass produced FTL antenna you could get at RadioShack for $3.99. There wasn't even a thermal printer for receipts.
The whole device costs no more than $20 to make on a mass production line in Vietnam. GC was going to sell it at cost in credits.
Galactic Credit had prepared supply lines to ramp up production, ready to start rolling them out in a couple years. They've made a test batch of tens of thousands of units sitting in storage, but did not expect to need to start actually selling them for a while.
Carefully made plans were abandoned, schedules were expedited, employees in SE Asia worked overtime, and the company took on extra cost to push the schedule up.
It still wasn't enough.
On day one, all reserve units sold out. Some of the well connected human traders, unburdened with a strong conscience or ethics, bought them by the truckload as they were leaving their warehouses. They sold them at a large markup at the spaceport.
That was not very cash money of them.
GC sent a representative to the spaceport to let traders know that they were out of stock, but more would be made available shortly. Customers should just wait a week for the prices to come down.
The scalpers instantly sold out anyway. The alien traders lucky enough to be on the non-relief landing pads filled their cargo with the Mini Terminals.
Then, those traders sold them at a markup at other ports. And so on.
By the time the Mini Terminals reached average spaceport merchants on the other side of the galaxy, they were being sold for almost half the price of the original tablet Terminals.
By the end of the week, the craze died down. These electronics really were cheap and easy for human factories to make, and many of the production lines just needed time to start the machines. Prices returned to normal, and the average merchant could afford them with a bit of honest work and savings.
The Gakrek Spacelift was slowing down. The turnaround time had been increased to a leisurely 10 minutes, and the Livermore space traffic controller was occasionally allowing non-relief traders to land at open pads, which Zikzik was doing now.
Zikzik needed to refuel, but apparently that was still only allowed for the landing pads that had been designated for relief. He called up the Livermore port manager, pointed to his number one position on the relief pilot leaderboard, but she just shrugged her shoulders and said apologetically, "rules are rules".
Oh well, he could always refuel at Olgix on the way.
As he landed in Olgix, he realized this was the first time he landed at a non human or Gak port for at least a week.
He greeted the Olg who was running a reactor fuel line to his ship with a nod, and asked, "how much fruit to full?"
The Olg took one look at the sign on his booth, and said, "you know we also take credits on Olgix now, right?"
A little surprised, Zikzik took out his card and terminal and allowed the Olg to swipe his. He'd used his Terminal when doing exchanges with other traders, but this was the first time he'd been to a non-Earth port where goods and services could be paid for using his credits.
"That's 295.50 GCs, pleasure doing business with you."
Grob was one of the wealthier Gaks in the world. The famine had affected everyone, but he and his wife did not have to go hungry because the spaceport management made sure to keep feeding the people that kept the mobs at bay.
Everything else stopped working though. He used to pad his income by making sure that the vendors at the spaceport knew exactly who was protecting their livelihoods. Only very rarely did new ones not cooperate.
Grob really wasn't a bad Gak, but he did what everyone else in his position also did. This was just how business was done on Gakrek. You didn't get to survive to become a security guard family if you didn't do that. Another Gak would come along, take your place, and do what you didn't want to do anyway.
When the humans arrived, things changed. They started peddling these credits business, which he'd seen some of the traders used.
Of course, he didn't think much of it. Instead of getting goods, you just get a card, and use the card to trade for food and items? Seems unnecessarily complicated.
He'd heard that they charged a cut just for you to use the card, a concept that he was intimately familiar with and in no hurry to be subjected to. The humans had insisted on giving one to him and setting it up. Which he had to do because they were in charge now, but that was fine by him. Just because he had a card didn't mean he had to use it right?
A few days later, when he was on a patrol route at the spaceport, checking off the vendor stands, one of the luxury item vendors asked him if she could pay her next cycle's fee with her card because she had traded away all her wares.
"You gotta make sure to save wares for me next time," he'd told her, "but I'll take it this time." He ruffled through his backpack to find the card, handed it to her, and she inserted it into her machine, typed in her code, and showed him that it had deposited 18 GC into his account.
Hoping that she didn't stiff him, he went on with his route.
"Let me say this again," Zarko said at the edge of his patience limit, "you can trade these credits for food on Earth. Lots of food, shiploads of food. So much food, everywhere."
"But I don't have a ship," whined the spare parts vendor at the spaceport, "why don't you just bring food with you next time you want my parts?"
"You can exchange credits for food from some of the other traders that come down here too! Some of them have the new Terminals now, look, that guy over there, he takes GC," Zarko was almost shouting while pointing at a fellow Zeepil food merchant who had a I ❤️ GC sign on his booth across the spaceport.
This was frustrating. Every time he came across one of these less traveled planets he had to explain himself to these yokels all over again.
The vendor looked over skeptically and said, "how do I know that you two aren't working some scam together?"
That was it for Zarko. It had been a long day, this guy wasn't making it any shorter, and he had just been accused of being a dishonest trader. It was probably because of his species. Just because he was a Zeepil didn't mean he was a scammer!
He internally cursed the unjustified stereotype of his people and blew up at the racist:
"Listen to me very carefully. You're going to give me the secondary fuel modulator. You're going to walk over to the food merchant over there. Then you're going to swipe this card over here, on his machine. He's going to give you at least a month's worth of food. And if you don't, I'm going to leave a one star review on your spaceport on Traders Only, and nobody is going to come back here to trade anything with you ever again, got it?"
The vendor whined some more under his breath, but eventually relented. The threat had sounded real.
He got plenty of food. Whatever scam these Zeepils were running, they didn't rip him off this time at least. Whatever.
Zarko was fuming as he took off. Didn't these ignorant primitives know that a liquid currency to facilitate free and fair exchange of goods and services was obviously the bedrock upon which a modern economy needed to be built?
When Grob got home from work, he handed his wife the credits card saying, "hey darling, one of the luxury traders gave me her protection share using the card. I trusted her because she normally always pays on time. Did I get scammed?"
His wife was a teacher at a nearby school. Ever the practical one, she asked, "oh, how much did she put on it?"
"It said 18."
She did some math in her head and replied, "yeah that sounds about right," and to his surprise, she pulled out a card and said, "I got one from the humans at the school too, and I used it to buy a new pair of shoes for you!"
He tried them on. They weren't very fitting shoes, but neither were his previous pair so he couldn't complain. They did seem very well made even though the little holes in them seemed to be a design choice.
Pretty soon, he noticed that the other guards at the spaceport started extracting their share of protection fees using cards too. Oh well, if everyone else was taking fees with a card, he supposed it couldn't hurt if he did it too. It somewhat lightened his load on patrols, which he didn't mind at all.
Besides, his blue shoes were really pretty. He was not sure why there was a big check mark on its side though.
"They're doing what?!" Sarah asked, her temper threatening to go off.
"It's a protection racket. A practice as old as time. The security guards have basically been taking a percentage of the vendors' wares, and recently switched onto using cards to take payment. It's been going on forever and it's probably just how they do things there. Using cards is pretty innovative of them, I'll give them that," Jen said, "but it made it pretty easy for us to track down all of them. Should we revert the transactions?"
"No, probably not," Sarah said, calming down and seeing a slight head shake from her head counsel Bryce, "but we need to make it clear to them that they can't be allowed to do that anymore."
Grob wasn't sure how to feel about the cards anymore.
The humans had found the practice of protection fees distasteful, and they'd warned that anyone caught doing it again would face severe consequences. They made their point pretty clear when one of the other guards was made an example of: her card stopped working. She had to get a new one that didn't have any of her credits in it!
On the other hand, the humans also made the spaceport authorities start paying them with credits, which was good because now they were being paid on time and Grob knew he didn't have to worry about not being paid as long as the humans were there.
His wife had been buying them new clothes with credits she was getting paid as a teacher too. One of his human friends had giggled when she saw his shirt, which apparently said "2016 NBA Champions Golden State Warriors". He wasn't sure what was so funny about that, but it was a very comfortable shirt.
Maybe this whole credits thing wasn't as ridiculous as he thought at first.
By the universal inheritance path known as "dibs", Gordorker inherited his neighbors Gyuotin and Gyuovin's farmable land and possessions. They didn't have much.
Trinkets, gadgets, and a bunch of junk. It was mostly items that couldn't be traded for food during the worst periods of the shortage. With his immediate food needs taken care of by the relative abundance of food items the humans have brought, Gordorker thought perhaps he should go buy a stasis box with the trinkets he got from his deceased neighbors.
When he arrived at the offworld market, he saw a high end luxury merchant proudly displaying some fresh new wares from offworld, including a number of stasis boxes. These were apparently new ones made by humans. These were slightly bigger than the ones he'd have before, but he'd brought his neighbors' life possessions, so he thought maybe he'd be able to trade for one of those with some haggling.
Gordorker started laying out his items on the table, but the trader cut him off, hastily saying the weirdest thing he'd ever heard from a trader in his life, "no barter, credits only." The merchant then pointed him towards a human tent.
A human volunteer, his nametag said Marco, asked his name and gave him a shiny card, then told him to memorize 6 numbers. "As the head of your household, you have also been given a small stimulus by the GC corporation," he said.
Then Marco took him to a junk trader stall, where he gave the trader all his items. Marco showed an increasingly confused Gordorker how to insert his card into a small machine slot to "receive payment".
Marco guided him back to the merchant selling stasis boxes. Gordorker was instructed on how to insert his card and enter his pin code, which he mastered with no difficulty.
Marco then took him to a farm tools stall, where Gordorker repeated the same process with a steel plow, a small box of "semi-dwarf wheat seeds", a long garden hose, and a hand pump, all loaded onto a brand new wooden wheelbarrow.
"BAL: 12.50," the small screen had read.
Gordorker was not sure what unnatural ritual he had taken part in, but he was in possession of the most farm tools he had ever been in his life and he had the stasis box he was looking for.
"Alright, that should be enough. Make sure to keep the card safe and remember your 6 digit code. Ask a volunteer if you need to know what the tools do.."
Gordorker put his card in his stasis box. Then, being the prudent Gak he was, he wrote down his pin code and put it in the box as well.
Whatever else it did, he was sure one of his descendants could probably find a use for it in an emergency one day.
In hindsight, there were obvious economic side effects for Earth becoming a mass producer of everything from food to cheap consumer electronics, the reverse engineering of millions of years of alien tech, and ripping down the barriers that the barter based economies of the galaxy had erected.
A young forward thinking economist wrote a whole journal article about it with a typical economic study title: "Development Osmosis: Capital Outflow, Argentina, and Extreme Poverty in Offworld Economies".
Three other economists read the pre-print as part of the peer review, who all sent him an email saying something along the lines of "wow, this gave me a lot to think about. Somebody important should read this!"
Nobody else did, for a while.
It didn't make the news.
The reference to high yield semi-dwarf wheat seeds in the story refers to the research of Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Norman Borlaug. Borlaug noticed that stalks of wheat that are too high yield would bend and then break their stalks, so he solved that problem by breeding these plants with dwarfed plants. Shorter stalk, supports more wheat. His work in improving food security in developing nations is credited with saving the lives of over a billion humans. A real life HFY.
The next chapter's working title is:
Rising Tide
submitted by rook-iv to HFY [link] [comments]

[A3: Main] Operation Beer Battered | Take Me Home | SAT NOV28 2000 UTC

Operation Beer Battered Freedom
By Gibbs and Bubbus
[A3: Main] Operation Beer Battered Freedom | Take Me Home | SAT NOV28 2000 UTC
Get the mods through the mod downloader, [Swifty]
Make sure your mods are updated in time, and feel free to contact the mods through Discord or Reddit for help!
Recommended Reading: http://ttp3.dslyecxi.com/
Map of AO
Thanksgiving threatened by Redcoats.
British oppressors.
American mettle.
Primary Objectives:
Terrain: West Virginiarus 2020
Respawn: Base respawn
Radios: Standard.
Use this in your slotting comment:
IGN: (Your name) SLOT: Alpha 1 | Rifleman Hi, I'm New! (If new) 

Slot Descriptions

Freedom Fighter Biographies

The Range Medic: Since getting into precision sports, this guy took a keen interest in combat medicine. He's armed with the finest medical education YouTube can offer, and *can't wait* to try out a tourniquet on you.
The Larper: Yeah, he's a Marine, he just hasn't talked to his local recruiter yet. Skirting dangerously close to Stolen Valor, the Larper owns every piece of personal equipment in use by the Corps including some you'd swear he really shouldn't have.
The AR Guy: It's reliable and modular! No, those were just ammunition issues, Stoner's design was *perfect*. Constantly found bickering with The AK Guy - you could swear they *hate* each-other, but for some reason you never see them apart...
The AK Guy: It's got tolerances! Rifle is fine! Swears his rifle is the superior choice, no matter what the ammo prices say. Never found too far away from The AR Guy, and you've learned not to read into it much. Out loud.
The Doctor: Where there's pain, there's profit. He's not really sure what happens when he presses the bullet button on his assault weapon - what he does know is emergency surgery, risk-reward analysis and your bank account number.
The Youtuber: The only one openly out here for clout over constitution, this guy runs the PR effort online. His "Destruction Dave" channel gathers millions of views from Real Patriots who want to see how many Redcoats a .50 BMG will go through today.
The Veteran: He left the jungle, but the jungle never left him. He and his wartime buddy keep grumbling about the "kids these days" and how they'd rather be back home, but you can tell they've been waiting for this. You're not sure how he got AT as a bring-back trophy, but you're not inclined to ask questions either.
Nambo Last Blood: Recently convinced to move home from Thailand, this retired machinegunner outwardly expected a quiet life on the ranch. The way he wields his old service weapon though, you begin to wonder. Never found far from The Veteran - the way they operate together gives you hope, even if the way they stare at the trees gives you pause.
Tier Zero: Uncompromisingly tight-lipped, and vaguely employed in "foreign affairs". He won't answer about why a diplomat needs a helmet or where he picked up that shemagh, and swears his AR was bought for home defense. Oh well. At least he's not the Larper.
The Neglected Weapon: Caught up in current events while on a cross-country business trip. A hopeless aficionado of all things French. Hasn't been seen wielding any weapon from the last decade, but seems to know everything about them.
The Hunter: More used to hunting big game, the hunter has become accustomed with pursuing the most dangerous game instead. He has yet to find the right call to use, but has found some success with "oi mate" and "hot innit".
The Reenactors: Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Reason enough to break out the muskets and relive the Good Old Days - though someone may want to tell these two that their cannon isn't exactly a historical piece.
The Frontiersman: Some ways of life never die, and this guy is an example of Rugged Individualism despite civilisation's very best efforts. When you're living on the edge, knowing how to patch yourself up is life and death. He doesn't know what a defibbylator is, but he'll sort you out - or you'll die.
The Patriot: "Yessir the US of A is the greatest nation that's ever graced this earth and don't you fuckin forget it you scumsuckin' \socialist* cus capitalism is the heart of the American Dream and that's why I *enjoy* my medical debt godDAMMIT."* (For some reason, people respect him.)
Blastin' Barry: In his state, legally, he's allowed to purchase small amounts of explosive material for sporting use. Nobody told him he's meant to use it all up before he goes to buy more. He's not an arsonist, because fire is too slow.
The Law: He's here because he's pretty damn sure the Limeys are doing something illegal. A goddamn good hunch as a matter of fact, and that's all he needs to start shooting. Has already engaged the enemy, and was pleasantly surprised to find out after the fact that these suspects were actually armed.
The Miniman: 5.56 is the finest example of American ingenuity and goddammit if I'm not about to show these tea-drinkers the red in "red white and blue" 700 times a goddamn second with the finest machine gun America ever invented. What do you mean it's Belgian?
The Reporter: Bringing us the finest in fair unbalanced reporting. He's also medically trained.
The Recoil Enthusiast: The M14 as every bit as good as the M16 and it has its thunder stolen and you damn well *know it*. It's every part as controllable, reliable and modular as the AR, see look at this, it's a Troy. No that's not a recoil pad it uh, it came like that. No I did *not* flinch when I moved my shoulder.
This list is not guaranteed to be up to date! Do a quick look through the comments to make sure your slot hasn't already been claimed.

Callsign/Role IGN Equipment
CO (The Patriot) Khaki SCAR 7.62
MED (The Frontiersman) K R E P O S A shotgun
MK (The Hunter) Cloby 7.62 Hunting Rifle
ARTY (The Reenactor) SKay A musket
ARTY (The Other Reenactor) Zefyr A musket
:- :- :-
FTL (The Recoil Enthusiast) Kennedy Troy M14
CLS (The Reporter) buckethead A camera (+ pistol)
AR (The Miniman) Bobby M249
DEMO (Blastin' Barry) Obv AR-15 + RPG + Charges
RIF (The Law) Rogue AR-15
RIF zbrodniarz AR-15
:- :- :-
FTL (Tier Zero) Wallace Mk18
CLS (The Doctor) Cozmicc MP5, medical bills
RIF (The AR Guy) Pauson AR-15
RIF (The AK Guy) Waterplant AKM
MK (The Neglected Weapon) sniper190 FR-F2, moustache
RIF hotdog AR-15
:- :- :-
FTL (The Larper) Disco M16A4
CLS (The Range Medic) Leetgamer1234 AR-15, "medical knowledge"
AR (Nambo: Last Blood) Just-Tom M60
LAT (The Veteran) M16A1, LAWs
MK (The Youtuber) AutarkOS A .50, yeehaw.
:- :- :-
FTL (The Field Promotion) ???
CLS (The Overflow Guy) ???
AR (The Overflow Guy) ???
LAT (The Overflow Guy) ???
MK (The Overflow Guy) ???
RIF (The Overflow Guy) Isaiah ???

Reserves: Baird, DuStY, EchoCode, Cre8or, Sean
submitted by dgibso29 to combinedarms [link] [comments]

If You See Graffiti Reading "FOR A GOOD TIME CALL:", follow this "Rule of the Road"...

The following contains a transcript from a short radio broadcast that has been picked up by various listeners across the continental United States. Many have been perplexed by its sudden appearance and how it seems to preempt whatever song or radio program they are listening to at the time. It has even been known to appear on streaming programs such as podcasts or Spotify. Listeners have described hearing different episodes and there have been many situations and incidents.
A 23 year old college student named Yuvisela contacted me with her account of hearing the broadcast. She and her boyfriend had encountered the broadcast while driving one sultry summer afternoon from Austin, TX.
So I have this thing with waterfalls. I’m a little obsessed with them. In my free time and when I’m not paying attention in lecture, I like to look on the internet at pictures of them and daydream that I’m there: the roar of the splashing water, the white foamy spray, my bare toes dipped into the icy spring. I’ve got a Pinterest page with hundreds of falls that I would like to visit one day. Niagara, Havasu, Victoria Falls, Gullfoss, Iguazu; they’re all on there. I keep them all catalogued for my bucket list.
Yet, how many people go to the grave with their bucket list hardly finished? I bet a lot.
My boyfriend, Gabriel, likes to mess with me about my obsession. He’ll come up behind me while I’m on my computer or look over my shoulder at my phone and see that I’m looking at waterfalls.
“Don’t go chasing waterfalls, stick to the rivers and the lakes that you’re used to,” he’ll sing when he catches me. It’s this old song he knows, TLC or something. He’s about six years older than me. I’ll joke with him to leave me alone and quit singing that old music, ask him if he used to listen to that on an 8-track or something.
“No, my older sister listened to it on CD. You know CD’s? Those little plastic things with the holes in them? That little slot in your car’s stereo, a CD goes in there. They don’t make ‘em in the new cars anymore.”
We’ve had a variation of this same conversation a bunch of times. It’s kind of a running joke between the two of us—him poking fun at my waterfall obsession and me making fun of how old he is—and while he thinks the waterfall thing is a cute little quirk of mine, he also has been supportive of my passion. That’s why he surprised me with the trip that summer. He knew that I was yearning to see some of these places. He knew that he wanted to make me happy. He knew that my resources were limited. He knew that we weren’t getting any younger; I was 23 and still had a semester to go.
But he also knew that we weren’t getting any richer, either. At least not anytime soon. I know I’m a little bit older for a college student, but it’s taken me a bit longer on account of having to work and stuff. I can’t take a full load every semester. Money’s always tight. I work full time and barely stay ahead, even sending some of my money to help my mom out. Gabriel offered to help me out some and we’d even talked about moving in together, but we had only been together a year at that point and I wasn’t quite ready.
Before my dad had passed, I’d promised him that I was going to get my college degree and I wanted to do it all on my own. While I loved Gabriel and could see myself marrying him, I didn’t want to deal with a transition like that so close to the finish line. Besides, we were getting along so well as it was. Why mess with a good thing?
And it was a good thing that kept better. Just when I thought that I couldn’t love Gabriel more, on my birthday he surprised me with the best present I’ve ever gotten. It was a little black notebook with this kind of leathery cover. While the notebook itself was nice, it was what was inside that was the true present. At some point, he had gone onto my Pinterest page and written down page after page of waterfalls, organizing them by country and state. He had put little squares beside them, boxes to check off. The last two pages were Texas and Oklahoma. He had written a note there. It read:
“Let’s start now...”
* * *
So far, the trip had been a blast. We had started out in Abilene where we both lived and where I attended college. From there, we went to a place called Gorman Falls at this state park. It was one of the tallest waterfalls in the state and all of the foliage and moss around it was lush and green and for a while, if I crossed my eyes just right it was like I wasn’t even in Texas.
We couldn’t hit all the sites in a day. It was a road trip with multiple nights in hotels. After Gorman Falls and staying at a hotel, we headed towards Austin and stopped off at Hamilton Pool Preserve. The waterfall wasn’t as tall as Gorman, but I have to say I liked it better. The water formed a curtain as it poured off of a rocky shelf and into this sunken grotto of blue green water.
We stayed at this magical place for hours, swimming in the water and soaking up the sun. I could’ve stayed longer, but it was starting to get crowded, so we headed to Austin for a night on the town on 6th Street.
The next day we slept in and got a late start on the road. Lunch was at a Whataburger outside Waco. We sat and ate our food and looked at our phones. I browsed Instagram and my eyes skimmed over a gorgeous site. Yep, another waterfall. I slid my phone over to Gabriel.
“Look!” I said.
“Am I supposed to be looking at the butt or the waterfall?” he asked. An Instagram model was standing with her back to the camera, looking up at the water in awe.
“The waterfall, silly.”
“Seriously, that skinny white girl ain’t got nothing on you. Better let me take a look, just to be sure.”
I stood and twirled around quickly, teasing him. “Ok, so back to the waterfall. Did you look at it?”
“Yeah, it’s beautiful babe. Where was this one?”
“Iceland,” I sighed.
“Oh, right.”
“It’s not looking good for the time being. Maybe in a few years, yeah?”
“Just gotta see how the election goes. I ain’t holding my breath.”
See, neither of us were U.S. citizens. We were what you call DACA recipients. Both of us had wound up in America via illegal means on behalf of our parents, back when we were kids. This was when we were too young to have any say in the matter. I can hardly remember my life before, my life back in Mexico. I grew up here, went to school here. Texas and America is the only home I’ve ever known. Gabriel, he was originally from Guatemala. His situation is more or less the same.
If we were to leave the country, then we might risk not being able to get back in. You could apply for eligibility to travel if you had special circumstances, but they didn’t allow travel for leisure. We didn’t even have passports. Until then, our dreams of traveling—something we both wanted to do—were just that: dreams.
There was a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel. Obama and that DREAM act, I’m sure you’ve heard of it. You know, the dreamers or whatever? That’s what they call us. I guess they call it that because it’s just a freaking fantasy that disappears at the slightest thing—the sunrise, your phone alarm—out of your grasp as soon as you start your day.
Anyways, I applied for the DREAM act, but it hasn’t been a guarantee. We’re all stuck in a sort of limbo, waiting for the people in Washington to figure out what the hell to do with us, using us as a bargaining chip.
Not Gabriel though, he didn’t apply for the act. Part of it was that he was bad about procrastinating. The other part was that he was paranoid about signing up. I told him that he was an idiot and if he blew his chance to become a legal permanent resident, then I wouldn’t follow him to Guatemala if he got deported. He told me that he didn’t trust the program, that once they had you in the system they could track you easier, keep tabs on you. Said he knew a guy that got deported this way. I told him that the guy must’ve gotten into some legal trouble, a DUI or something, to have been deported.
“We’re all just one slip up from some legal trouble. Hell, some people consider us illegal right now,” he had said.
It was hard to argue against that, I guess. At least he knew where he stood, didn’t have that false hope. Sometimes I think it’s the hope that gets you, makes things worse.
Gabriel frowned and handed the phone back to me, looked out the window and took a sip of his Coke. I suddenly felt bad and ungrateful. Here was this amazing man that had planned out an awesome road trip just for me and I was busy looking at other far off adventures, not appreciating what I had right in front of me, the moment I was living in right now.
I leaned forward and kissed him. "I don't care where I'm at as long as you're with me," I said and he smiled.
What I told him just then, it was true. That didn’t mean I was going to grow complacent and quit dreaming.
They did call us dreamers after all.
It was one of those giant truck stops, the kind that was a little smaller than a Wal-Mart or Target, but just barely. We filled up and paced around inside and looked at the aisles and aisles of candy, the funny toys and souvenirs, and the tacky t-shirts.
“Hey Yuvi, whaddaya say? It’s your size.” Gabriel asked, holding up a black t-shirt with glittery letters. “PROUD TRUCKER WIFE” it read.
“Only if you get that one,” I said, pointing at a T-shirt with a semi-truck on it that read “I JUST DROPPED A LOAD”.
“Eww,” Gabriel said, laughing.
We both wandered around on our own. They had a huge candy section and I was looking to see if they had any vero elotes candy. I had just found a bag on a bottom shelf when Gabriel came skipping up.
“We are so getting this,” he said, holding up a plastic CD case.
“What is it?”
“Best of the ‘90s. It’s got your song on there, see? ‘Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls.’ Can we get it? It’s only 3.99.”
“Ha, ok. But only if you buy me this,” I said, handing him the candy.
There was traffic from hell just south of Denton on account of construction and a car wreck or two. We were stop-and-go for what seemed like an hour. I was passenger side and Gabriel idled along.
“Ok. I think now’s the time to break out this bad boy,” Gabriel said as he started tearing at the plastic wrap around the CD case.
“I think this is the first time I’ve even used the CD player in this car.”
“Aw hell yeah,” Gabriel said as the first song started playing. “Gettin’ Jiggy With It.”
“Getting what, now?”
“It’s your boy, Will Smith. Y’know the Fresh Prince? Betcha didn’t know he had a little music career.”
“That guy from I Am Legend and Aladdin?”
Gabriel rolled his eyes. “I guess. His older work is much better.”
“Well I don’t know. You act like you're this old and wise millennial. You’re not that much older than me, y’know.”
“I’m telling ya, my Gen-X sister raised me on all of this stuff. I think she was Gen-X. I don’t know the damn cutoffs. Anyways, she babysat me a lot growing up while Mama was working and stuff. She cultured my little ass. Ooh, here it is!”
A new song started playing. I couldn’t help but laugh at how it started. “It sounds like porn music!”
“Nah, shhhh. Shhh.” Gabriel bobbed his head along to the beat.
The chorus started to worm it’s way into my head. The song was ok, I guess. I still can’t really listen to it to this day.
“You gotta listen to this dope rap coming up,” Gabriel said.
There was the sound of hissing and popping, wet logs burning in a fire. Whispers intermingled with the sound effects. One of the voices rose above the others and said “Listen!” harshly in Spanish, you know, “Escuchen! Escuchen!”, several times.
We both looked at each other with wide eyes. The traffic crept forward slowly and Gabriel kept his hands on the wheel and I kept mine in my lap and that’s when he started to talk. It was this happy sounding older guy, talking right there on my car’s speakers.
Gooood afternoon folks, Buck Hensley here with a special rush hour edition of “The Rules of the Road”. Hope ya’ll are doing alright out there while you’re idling on the clogged arteries of America’s highways and byways, breathing in those delicious exhaust fumes. I know that good ol’ Mother Earth likes to take a big fat rip of that stuff from time to time, although as of late she seems to be getting quite a contact high from that delicious Co2 and starting to feel the effects just a little too much.
And yet you all keep puff-puffing and passing, never slowing down. What with your jet planes and your driving and your travel and your neverending consumption and your cow farts and whatnot. All I’m saying is that you folks might wanna slow down a bit on that stuff, because I’ve seen the end results and all I can say is that they are hilarious. But I understand if you wanna keep on keeping on and having a good time. All I can say is smoke ‘em if you got ‘em.
Speaking of good times, that reminds me of today’s special “Rule of the Road”. You’re gonna want to listen to this one as it’s all about good times. Why that was Carla’s favorite sitcom for a spell there, “Good Times”. She’d watch reruns on into the night, the TV casting a pale glow that was kinda comforting across the bed, and I’d wake up to live studio laughter and her snoring softly beside me, the serene look of slumber on her face and the years I’d wasted.
Gabriel and I both looked at eachother. He shrugged and reached for the stereo. I shooed his hand away. I wanted to listen to it. The voice continued.
But I digress...well now, on to today’s “Rule of the Road”. If at any point during your journey you stop off for a pitstop or a potty break and you enter a public restroom to do your business, take note of the writing on the stalls. You might notice some graffiti that reads, “For a Good Time, Call” and then a phone number listed after it. If you do notice this, then take the number down for later use. Whenever you are in dire need of a good time, then give that number a call.
Now before you go off with a bee in your bonnet and tell me how you ain’t gonna call no sketchy phone number taken off a lady’s or men’s room wall, let me just tell you that this will be worth it. You can trust me. When has old Bucky ever let ya down?
I know what you’re gonna say next though, you’re gonna say, “Buck, I don’t ever call no numbers on my phone. I’m deathly afraid of voices on the other line. If I can’t text and send little emojis and the like, then forget it. If I can’t use an app to order Thai food or a pizza, then I go hungry that night. I haven’t even made an appointment to a doctor since I’ve lived with my parents. What if since we can’t see each other’s faces we start talking at the same time and we talk over each other and then say, ‘oops sorry, no you go ahead’ and then we both say it again at the same time and then we both start trying to talk again and then get stuck in some sort of infinite loop?”
And to that I say, “fair enough.” Don’t use the phone. The consequences of not following this rule are a little less dire than previous rules you may have heard. If you don’t follow this rule then you will simply miss out on a good time. That’s it. But you wouldn’t want to miss out on anything, would ya?
Welp. That’s all I’ve got on this fine late afternoon. May the wind be always at your back, your picnic basket full of snacks, and your cheese ever be pepper jack. Ya’ll stay sane out there. Stay symbiotic. Stay lonely. I'm Buck Hensley and these are "The Rules of the Road".
The voice instantly stopped and the song returned playing. Gabriel had a dumbfounded look on his face.
"What the hell?" he said and tried to rewind the CD.
"Umm, was that part of the song? Maybe a different version?"
"No way," he said and kept rewinding and playing the song over. The little skit that we heard never returned.
“Weird,” I said.
“Beats the heck out of me.”
“Maybe the CD is haunted. That was pretty spooky, y’know? That voice telling us to listen.”
“Maybe it was like a hidden track or something. They used to put those on CD’s back in the day. And this CD was pretty cheap and has all these songs on it. Could’ve been like a pirated deal.”
We weren’t really scared by the broadcast or whatever it was, just more confused. It was only looking back that we saw the importance of what we had heard and how from there our path seemed to be led a certain way.. At the time it was just this weird little thing, a funny little mystery that was forgettable for the time being.
We crept along for a while without incident, the traffic slowly gaining momentum. The music on the CD played on as usual and we heard no extra voices. The songs played like they were supposed to. Everything was fine.
Of course, outside of Gainesville, it hit me. I had been trying to ignore it and power through until we stopped for the night, but I had the sudden urge to pee. All that slow traffic and iced tea and a bottle of water must’ve caught up with me. This was intense. Usually I could hold it pretty good, but I had to get Gabriel to stop at the first exit we saw.
It was this gas station kind of off by itself and it was all dingy and old and faded and didn’t look the cleanest. Gabriel parked and my lower stomach and bladder ached as soon as I stood up and got out of the car. I burst into the place and made a beeline towards the restroom, over in the corner past the ATM and the glass fridges down a hall with burnt out fluorescent lights.
They were singles that you could lock, one for men and one for women. The floor was sticky and paper towels piled out of a trash can and a strip of toilet paper floated in a pool of standing water. A condom dispensing machine was on the wall opposite the toilet.
It wasn’t the worst public restroom I’d ever used and I didn’t have many options; I was literally about to piss myself. I would have to do the hover move over the toilet seat. No seat covers in a joint like this and I didn’t have time to prep it with toilet paper anything.
So I was doing my business, my thighs burning from the squat, and kind of laughing to myself at the condom dispenser machine with its brands like the “FRENCH TICKLER” and that’s when I saw it, the graffiti written in Sharpie, right there on the vending machine. It said, “For A Good Time, Call 9xx-XXX-XXXX [Redacted]”.
After I finished and had washed my hands, I snapped a pic of the graffiti. I figured Gabriel would get a kick out of it.
“You’re supposed to call it. That’s the rule,” Gabriel said when I showed him.
“I’m too nervous. You call. You heard it, too.”
“How many of those things do you even see? I’ve seen them all the time. I bet it’s just dudes pranking each other or fucking with their ex-girlfriends.”
“Well I found it in the ladies room, so hopefully it wasn’t dudes.”
“Okay, you enter it in your phone and I’ll dial. I’ll try to do a caller ID block or something. Let’s just see what happens.”
“Are you sure?”
“Eh come on. Maybe it’s fate.”
The Texas travel center appeared on the southbound side of the interstate and we were soon crossing the Red River on into Oklahoma as I transcribed the numbers from the picture to the keypad on my dialer.
A large casino came into view. It was ginormous with this sort of facade of all these famous buildings on its outside. I could see Big Ben and that Roman coliseum and all these other world architecture things. The casino just stretched on and on.
“Aw, not again,” Gabriel said.
I had just finished transposing the number into the phone. The crazy casino had distracted me. “What is it, babe?”
“Another jam.”
The traffic was veering into the right hand lane, but it was still moving at a decent clip, like 45 mph or something. After a mile of this, I could see a couple of highway patrol cars parked across the interstate, blocking both lanes of traffic. A state trooper stood out in the middle, waving a flashlight thing and directing traffic to take the exit. There was still about an hour of daylight left and you couldn’t even see the light. He was just using it as a baton. Somewhere off in the distance there was a thick wall of smoke filling the evening sky with this surreal haze.
“Wonder what’s going on?” I asked.
“Who knows? Grassfire, maybe.”
We followed the other cars and trucks down the exit ramp. Some turned right, some turned left.
“Right or left? Right or left?” Gabriel asked.
There seemed to be more cars turning left. Maybe they knew something we didn’t. But then, we would be stuck behind them and it was getting dark and we were already behind schedule. I wanted to get the hell out of the car.
“Um, right! Right,” I said, trying to pull up the GPS on my phone. It was lagging and my service had kicked over to 3G. “Freaking Verizon,” I muttered.
We drove down a highway past empty fields fenced off by barbed wire. There were houses and barns and oilfield pump jacks every so often, but not much else. No gas stations or a sign of a town or much else, really. After driving into all this nothingness for a while, my phone completely lost all signal. The cars around us thinned out and there was only a black SUV in front of us.
“Hey babe, I have no service and can’t pull up the GPS. Wanna turn back around?”
“Nah, let’s just keep going. We’ve come this far, yeah? We’ll hit a main road eventually, get some service.”
I sighed in response as he kept driving, let him know I didn’t approve.
“We’ll turn north soon, ok? All roads lead to Turner Falls.”
I checked my phone every fifteen seconds, looking for a signal.
“C’mon Gabe, we’re gonna get lost out here. Let’s just go back, follow the other cars or see if they’ve opened up the interstate again.”
“Look, this looks like a good road. We’ll cut north here and drive aways and then cut back west towards the interstate. It’s literally impossible to get lost out here. Just trying not to lose any more time.”
But it wasn’t so simple and the nervous feeling in my stomach was validated when the road we drove north on turned to gravel. The sun was long gone and our headlights cut a tunnel through the night as barbed wire whizzed by, separating us from pastures that were elevated above the road on grassy rises. I started to fear the worst, thinking of every horror movie I’d ever seen that had started out this way: the headstrong man refusing to admit that he was lost and didn’t know where he was going and the increasingly pissed off and worried girl that was with him.
Babe, please just turn around,” I pleaded.
“Ok, ok. Still no signal, eh?”
I looked down at my phone. Finally, there was one bar of service. “Yes! Hang on.”
“Oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” Gabriel said, his voice growing louder.
My stomach dropped as what appeared in the rear view mirror was just as scary as any sort of Freddy or Jason or Leatherface from the big screen.
Part 2
submitted by throwawayaracehorse to nosleep [link] [comments]

One year later, Jeffrey Epstein's death in a federal detention cell remains shrouded in mystery. Here are 7 key unanswered questions.

Paywall BusinessInsider.com | 10 Aug 2020
Last week, in a wide-ranging interview with Axios reporter Jonathan Swan, President Donald Trump returned to a topic he controversially broached a year ago: The question of whether the financier Jeffrey Epstein actually committed suicide while imprisoned at the Metropolitan Correctional Complex in New York City on August 10, 2019.
When Swan asked about his recent messages of support for Ghislaine Maxwell, who was arrested in July on charges connected to Epstein's alleged trafficking of minors, Trump expressed concerned for Maxwell's safety:
Trump: Her friend or boyfriend [Epstein] was either killed or committed suicide in jail. She's now in jail. Yeah, I wish you well, I'd wish you well, I'd wish a lot of people well. Good luck. Let them prove somebody was guilty.
Swan: So you're saying you hope she doesn't die in jail? Is that what you mean by 'wish her well'?
Trump: Well, her boyfriend died in jail and people are still trying to figure out, how did it happen? Was it suicide? Was he killed? And I do wish her well. I'm not looking for anything bad for her. I'm not looking bad for anybody. And they took that and made it such a big deal—
Swan: I mean, she's a alleged child sex trafficker.
Trump: But all it is is her boyfriend died. He died in jail. Was he killed? Was it suicide?
The case of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell has become a global cultural touchstone, so it isn't necessarily surprising that a large country's elected leader would publicly discuss it. But it is almost certainly unprecedented for an American president to openly speculate that an unknown party staged an infamous federal prisoner's suicide to conceal a murder.
Trump's remarks should erase any doubt about the president's ambivalence toward the official story of Epstein's death. They also underscore the larger story's grip on the minds and imaginations of Americans. Who, at this point, hasn't heard about Jeffrey Epstein?
A year after prison guards discovered an unresponsive Epstein kneeling on the floor of his cell, his death remains fundamentally unsettled. There are too many inconsistencies, too many missing records, too many unclear details. At the same time, the growing collection of evidence and literature is difficult to fully comprehend. Amazon sells more than 200 books about Epstein; his case has grown to include at least 24 civil lawsuits and three criminal prosecutions. It is unlikely that a single person could master the entire record.
To that end, Business Insider examined a series of discrepancies that complicate, and sometimes contradict, the official narrative of Epstein's death. Some are well-known, and others obscure. In isolation, none of them definitively prove how Epstein actually died. Taken together, however, they depict a truly anomalous event, one that may never be fully understood.
Discrepancy 1: The prison guards
Epstein's relationship with the prison guards assigned to patrol his cell block in the Special Housing Unit, or SHU, immediately came under scrutiny—in part because of the guards' failure to inspect Epstein's block at the required intervals, and in part because of evidence of prior communication, some of it hostile, between the guards and Epstein.
Those prison guards, Michael Thomas and Tova Noel, joined the MCC in 2007 and 2016, respectively. Their careers prior to August 2019 appear to have been unblemished.
Thomas' interactions with Epstein seem to have been fairly limited. He was one of the guards who responded to Epstein on July 23, when Epstein was found semi-conscious in his cell with bruising around his neck. Epstein reportedly told prison supervisors that his cellmate at the time, Nicholas Tartaglione, had assaulted him. Tartaglione has denied assaulting Epstein.
There isn't clear evidence that Thomas and Epstein exchanged more than a few words at all. Noel's history with Epstein is similarly sparse. One of her duties, according to a handwritten note later found in Epstein's cell, was delivering his meals.
On the night Epstein died, Thomas and Noel repeatedly logged patrol rounds without actually performing them, leaving the financier with zero supervision for approximately 10 hours and 40 minutes, according to court records.
Their behavior has not been fully explained. According to the federal indictment against them, Thomas and Noel browsed websites and took naps instead of patrolling the SHU in general and Epstein in particular. This stands out as the most egregious behavior, but the broader pattern is equally alarming.
For example: After prison officials deemed the July 23 incident an apparent suicide attempt, and transferred him to the SHU, protocol dictated that Epstein have a cellmate. That was initially true, after Epstein was placed on suicide watch, but after that expired, the prison transferred his cellmate elsewhere without replacing him. But Epstein was never supposed to lose his cellmate upon exiting suicide watch. Neither Thomas nor Noel have addressed this lapse in protocol.
Another example: Epstein had obtained access to implements with which he could harm himself. The fact that Epstein committed suicide is reason enough to wonder about the objects and tools to which he had access. The clearest example is a CPAP machine, which Epstein apparently used to treat sleep apnea. The device had a long cord and several feet of tubing, either of which could have been fashioned as a noose. With some modification, the cord could electrocute someone, too. Neither guard has addressed this, either.
A third example: Thomas and Noel did not preserve the evidentiary integrity of Epstein's cell, allowing others to enter and exit it without keeping track of who they were. This, again, clearly defied standard prison protocol. Neither has addressed this lapse.
Status: Noel and Thomas's criminal trial remains ongoing, with court proceedings delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Neither has testified.
Discrepancy 2: The visitor list
According to numerous news reports, Epstein met with a team of lawyers at MCC so frequently that he effectively monopolized an entire meeting room. While the identities of Epstein's legal team are no mystery, it's not precisely clear which attorneys visited their client in person.
Even less clear is whether Epstein met with anyone else. A week after Epstein died, several media outlets reported that he had repeatedly met, alone, with a young woman in one of the prison's visiting rooms. An attorney representing a different prisoner told Forbes he directly witnessed the pair enter one of the rooms on July 30, and speculated that she may worked for one of the firms representing Epstein.
This woman's identity, and the contents of her meetings with Epstein, remain a mystery. Epstein's former attorneys, and the prison itself, have repeatedly declined to answer questions about his visitors and other details of his prison stay.
Status: Unknown. Efforts to identify who exactly Epstein saw at the MCC have been fruitless, in part because the Bureau of Prisons has deflected questions about its protocol and because Epstein's attorneys do not respond to reporters' questions at all.
Discrepancy 3: The cell
At the time of his death, Epstein was housed in a prison cell in the wing known as 9 South, which contained one of the prison's two Special Housing Units. Photographs of the cell taken after prison officials removed Epstein's body depict an L-shaped room with slotted windows, accessed by a narrow hatch.
The conditions inside Epstein's cell at the time of his death are likely unknowable. The prison guards transported Epstein's body from the cell to a nearby hospital, and allowed other staffers to walk through and disturb the remaining objects within it. It is impossible to say, then, whether anything was removed from Epstein's cell or added after the fact.
The cell itself is still significant to the wider case, because it constrains the range of possible explanations. Despite the anomalous deletion of some security footage from the night of Epstein's death, it seems clear that nobody physically traversed the only door that accessed Epstein's block. Nor is there any evidence that someone accessed Epstein's cell via some other method, such as the cell's window.
This permits a handful of imaginable possibilities. The first, of course, is that Epstein did in fact commit suicide. A second possibility is that someone inside Epstein's cell block — e.g., another prisoner — escaped their own cell, infiltrated Epstein's, killed him, staged his remains to resemble a suicide, and returned to their cell, all without detection.
And then there's the third possibility: That Epstein was killed by an unknown third party, in a manner that investigators haven't determined or do not yet understand. This may sound outlandish, but the alternative was supposed to be impossible. The entire prison, and especially the SHU — from the layout of its cells to the construction of its beds to the fabric of its inmates' clothing — is designed in part to prevent self-harm in general and suicide in particular. Under those conditions, a suicide becomes definitionally suspicious.
Status: Unclear. The scene of Epstein's death was immediately disturbed by the prison guards and other responding personnel, and has almost certainly been cleaned up and reused for another prisoner. We may never know what Epstein's cell looked like at the time of his death.
Discrepancy 4: The handwritten note
Last year, 60 Minutes published several photos of Epstein's cell, including a close-up photograph of what appears to be a handwritten note composed by Epstein. The note reads:
[BLURRED OUT] kept me in a locked shower stall for 1 hr
Noel sent me burnt food.
Giant bugs crawling over my hands
The exact provenance and context of this letter is unclear, mainly because its presumed author is no longer living. 60 Minutes obtained a copy from an unnamed source, but it's unlikely that source knew much, either.
The contents of the letter are a different story. There are two key details worth discussing. The first is the blurred first word of the first line. 60 Minutes did not explain why this word, which appears to be the name of a prison staffer, is blurred out. Their source may have added the blurring before providing it to the program, or perhaps the program did so after the fact to protect the staffer's identity. The identity of this source has never been confirmed.
The second detail is the third line: "Giant bugs crawling over my hands." There are at least two ways to interpret these words. The first is the most straightforward: Epstein was complaining about large insects crawling over his hands. It is entirely plausible that this happened. The MCC, and especially 9 South, are notoriously infested with rodents and cockroaches, the latter of which are famous for their girth in New York City.
The second way is less straightforward, but still worth considering. The experience of giant bugs crawling over parts of one's body is commonly observed by people who consume certain mind-altering substances. Known as a "tactile hallucination," the particular effect of bugs crawling on (or under) one's skin is most frequently associated with methamphetamine and its variants, but can be induced by other hallucinogens, too.
The letter doesn't prove whether or not insects really crawled Epstein's hands. But it belongs to a larger pattern of inconsistent or unexplained behavior, beginning with the July 23 incident.
Remember that Epstein met with attorneys on a near-daily basis, and that he repeatedly expressed optimism about his chances in court. He never indicated, at least to his legal team, that he was inclined to injure himself. Remember, too, that Epstein apparently devised an ad-hoc system for paying other prisoners through the facility's commissary.
Epstein's apparent ability to bend the prison to his will is at least somewhat inconsistent with the syntax of the handwritten note, whose simplistic grammar and abbreviated vocabulary suggest its author wrote it under some kind of duress.
Status: Unclear. No official source, such Epstein's attorneys or federal prosecutors, have commented on the handwritten note, leaving its true meaning open to interpretation.
Discrepancy 5: The hyoid bone
Former New York City Medical Examiner Michael Baden, who was hired by Epstein's brother, has repeatedly alleged that the fracture pattern of Epstein's hyoid bone is more suggestive of strangulation than suicide.
The hyoid is a U-shaped bone situated below and behind the human chin. It is forensically significant because its fracture is much more commonly associated with being strangled that it is with committing suicide by hanging. Still, it is not unheard-of for victims of suicide to exhibit fractured hyoids, which limits the bone's explanatory power.
Epstein's hyoid bone has come to represent a collection of apparent inconsistencies with Epstein's physical remains. Skeptics have pointed out, for example, that the fabric noose Epstein purportedly used to hang himself had no apparent blood stains, despite his neck showing visible lacerations where the noose cut into his skin. They have also pointed out that Epstein had access to more efficient means of self-strangulation, such as the cord of his CPAP machine.
What the hyoid bone doesn't explain, though, is how a hypothetical killer would have accessed Epstein's cell in the first place.
Status: Unknown. The hyoid bone is significant only if someone actually entered Epstein's cell. Because there is no evidence for such an intrusion, its significance is minimal.
Discrepancy 6: The missing security footage
One of the strangest and most unexplainable aspects of Epstein's death is the apparent malfunctioning of two security cameras that were positioned outside of his cell, which meant that hours of footage from August 9-10 were somehow deleted.
This facet of the Epstein case is somewhat confusing, because prison officials actually lost two sets of footage: Footage from the day of his apparent suicide attempt on July 23, and footage from the night of his death on August 10. Federal officials eventually recovered the first set of footage, but never recovered the second set.
What's also confusing is the method of failure. Precise explanations for the surveillance system's deletion of Epstein-related footage are difficult to come by. It remains unclear, for instance, whether the footage could have been intentionally deleted, and if so, who had the access to do so. It is equally unclear whether other footage from the same night went missing, too.
Status: The second tranche of footage appears to be gone forever. More details may emerge, though, in the criminal trial of the prison guards.
Discrepancy 7: The motive
Journalists have theorized about likely suspects, focusing on his famous acquaintances, rumored clients, and people he had allegedly blackmailed. The idea, it seems, is that some of these individuals must have feared that Epstein would offer them up to prosecutors in order to mitigate his own punishment.
But we can constrain the potential list of subjects in other ways, too. If Epstein was murdered, the responsible party must have had the motive, the willingness, and the ability to do so. Very few people have all three. The motive is simple enough: It's not hard to think of people who may have wanted him dead because they feared Epstein would divulge sensitive or damaging information to prosecutors.
Willingness is relatively straightforward, too. Of those known to have some relationship with Epstein, who would be willing to kill someone, either with their own hands or by hiring a professional assassin? The list of people tied to Epstein who have ordered assassinations, or personally participated in assassinate plots, is surprisingly deep. It includes Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, and Ehud Barak.
While it's certainly possible that Trump, Clinton, or Barak secretly wished Epstein would disappear, they are constrained by the third and final criteria: the ability to actually carry out an assassination.
Penetrating the security defenses of a federal correctional facility in New York City, without leaving any literal or metaphorical fingerprints, would likely require the logistical and financial resources of a sovereign government. And that government would need to be comfortable with both the act of killing and the risk of getting caught.
There is one person who has been connected to Epstein who has the resources of a state at his disposal and has a history of ordering assassinations. His name doesn't appear in Epstein's little black book or show up on his flight flogs, nor has he been photographed with him or Ghislaine Maxwell. In fact, there is very little documentary evidence of his relationship with Epstein beyond the retellings of a handful of journalists.
That individual is Mohammed bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. He allegedly had an open line of communication with Epstein. In August 2018, a New York Times reporter encountered a portrait of M.B.S., as the prince is commonly known, hanging on a wall in Epstein's Upper East Side mansion: "The crown prince had visited him many times, and they spoke often, Mr. Epstein said." Another journalist later described seeing "photos of Epstein with Saudi prince Mohammed bin Salman and Emirate prince Mohammed bin Zayed, some in beachwear and with snorkel gear," at the same mansion.
As Insider has reported, Epstein's private jet travelled to Riyadh on the eve of Donald Trump's election in 2016, at a time when M.B.S. was also in the city. According to prosecutors, a forged Austrian passport found in Epstein's safe indicated a residence in Saudi Arabia and had been used to travel to the country in the past.
While certain specifics remain disputed, the Central Intelligence Agency has reportedly concluded that M.B.S. ordered the gruesome assassination of Washington Post columnist and Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi in November 2018, when Saudi agents lured him to the country's consulate in Istanbul, detained him, carved his body up with a bone saw, and dissolved his remains in a bath of acid.
Khashoggi's murder drew global outrage, and seriously damaged the Saudi kingdom's standing on the international stage, where the country's royal family has long sought a higher profile. While we can never know what lessons M.B.S. drew from the Khashoggi case, it seems reasonable to assume that it did not deter him from the practice of assassination altogether. But it may have deterred him from conducting future murders in such a public, obvious way.
The precise nature of M.B.S.'s relationship with Epstein — friends? business partners? something else? — remains unkown. The Saudi government declined opportunities to clarify the record.
Status: Unknown. Saudi Arabia has so far declined to comment on M.B.S.'s relationship with Epstein, which Epstein clearly characterized as a warm and close one.
When the Epstein case finally concludes, and new revelations and connections come to an end, it will be possible to write something comprehensive about its proceedings. At the moment, however, trying to report on Epstein can feel like trying to navigate a choppy sea with a drinking cup. If this article achieves anything, it will be to activate the memories and imaginations of its readers, for the purpose of solving a seemingly unsolvable case.
nb: some links within the article may be paywalled. Ehud Barak's name (alongside Trump & Clinton above) seems to try and link to a non-existent wiki page.
submitted by Leather_Term to Epstein [link] [comments]

Pooka (Gamma)

Personal Information

Name: Pooka
Birthday: February 1, 2020
Tier: Gamma
Previous RTs: Alpha, Bravo
Alignment: Neutral
Appearance: Pooka stands three feet tall, with a prehensile feline tail of the same length. Its body is covered in short white fur, and it has digitigrade legs and long arms that end in five-fingered hands. Two large, mobile ears sit on top of its head, and it has a short, blunt snout. Its face is dominated by two large eyes with dilated pupils, which can be moved independently and are set at angles that give Pooka a 250° maximum field of view.
Background: Pooka was "born" in the Library of Congress during the White Event, mystical energy coalescing to draw them from the void. Since then, it has been living unseen within the Library and using it as its base of operations.
Skills: Pooka can read, write, and understand English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, Arabic, and Russian. It has an unpowered reading speed of 1,000 words per minute; has a surface-level knowledge of most subjects and more detailed knowledge of computers and technological systems; can type at 400 words per minute; and has hyperphantasia. Pooka is extremely good at logic and spatial reasoning puzzles.


Manaform: Pooka is made of mana. It has no mass: anyone can pick it up and throw it with as much ease as a feather; even the most precarious of footholds can support them; and it has no terminal velocity and takes no fall damage. It doesn't need food, water, air, or sleep; is unaffected by heat and cold; and cannot be targeted by telekinesis. Any matter it consumes is annihilated. Anti-magic fields double its reaction time and increase its recovery interval to infinity, and counterspells strike it like tank-level blows. Pooka can see mana and spells.
Pooka can run at up to 100 mph and stick to walls and ceilings, has a combat speed of 125 mph and 20 millisecond reactions, and can lift up to 300 pounds and manipulate it with ease. It has no vital organs and can survive so long as more than 50% of its body remains in one piece, recovering over the course of a week.
Pooka can change shape into any creature between a mouse and an elephant in size. This change takes two milliseconds and is purely cosmetic; Pooka retains the same coloration, weight, strength, and speed as in its normal form. When in another creature's shape, Pooka can make any sounds it can make and make use of any senses it possesses.
Omniglot: Pooka can understand anything being said by a person that understands what they are saying. It can speak by pushing ideas and impressions into the minds of people it can see within 100 meters.
Compound Mind: Pooka has a perfect memory and can give its full attention to each of up to 60 simultaneous trains of thought. It has superhuman pattern recognition and reasoning abilities.
Invisible Hand: Each of Pooka's minds can telekinetically lift and manipulate an object or group of objects, weighing up to ten pounds and within both 20 meters and line of sight, with as much speed and dexterity as Pooka could manually. Objects weighing more than ten pounds can be manipulated with up to ten pounds of force.
Distorted Lens: Once per reaction time, each of Pooka's minds can overwrite the sensory input of a person in their line of sight or currently under this effect with sensory data from a scene of Pooka's choosing. This scene is rendered for the target as if it were real, accounting for additional senses, and lasts for one of their reaction times or for 250 milliseconds with their awareness and consent. Pooka gets access to the replaced sensory input. A tank-level blow or stagger-level pain against a non-consenting target will dispel the illusory scene and keep them from being targeted by it again for one second. No person can be targeted by this ability more than once per reaction time.
Wellspring: Magic users touching Pooka can deal Pooka a tank-level blow instead of consuming mana or a spell slot to cast spells, and Pooka can draw from its own body to cast magic in the same way. Unless stated otherwise, Pooka's spells can be cast on objects within both 100 meters and line of sight and lasting spells can be cast on objects currently under their effect.
Name Effect Cost
Animate For the next ten seconds, grants an inanimate object a soul, causing powers and effects to treat it as a living being. A soul can provide objects up to 5 MW of power. Unphased
Beat Creates a baseball-sized orb of mana and launches it at up to 250 mph. The orb strikes the first thing it touches for up to 5 kJ. Unphased
Enflame Engulfs up to one square meter of an object with flames that burn at up to 1,600°F and impart up to 125 kW/m2 up to that temperature. Flames last for half a second and can't be extinguished. Tank
Fission Splits a mind from Pooka's body and infuses it into a sigil or network of sigils on a single object. The mind shares Pooka's memories and, though incapable of casting spells, can use all of Pooka's other abilities on any clairvoyant volume bounded by the sigils it infuses. Destroying all such sigils kills the mind. It takes Pooka one hour to grow a replacement mind. Stagger
Scry Inscribes a sigil between five millimeters and a meter in size on an inanimate object, taking one second per MJ of that object's durability. Sigils last until they are broken, and Pooka maintains awareness of each sigil's location. Inscribing multiple sigils on an object grants Pooka clairvoyance of the volume bounded by the sigils. Clairvoyance counts as line of sight, with distance from the sigil counted as distance from Pooka. If an object with multiple sigils on it is broken into pieces, the sigils will remain connected as long as they are within 50 meters of each other. Stagger
Weld Fuses two touching, nonliving objects together at the points where they touch. Tank


Pooka has a laptop, a smartphone, $12,000 cash, and $150,000 in cryptocurrency. They also rent a small business space month to month under a fake name. The space has a gigabit internet connection, and Pooka has wired up a nest of twelve computers with monitors and input devices. Scrying sigils are placed in each corner of the room and in the hallway outside the door.


  • Can stand on falling leaves and walk on water.
  • Could throw a grown man 1,045 feet.
  • Edited two people out of each other's senses, leaving them unaware of one another even when they collided.
  • Can jump 159 feet straight up and 1,045 feet horizontally.
  • Prevented someone from feeling that they were drunk until they stumbled and hit their head.
  • Read Wikipedia.
  • Animated a camera and edited itself out of that camera's field of view.
  • Animated a computer to log a person's keystrokes and steal their password.
  • Solved a 7x7x7 Rubik's cube in under five seconds.
  • Lifted a washing machine with telekinesis from multiple minds working together.


Date Event
February 1, 2020 Is born at the Library of Congress.
Meets Nico Preston and Victoria Assad. Learns to read.
February 2, 2020 Meets Amanda Watkins. Learns about the internet.
March 2, 2020 Interacts with Sophia Little over email.
March 19, 2020 Acquires a laptop. Accidentally reveals itself to a hostile meta.
March 25, 2020 Meets Emily Booth and observes her magic.
April 2, 2020 Breaks a number of prisoners out of Folsom State Prison.
Early September, 2020 Steals information from a cartel leader. Interacts with Colette Du Froid.
Reveals the existence of magic to Amanda Watkins and connects her with Emily Booth.
November 7, 2020 Tails the mobster Arnie Kemp and learns the key code to his base of operations.
November 22, 2020 Contracts Ringer to infiltrate Arnie Kemp's base.
November 27, 2020 Works with Ringer to steal information and two prototype weapons from Arnie Kemp's base.
December 18, 2020 Acquires a business space in Washington, D.C.
Late January, 2021 Joins forces with a group of heroes to investigate a water park and rescue a hostage.
February 6, 2021 Successfully copies Emily Booth's Mana Push spell.
Late March, 2021 Assists Keegan Rockwell in obtaining a legal ID.
submitted by Whispersilk to Whispersilk [link] [comments]

Pooka (Bravo)

Personal Information

Name: Pooka
Birthday: February 1, 2020
Tier: Bravo
Previous RTs: Alpha
Alignment: Neutral
Appearance: Pooka stands three feet tall, with a prehensile feline tail of the same length. Their body is covered in short white fur, and they have digitigrade legs and long arms that end in five-fingered hands. Two large, mobile ears sit on top of their head, and they have a short, blunt snout. Their face is dominated by two large eyes with dilated pupils, which can be moved independently and are set at angles that give Pooka a 250° maximum field of view.
Background: Pooka was "born" in the Library of Congress during the White Event, mystical energy coalescing to draw them from the void. Since then, they have been living unseen within the Library and using it as their base of operations.
Skills: Pooka can read and write English, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese. It has an unpowered reading speed of 1,000 words per minute; has a surface-level knowledge of most subjects and more detailed knowledge of computers and technological systems; can type at 300 words per minute; and has hyperphantasia. Pooka is extremely good at logic and spatial reasoning puzzles.


Manaform: Pooka is made of mana. They have no mass: anyone can pick them up and throw them with as much ease as a feather; even the most precarious of footholds can support them; and they have no terminal velocity and take no fall damage. They don't need food, water, air, or sleep; are unaffected by heat and cold; and cannot be targeted by telekinesis. Any matter they consume is annihilated. Anti-magic fields double their reaction time and increase their recovery interval to infinity, and counterspells strike them like tank-level blows. Pooka can see mana and spells.
Pooka can run at up to 100 mph and stick to walls and ceilings, has a combat speed of 125 mph and 20 millisecond reactions, and can lift up to 300 pounds and manipulate it with ease. They have no vital organs and can survive so long as more than 50% of their body remains in one piece, recovering over the course of a week.
Pooka can change shape into any creature between a mouse and an elephant in size. This change takes five milliseconds and is purely cosmetic; Pooka retains the same coloration, weight, strength, and speed as in their normal form.
Omniglot: Pooka can understand anything being said by a person that understands what they are saying. They can speak by pushing ideas and impressions into the minds of people they can see within 100 meters.
Compound Mind: Pooka has a perfect memory and can give their full attention to each of up to 30 simultaneous trains of thought. They have superhuman pattern recognition and reasoning abilities.
Invisible Hand: Each of Pooka's minds can telekinetically lift and manipulate an object or group of objects, weighing up to ten pounds and within both 20 meters and line of sight, with as much speed and dexterity as Pooka could manually. Objects weighing more than ten pounds can be manipulated with up to ten pounds of force.
Distorted Lens: Once per reaction time, each of Pooka's minds can overwrite the sensory input of a person in their line of sight or currently under this effect with sensory data from a scene of Pooka's choosing. This scene is rendered for the target as if it were real, accounting for additional senses, and lasts for one of their reaction times or for 250 milliseconds with their awareness and consent. Pooka gets access to the replaced sensory input. A tank-level blow or stagger-level pain against a non-consenting target will dispel the illusory scene and keep them from being targeted by it again for one second. No person can be targeted by this ability more than once per reaction time.
Wellspring: Magic users touching Pooka can deal Pooka a tank-level blow instead of consuming mana or a spell slot to cast spells, and Pooka can draw from its own body to cast magic in the same way. Unless stated otherwise, Pooka's spells can be cast on objects within both 100 meters and line of sight and lasting spells can be cast on objects currently under their effect.
Name Effect Cost
Animate For the next ten seconds, grants an inanimate object a soul, causing powers and effects to treat it as a living being. Tank
Beat Creates a baseball-sized orb of mana and launches it at up to 250 mph. The orb strikes the first thing it touches for up to 5 kJ. Tank
Enflame Engulfs up to one square meter of an object with flames that burn at up to 1,600°F and impart up to 125 kW/m2 up to that temperature. Flames last for half a second and can't be extinguished. Tank
Scry Inscribes a sigil between a centimeter and a meter in size on an inanimate object, taking one second per MJ of that object's durability. Sigils last until they are broken, and Pooka maintains awareness of each sigil's location. Inscribing multiple sigils on an object grants Pooka clairvoyance of the volume bounded by the sigils. Clairvoyance counts as line of sight, with distance from the sigil counted as distance from Pooka. Stagger


Pooka has a laptop, a smartphone, $12,000 cash, and $150,000 in cryptocurrency. They also rent a small business space month to month under a fake name. The space has a gigabit internet connection, and Pooka has wired up a nest of twelve computers with monitors and input devices. Scrying sigils are placed in each corner of the room and in the hallway outside the door.


  • Can stand on falling leaves and walk on water.
  • Could throw a grown man 1,045 feet.
  • Edited two people out of each other's senses, leaving them unaware of one another even when they collided.
  • Can jump 159 feet straight up and 1,045 feet horizontally.
  • Prevented someone from feeling that they were drunk until they stumbled and hit their head.
  • Read Wikipedia.
  • Animated a camera and edited itself out of that camera's field of view.
  • Animated a computer to log a person's keystrokes and steal their password.
  • Solved a 7x7x7 Rubik's cube in under five seconds.
  • Lifted a washing machine with telekinesis from multiple minds working together.


Date Event
February 1, 2020 Is born at the Library of Congress.
Meets Nico Preston and Victoria Assad. Learns to read.
February 2, 2020 Meets Amanda Watkins. Learns about the internet.
March 2, 2020 Interacts with Sophia Little over email.
March 19, 2020 Acquires a laptop. Accidentally reveals itself to a hostile meta.
March 25, 2020 Meets Emily Booth and observes her magic.
April 2, 2020 Breaks a number of prisoners out of Folsom State Prison.
Early September, 2020 Steals information from a cartel leader. Interacts with Colette Du Froid.
Reveals the existence of magic to Amanda Watkins and connects her with Emily Booth.
November 7, 2020 Tails the mobster Arnie Kemp and learns the key code to his base of operations.
November 22, 2020 Contracts Ringer to infiltrate Arnie Kemp's base.
November 27, 2020 Works with Ringer to steal information and two prototype weapons from Arnie Kemp's base.
December 18, 2020 Acquires a business space in Washington, D.C.
Late January, 2021 Joins forces with a group of heroes to investigate a water park and rescue a hostage.
February 6, 2021 Successfully copies Emily Booth's Mana Push spell.
Late March, 2021 Assists Keegan Rockwell in obtaining a legal ID.
submitted by Whispersilk to WWWVerse [link] [comments]

Work concerns

I hope this post suits this sub reddit
I am 28(F) and now a second time poster. Deleted this post from different sub reddit because I realized it didn't suit that sub reddit.
I have multiple concerns about my work place. I work at a Casino Resort in Washington on an Indian reservation(in the United States). Because my work place is on an Indian reservation I'm not sure how much they are able to get away with legally, if any of its illegal or if my concerns are completely unfounded.
I am a Slot Attendant but because of Covid I'm also expected to be security and housekeeping. We do not have enough security officers or housekeepers. We do have a mask policy, but it has basically rendered useless by our exceptions. As long as you have a cigarette out or a drink, then you are able to have your face cover off. So people constantly keep on relighting cigarettes and constantly have it hang out of their mouths. Constantly walk around and having the mask off using these excuses and I can't do anything about it because of the exceptions in the policy, but they somehow want me to enforce it. I can't do it. Also our slot department follows the policy differently from security. Meaning security and the slot department have different rules concerning the guest mask policy. What kind of nonsense are they spouting sigh. Am I crazy thinking the rules shouldn't vary? I also got in trouble for pointing at my own nose while trying to enforce this monstrosity because guests complained.
They also want me to constantly carry cleaning wipes in a baggy and clean continuously without exception. Concerning these times I understand that they want us to clean, but the amount of cleaning they want from us is excessive. It's absolutely impossible for us Slot Attendants to accomplish what they are asking. They are really nitpicky. I personally carry the wipes in my pouch because it is painful to for my fingers. They want us to personally carry it for hours even though I have an alternative that causes me no pain. The fumes on these wipes are also really strong. It gives me massive headaches and nausea. I now wring most of the liquid into the garbage because I can't continue cleaning otherwise. This still affects me though. They want us to clean constantly with these wipes that make us sick. Another Attendant complained and was told to 'suck it up'.
Apparently cleaning is so important to them, but they are not helping us and force it onto us. Slot Attendants are not housekeepers or security officers. We do not have authority and attending to guests and continuously cleaning are completely incompatible. We are expected to do 3 different positions at the same time.
While cleaning we are only wearing our mask and gloves. Are we even following cleaning safety protocols? The cleaning solution is 70% Isopropyl Alcohol. Are they aloud to force so much onto our workload that is completely outside of our job description?
Other concerns would be that the water had turned yellow multiple times during me working there. The same water is used for sinks, toilets and soda machines. During these times they still gave soda to guests and employees. A previous employee told me that she found eggs in the soda despencer. Another employee told me that the oil used to cook for employees is barely changed. When someone was attacked in our own parking lot nobody told us. I found out because of a guest. Lastly, one of the housekeepers caught Covid and I would have never known if it wasn't for the fact that it was a relative of someone I know at work.
I make around $10 dollars currently and tips. We are all getting cut hours and now they will also give part of our tips to supervisors and techs. Is this an industry standard? This is a major cut for us. The supervisors and techs are also able to work overtime while we are not. So they are basically getting a raise with no added responsibilities while us Attendants are given an overwhelming amount of responsibilities and a pay cut.
Sorry for this dump of complaints and concerns. Are my worries warranted? If any questions I'm willing to answer. Also sorry for any writing errors. Please be kind.
submitted by AnjeDarling to legaladvice [link] [comments]

/r/Numismatology currency of the month September 2019, The U.S Dollar Coin

Dollar coins have been minted in the United States in gold, silver, and base metal versions. Dollar coins were first minted in the United States in 1794.

Flowing Hair Dollar

Designer Robert Scot Edge Lettered: HUNDRED CENTS ONE DOLLAR OR UNIT Diameter 40.0mm Weight 27.0 grams Metal 90% Silver, 10% Copper
The Flowing Hair design appeared on the first United States Silver Dollars in 1794, but only lasted until sometime in 1795, when it was replaced with the Draped Bust design. The 1794 Silver Dollar is a rare coin, represented by approximately 150-200 survivors. The 1795 Silver Dollar is much more common, but the demand from type collectors keeps the prices high.

Draped Bust Dollar

Designer Robert Scot Edge Lettered: HUNDRED CENTS ONE DOLLAR OR UNIT Diameter 40.0mm Weight 27.0 grams Metal 90% Silver, 10% Copper
The 1795 Draped Bust dollar represents the initial appearance of this design in American coinage. In the silver dollar series the obverse motif was continued through pieces dated 1804 (business strikes were last made in 1803, however), while the reverse motif was employed only through early 1798. The obverse features a portrait of Liberty as just described, with LIBERTY above, the date below and eight stars to the left and seven to the right. Varieties also exist which show 16 stars, as well as 13. The reverse shows a “small” eagle perched on a cloud within an open wreath. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA surrounds.
Among early silver dollars, the Draped Bust obverse combined with the Small Eagle reverse may be the scarcest type. Among the four dates, 1795-1798, while 1797 is the lowest mintage, prices for all four are roughly the same. Specimens exist in all grades, with those most frequently encountered apt to be in Very Good to Very Fine preservation. Extremely Fine and About Uncirculated pieces are obviously scarcer, and an Uncirculated specimen is a prime rarity. Examples often show parallel mint-caused adjustment marks. As these coins were produced strictly for utilitarian purposes, no attention was paid to striking them carefully.
The Heraldic Eagle type continues the Draped Bust obverse as preceding, except that the stars have been standardized to seven left and six right, the only exception being a scarce variety of 1799 with eight left and five right. The reverse is similar to that used on the dime of the year and is adapted from the Great Seal of the United States.
Large Eagle Bust dollars were minted from 1798 through 1803. In later years, “restrike” pieces were produced dated 1804 as were Proof restrikes from new dies bearing the dates 1801, 1802 and 1803. Among business strikes, examples most often encountered are apt to be dated 1798 or 1799. Those dated 1800 are scarcer, while those dated from 1801 to 1803 are considerably scarcer, although they are not rarities. Dozens of varieties exist, and are listed in a work by M. H. Bolender.

Liberty Seated Dollar

Designer Christian Gobrecht Edge Reeded Diameter 38.1 mm Weight 26.73 grams Metal 90% Silver, 10% Copper
Following the production of an illustrious series of Liberty Seated pattern dollars in 1836, 1838 and 1839, the Liberty Seated style was first produced for large-scale circulating coinage in 1840. From then through 1865, coinage of the “No Motto” reverse type was continuous.
The design parallels that of other Liberty Seated issues, with Miss Liberty seated on a rock, holder in her left hand a liberty cap on a pole and with her right hand holding a shield inscribed LIBERTY. Thirteen stars are above, and the date is below. The reverse shows an eagle perched on an olive branch and holding three arrows, with UNITED STATES OF AMERICA above and ONE DOL. below.
Within the 1840-1865 span there are a number of scarce and rare issues, with 1851, 1852 and 1858 designated as major rarities. Commoner issues are readily available in grades from Very Good through Extremely Fine, with most survivors being in Fine to Very fine grade. As silver dollars were not circulated as extensively as other denominations, few are seen in grades below Very Good. AU coins are available as are Uncirculated pieces, particularly 1859-O and 1860-O in the latter category (survivors from a small group of coins which came to light during the Treasury release of 1962). Superb Uncirculated pieces are rarities.
Proofs were first distributed to collectors in 1858 and are available from that date through 1865, although scattered earlier issues occasionally come on the market.
The Liberty Seated dollar design was modified in 1866 by the addition of the motto IN GOD WE TRUST on the ribbon or scroll above the eagle on the reverse. Otherwise the design is the same as that which had been in use since 1840. The With Motto type continued in use through 1873.
The glory days of the silver dollar denomination were yet to come, and mintages were low in comparison to what would happen with the Morgan silver dollar beginning in 1878. The only “common” Liberty Seated dollars in this range are the 1871 and 1872, and even they are scarce in relation to later issues. The 1870-S is one of the legendary rarities in U.S. numismatics, with only about a dozen pieces known. The few Carson City issues (1870-1873) are also quite tough, with miniscule original mintages.
As Liberty Seated silver dollars did not circulate as actively as smaller denominations, pieces in well-worn grades such as Good and Very Good are much scarcer (though no more desirable or expensive) than coins in Fine to Very Fine grade, the latter being the conditions typically seen. Extremely Fine and AU pieces are available, with Uncirculated pieces being somewhat scarcer, though by no means rare. Superb Uncirculated pieces are fairly rare. Proofs were made of all Philadelphia Mint issues, and exist today in proportion to their original mintages.

Trade Dollar

Designer William Barber Edge Reeded Diameter 38.1 mm Weight 27.2 grams Metal 90% Silver, 10% Copper
The Trade dollar was first minted in 1873 in response to the need for a coin to compete with the Mexican “dollar” (actually the 8 Reale or Peso) in the Orient. Weighing 420 grains, or slightly heavier (1.8%) than a standard silver dollar, the Trade dollar was intended for export only. Despite this, they were legal tender in the United States until 1876, at which time Congress revoked their status. Quantity production continued through 1878, after which point only token quantities were made for proof sets through 1883 (the few pieces dated 1884 and 1885 are of dubious origin). In 1887, the law authorizing the Trade dollar was repealed, and the treasury officially redeemed all un-mutilated pieces.
The obverse depicts Miss Liberty seated on a bale of merchandise, her right hand holding a branch, her left hand holding a ribbon inscribed “LIBERTY, a sheaf of wheat behind, and the sea in front. IN GOD WE TRUST appears at the bottom just above the date. Stars surround the upper portion. The reverse depicts an eagle holding three arrows and a branch, with E PLURBUS UNUM on a ribbon above, 420 GRAINS, 900 FINE, below. The inscription UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and TRADE DOLLAR surrounds.
The numismatist today can readily secure a trade dollar in grades from Fine through AU. Some pieces display chopmarks, consisting of Oriental characters impressed by bankers and merchants when the pieces circulated in the Orient. Except for the ultra-rare Proofs of 1884 and 1885, most dates are available, although a good portion of the 1878-CC’s were melted shortly after they were struck, making them elusive today. Uncirculated coins are scarce, and superb Uncirculated pieces are rare. Proofs exist in proportion to their original mintages and are primarily available from the years 1879 through 1883.

Morgan Dollar

Designer George T. Morgan Edge Reeded Diameter 38.1 mm Weight 27.2 grams Metal 90% Silver, 10% Copper
The Coinage Act of 1873 demonetized silver, leading to the demise of the silver dollar. Although Trade dollars were produced from 1873-1878, they were meant for circulation overseas and were not legal tender in America. In response to the sour economic condition that persisted through much of the 1870's, and as a sop to Western suppliers of silver, Congress passed the Bland-Allison Act in 1878. The Act required the U.S. government to purchase large quantities of silver and turn it into silver dollars. Thus, the dollar denomination was restored once again in the form of the Morgan dollar. Named after its designer, George T. Morgan, the Morgan dollar is one of the most popular of all American coins. It's large size, abundant supply, and pleasing appearance make it both affordable and desirable.
Morgan Dollars were struck without interruption from 1878-1904, then again in 1921. U.S. Mints that produced Morgan Dollars include Philadelphia, New Orleans, San Francisco, Denver, and Carson City. Mintmarks for all mints except Philadelphia were placed on the reverse of the coins just beneath the ribbon bow of the wreath.
Key dates in this series include 1889-CC, 1893-S, and 1895 (Proof only). Other dates (such as 1895-O) are considered condition-rarities (common in low grade but extremely rare in high grade).
Silver Dollars were once the mainstay of Las Vegas casinos, where they were used in slot machines and other gaming devices. Once silver prices advanced beyond the face value of the coins, the casinos converted over to chips and tokens.
Some of the popularity of Silver Dollars can be attributed to three watershed events: 1) the sale of the Redfield hoard in the 1970s; 2) the GSA sales of the 1980's; and 3) the Continental-Illinois Bank Hoard of the 1980s. The Redfield hoard consisted of hundreds of bags of silver dollars, most Uncirculated and include a wide range of dates, most from the San Francisco Mint. The GSA sales consisted of millions of Carson City mint silver dollars discovered in Treasury vaults in the 1970s, apparently of coins that had never circulated. The Continental-Illinois Bank Hoard was even larger than the Redfield hoard and the overall quality exceeded that of both the Redfield and GSA hoards.
Popular collecting methods include high-grade date sets, complete sets from low to high grade, and by VAM varieties. VAM (the acronym for Van Allen-Mallis) refers to a set of Morgan Dollar varieties, some of which are insignificant and other important varieties that can be identified at arm's length.

Peace Dollar

Designer Anthony de Francisci Edge Reeded Diameter 38.1 mm Weight 26.73 grams Metal 90% Silver, 10% Copper
The so-called Peace silver dollar, designed by Anthony DeFrancisci, was first produced in December 1921 following a large mintage of Morgan dollars that same year. The idea for a coin to commemorate the peace following World War I came from Farran Zerbe, former President of the ANA from 1908 to 1910 and active promoter of numismatics, particularly during the first quarter of the 20th century.
The Peace dollar depicts the obverse of Miss Liberty, facing left, wearing a diadem of spikes (in somewhat similar style to that seen on the Statue of Liberty). LIBERTY is above, while IN GOD WE TRUST and the date are below. The reverse shows an eagle perched on a rock, with a laurel branch, and with PEACE inscribed below. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and EPLURIBUS UNUM are above, while ONE DOLLAR is to be seen just below the center. Rays of an unseen sun emanate from the lower right.
Issues of 1921, and a few pieces dated 1922, are in high relief, although collectors have not necessarily differentiated this as a distinct design. It was found that the high relief cause problems in having the pieces strike up properly, so in 1922 the motifs were redone to a shallower format, a style continued through 1935. Mintage of Peace silver dollars was continuous from 1921 through 1928 and again in 1934 and 1935. In 1964, the Denver Mint struck 316,076 Peace Dollars but, before they were released into circulation, all of the coins were destroyed. A few may have been purchased or "taken" by Mint employees and rumors persist of this coin's existence. However, for fear of confiscation by Treasury officials, none have yet appeared on the market. Were it legal to own, the 1964-D Peace Dollar would become one of the most valuable of all United States coins.
While there are no extreme rarities in the rather short-lived Peace dollar series, the 1928-P is the key date, commanding a good price even in well-circulated grades. Most of the San Francisco issues are tough in top uncirculated grades, particularly the 1927-S and 1928-S as well as the 1924-S and 1934-S. Specimens of the common issues from 1921 through 1925 are readily obtainable in various grades from Very Fine through Uncirculated. Sharply struck Uncirculated pieces with full luster and with a minimum of marks are quite scarce.

Ike Dollar

Designer Frank Gasparro / Michael Collins & James Cooper Edge Reeded Diameter 38.5 mm Weight 22.7 grams Metal 75% Copper, 25% Nickel.
In 1970, Congress passed legislation authorizing a new one dollar coin to commemorate both the death of General Dwight David Eisenhower and man's first landing on the moon (on July 20, 1969). The obverse features a bust of Eisenhower facing left; the reverse copies the insignia of the Apollo 11 mission, minus the name of the mission. "Ike" dollars made for circulation were of a cupro-nickel composition. Special Uncirculated and Proof versions containing 40% silver were struck and sold at a premium to collectors. A new design was created to celebrate the 1976 Bicentennial of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
The 1976 Bicentennial coins can be found in two different variations. Variety 1 features a low relief design with thick, bold, non-serifed lettering. Variety 2 features a stronger design, with lettering that has serifs, is thinner and more delicate, yet higher in relief. The most obvious difference can be seen on the second S of STATES, where on Variety 1, the bottom tail of the S is considerably higher than the lowest bar of the E. On Variety 1, the peaks of the M in AMERICA come to sharp points.

Susan B. Anthony Dollar

Designer Frank Gasparro Edge Reeded Diameter 26.5 mm Weight 8.1 grams Metal 75% Copper, 25% Nickel.
By 1979, half dollars were rarely seen in circulation. The proliferation of vending machines, arcade machines and other coin-operated devices, most of which dispensed goods or services worth more than a quarter dollar (the highest denomination coin in general circulation at the time) prompted a call for a convenient coin of high value, while a Treasury-sponsored study showed that a metallic dollar had a useful life in circulation of 16 years or more, as compared to only 18 months for a paper dollar. Thus, the new small-diameter dollar was conceived. Frank Gasparro produced the designs.
The obverse depicts suffragette Susan B. Anthony facing to the right, with stars to the left and right and with IN GOD WE TRUST near the right border. LIBERTY is above and the date is below. The reverse is an adaptation of the motif first used on the 1971 Eisenhower dollar and consists of an eagle landing on the moon, with the earth and E PLURIBUS UNUM above and the inscription UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ONE DOLLAR surrounding.
From the outset, the public confused the small-diameter dollars with the quarter dollars in circulation, much as they did with the twenty cent piece about 100 years earlier. Vending machines were slow to adopt, or did not make provisions to take the new dollar coin, and most cash registers did not have a “bin” in the change drawer for the additional coin. As a result, public resentment was high and the Anthony dollar was unpopular. Mintage was suspended in 1981 after about 860 million were made, the vast majority of these being 1979s. After an 18-year hiatus, an additional 40 million pieces were struck in 1999.

Sacagawea Dollar

Designer Glenna Goodacre / Thomas D. Rogers Sr. Edge Plain / Lettered Diameter 26.5 mm Weight 8.1 grams Metal 88.5% Copper, 6% Zinc, 3.5% Manganese and 2% Nickel
The Coinage Act of 1997 called for a new dollar coin of the same size and weight as the Susan B. Anthony dollar, but with a golden color and a plain edge. After a national competition, a new design was chosen featuring a portrait of the Shoshone Indian, Sacagawea, carrying her infant son, Jean-Baptiste (or "Pomp"). The coin was heavily promoted and nearly three-quarters of a billion Sacagawea dollars were struck for circulation. After an initial wave of enthusiasm, demand for the dollar coins dropped and mintages fell to 5-6 million coins per year from 2002 on. Despite intense marketing efforts, Sacagawea dollars are seldom seen outside of collecting circles and are mostly viewed as curiosities or annoyances by the general public.
39 Proof 2000-W Sacagawea Dollar coins were struck in 22 Karat gold at the West Point Mint in June 1999. 27 were melted and the remaining dozen examples were sent to space aboard the space shuttle Columbia, returning to earth five days later on July 22, 1999. Thereafter, the coins were stored in a vault at the Mint Headquarters in Washington, DC. One coin was displayed at a private congressional dinner on or about August 5, 1999. One coin was displayed at the Philadelphia Mint during the first-strike ceremonies for the 2000-P Sacagawea circulation strike coins on November 18, 1999. Sometime in August or September 2001, the dozen Proofs were sent to the Gold Bullion Depository in Fort Knox, Kentucky.
The dies for the Gold Proofs were prepared with Thomas D. Rogers, Sr.'s original reverse design featuring 12 tail feathers. Circulation strikes from other mints have 13 tail feathers.
5,500 Sacagawea dollars were placed in random boxes of Cheerios cereal as a means to promote the new coin. Unfortunately, collectors did not discover until years later that these were special coins featuring the prototype reverse with 12 tail feathers on the reverse. These have proven to be great rarities and are easily the most valuable coins in the series.

Presidential Dollars

Designer Joseph Menna / Don Everhart Edge Lettered Diameter 26.5 mm Weight 8.1 grams Metal 88.5% Copper, 6% Zinc, 3.5% Manganese and 2% Nickel
In 2007 the U.S. Mint began honoring the United States Presidents on circulating coins under the Presidential Dollar Coin Program. Under this program, four Presidential Dollar coins will be issued per year. Each President’s portrait will be struck on one dollar coins and released for circulation for a period of three months. Each President will appear on mint state, proof and satin finish one dollar coins in the order in which they served as President of the United States. Each Presidential Dollar will bear the same Statue of Liberty reverse design. All Presidential Dollar coins contain edge lettering inscriptions with the date and mint mark.
From 2007 to 2008 Presidential Dollars had the motto "In God We Trust" located on the edge of the coin. However, since there have been tens of thousands of coins found with missing edge lettering inscriptions, the U.S. Mint changed the location of the motto beginning in 2009. From 2009 to date, all Presidential Dollars will have the motto "In God We Trust" on the obverse of the coin. This program will continue until at least 2016 with Richard M. Nixon’s portrait (in order for any other U.S former Presidents to be honored on circulating coins, it is necessary for the former Presidents to be deceased for at least two years).
When the coins were first released in 2007, there was a lot of excitement in the coin market and media about the new coins, especially since the last time the U.S. Mint struck coins with edge lettering inscriptions was back in 1933 on the Saint Gaudens Double Eagles. More excitement came once missing edge lettering dollars were discovered. These are considered major mint errors. Other more minor varieties have surfaced since then, including double overlapped edge lettering, double inverted edge lettering, and weak and partial edge lettering varieties. With so many different Presidential Dollar coins, errors and varieties, this is a definitely an exciting coin series to collect.
Note The Gold Dollar Coin and other Gold Coins will have a separate COTM post, Also Silver Eagles and other Bullion Coins will have a separate COTM post.
Sources Wikipedia PCGS Coin Facts "United States Coins by Design Types - An Action Guide for the Collector and Investor" by Q. David Bowers
submitted by TheSoonerSeth16 to numismatology [link] [comments]

How long has been gambling going on for? Potentially since the ancient egyptians!

At what duration in history did individuals begin to bet? The specific duration is unidentified however think it or not, pairs of dice have actually been discovered in Egyptian burial places over 4,000 years of ages! Likewise, gambling video games were played in ancient China, where Poker is believed to have actually come from. In 1492 throughout the Columbus landing, Native Americans were sports banking on the result of a video game looking like LaCross. So when did it all begin in America? Keep reading.
Early America
Gambling in America began with the very first English inhabitants in the 1600's. Their customs consisted of card video games that became part of the noble way of life. Nevertheless, when Puritans colonized in Massachusetts Bay they had the liberty to produce their own culture that included hostility towards gambling. They disallowed the ownership of dice, cards, and gambling table video games in their neighborhoods. However, gambling dominated in other regions. Numerous English colonists thought about gambling to be an ideal type of home entertainment.
The Transformation
The nest of Virginia was the very first to recognize that lottery games might raise capital for city governments. Ultimately all 13 nests were raising lottery game earnings. Profits assisted develop Universities like Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. Lottery games likewise moneyed churches and libraries. Establishing Dads George Washington, Ben Franklin, and John Hancock were promoters of particular lottery games for public works tasks. When the Revolutionary War began, the Continental Congress elected a $10 million lotto to fund the war.
Westward Ho
Throughout the early 1800's the pubs and roadway homes permitted dice and card video games, producing the very first variation of gambling establishments. As America's population started to increase, gambling establishments ended up being more extravagant. The Mississippi River was a significant trade route where merchants and business owners brought their money. Gambling on riverboats ended up being a preferred activity and New Orleans ended up being the gambling capitol of America. In 1849 gambling followed the leaders to California throughout the gold rush. Gambling facilities started to thrive there and west of the Mississippi, consisting of Nevada. In the late 1800's Live roulette was embraced from France and the Slots was developed.
Much of the general public seen gambling as a social ill since it was connected to alcohol addiction and prostitution. Reformers persuaded jurisdictions to close down the Dens of Iniquity. The majority of states terminated lottos also. Riverboat gambling dried up with the development of the railway. By the end of the century just Nevada enabled gambling.
20th Century
In 1910 Nevada lastly shut the door on gambling, which left horse race betting the only legal entity in America. In 1912 Arizona and New Mexico were given statehood under the condition that gambling stay outlawed. Throughout the 1920's restriction age, the general public's thirst for gambling matched that of alcohol. Gambling establishments holed up in addition to the speak easys. In 1931 Nevada legislated gambling once again and stayed the only state to do so up until the latter half of the century. Gambling thrived underground as the mob made heavy financial investments in Nevada, and succeeded by managing off track wagering and the numbers lottery.
Throughout the 1950's the U.S. Senate examined arranged criminal offense's link to unlawful gambling. Ultimately the mob left Las Vegas. States put bookmakers out of business by legislating off track wagering and numbers video games. Atlantic City authorized gambling in 1976, the Indian Video gaming Act was authorized by congress in the late 1980's. Dockside riverboat gambling picked up, racetracks set up slots while Las Vegas transformed itself by constructing mega resorts throughout the 1990's.
Century 21
The American Video gaming Association reported that there are 832,988 slot machine expanded over 1,151 gambling establishments and racetracks throughout 44 states with more en route. There is another breed of gambling appearing and it is on the internet such as here slot deposit pulsa. It appears that the American culture's thirst for gambling matches that of the Egyptian Pharaohs! America has actually welcomed gambling as an appropriate kind of home entertainment.
submitted by Aaliyah4563 to gamblingarticles [link] [comments]

MeWe: A trip report

Among the more frequently mentioned G+ alternatives at the Google+ Mass Migration community, and others, is MeWe with over 250 mentions. The site bills itself as "The Next-Gen Social Network" and the "anti-Facebook": "No Ads, No Political Bias, No Spyware. NO BS. It is headed by professed Libertarian CEO Mark Weinstein.
As the site reveals no public user-generated content to non-members, it's necessary to create an account in order to get a full impression. I thought I'd provide an overview based on recent explorations.
This report leads of with background on the company, though readers may find the report and analysis of specific groups on the site of interest.


Founder & CEO Mark Weinstein.
Co-Founder & Chief Scientist, Jonathan Wolfe (no longer with company).
Weinstein previously founded SuperFamily and SuperFriends, "at the turn of the millennium". Weinstein's MeWe biography lists articles published by The Mirror (UK), Huffington Post, USA Today, InfoSecurity Magazine, Dark Reading, and the Nation. His media appearances include MarketWatch, PBS, Fox News, and CNN. He's also the author of several personal-success books.
His Crunchbase bio is a repeat of the MeWe content.

Advisory Board

Ownership & Investment

MeWe is the dba of Sgrouples, a private for-profit early-stage venture company based in Los Angeles, though with a Mountain View HQ and mailing address, 11-50 employees, with $10m in funding over five rounds, and a $20m valuation as of 2016.
Sgrouples, Inc., dba MeWe Trust & Safety - Legal Policy c/o Fenwick West 801 California Street Mountain View, CA 94041
Crunchbase Profile.
Founded: 2012 (source)
Secured $1.2M in seed funding in 2014.
2016 valuation: $20m (source]
Despite the business address, the company claims to be based in Los Angeles County, California and is described by the Los Angeles Business Journal as a Culver City, CA, company.



In an August 6, 2018 Twitter post, Weinstein promotes MeWe writing:
Do you have friends still on Facebook? Share this link with them about Facebook wanting their banking information - tell them to move to MeWe now! No Ads. No Spyware. No Political Agenda. No Bias Algorithms. No Shadow Banning. No Facial Recognition.
MeWe provide several policy-related links on the site:
Highlights of these follow.


The privacy policy addresses:

Terms of Service

The ToS addresses:
Effective: November 6, 2018.


The FAQ addresses:


This emphasises that people are social cratures and private people by right. The service offers the power of self expression under an umbrella of safety. It notes that our innermost thoughts require privacy.
Under "We aspire...":
MeWe is here to empower and enrich your world. We challenge the status quo by making privacy, respect, and safety the foundations of an innovatively designed, easy-to-use social experience.
Totalling 182 words.

Privacy Bill of Rights

A ten-item statement of principles (possibly inspired by another document, it might appear):
  1. You own your personal information & content. It is explicitly not ours.
  2. You will never receive a targeted advertisement or 3rd party content based on what you do or say online. We think that's creepy.
  3. You see every post in timeline order from your friends, family & groups. We do not manipulate, filter, or change the order of your content or what you see.
  4. Permissions & privacy are your rights. You control them.
  5. You control who can access your content.
  6. You control what, if anything, others can see in member searches.
  7. Your privacy means we do not share your personal information with anyone.
  8. Your emojis are for you and your friends. We do not monitor or mine your data.
  9. Your face is your business. We do not use facial recognition technology.
  10. You have the right to delete your account and take your content with you at any time.


There are a few mentions of MeWe in the press, some listed on the company's website, others via web search.

Self-reported articles

The following articles are linked directly from MeWe's Press page:
The page also lists a "Privacy Revolution Required Reading" list of 20 articles all addressing Facebook privacy gaffes in the mainstream press (Wired, TechCrunch, Fortune, Gizmodo, The Guardian, etc.).
There are further self-reported mentions in several of the company's PR releases over the years.

Other mentions

A DuckDuckGo search produces several other press mentions, including:


This section is a basic rundown of the user-visible site technology.

Mobile Web

The site is not natively accessible from a mobile Web browser as it is overlayed with a promotion for the mobile application instead. Selecting "Desktop View" in most mobile browsers should allow browser-based access.

Mobile App

There are both Android and iOS apps for MeWe. I've used neither of these, though the App store entries note:
Crunchbase cites 209,220 mobile downloads over the past 30 days (via Apptopia), an 80.78% monthly growth rate, from Google Play.

Desktop Web

Either selecting "View Desktop" or navigating with a Desktop browser to https://www.mewe.com your are presented with a registration screen, with the "About", "Privacy Bill of Rights", "MeWe Challenge", and a language selector across the top of the page. Information requested are first and last name, phone or email, and a password. Pseudonymous identities are permitted, though this isn't noted on the login screen. Returning members can use the "Member Log In" button.
The uMatrix Firefox extension reveals no third-party content: all page elements are served from mewe.com, img.mewe.com, cdn.mewe.com, or ws.mewe.com. (In subsequent browsing, you may find third-party plugins from, for example, YouTube, for videos, or Giphy, for animated GIFs.)
The web front-end is nginx. The site uses SSL v3, issued by DigiCert Inc. to Sgrouples, Inc.


The onboarding experience is stark. There is no default content presented. A set of unidentified icons spans the top of the screen, these turn out to be Home, Chats, Groups, Pages, and Events. New users have to, somehow, find groups or people to connect with, and there's little guidance as to how to do this.


Generally there is a three panel view, with left- and right-hand sidebars of largely navigational or status information, and a central panel with main content. There are also pop-up elements for chats, an omnipresent feature of the site.
Controls display labels on some devices and/or resolutions. Controls do not provide tooltips for navigational aid.


Among the touted features of MeWe are:


A key aspect of any social network is its community. Some of the available or ascertained information on this follows.


Weinstein claims a "million+ following inside MeWe.com" on Twitter.
The largest visible groups appear to have a maximum of around 15,000 members , for "Awesome gifs". "Clean Comedy" rates 13,350, and the largest open political groups, 11,000+ members.
This compares to Google+ which has a staggering, though Android-registrations-inflated 3.3 billion profiles, and 7.9 million communities, though the largest of these come in at under 10 million members. It's likely that MeWe's membership is on the whole more more active than Google+'s, where generally-visible posting activity was limited to just over 9% of all profiles, and the active user base was well under 1% of the total nominal population.

Active Users

MeWe do not publish active users (e.g., MUA / monthly active users) statistics.


MeWe is principally a group-oriented discussion site -- interactions take place either between individuals or within group contexts. Virtually all discovery is group-oriented. The selection and dynamics of groups on the site will likely strongly affect user experience, so exploring the available groups and their characteristics is of interest.
"MeWe has over 60,000 open groups" according to its FAQ.
The Open groups -- visible to any registered MeWe user, though not to the general public Web -- are browsable, though sections and topics must be expanded to view the contents: an overview isn't immediately accessible. We provide a taste here.
A selection of ten featured topics spans the top of the browser. As I view these, they are:
Specific groups may appear in multiple categories.
The top Groups within these topics have, variously, 15,482, 7,738, 15,482 (dupe), 7,745, 8,223, 8,220, 1,713, 9,527, 2,716, and 1,516 members. Listings scroll at length -- the Music topic has 234 Groups, ranging in size from 5 to 5,738 members, with a median of 59, mean of 311.4, and a 90%ile of 743.5.
Below this is a grid of topics, 122 in all, ranging from Activism to Wellness, and including among them. A selected sample of these topics, with top groups listed members in (parens), follows:
To be clear: whilst I've not included every topic, I've sampled a majority of them above, and listed not an arbitrary selection, but the top few Groups under each topic.

Google+ Groups

The Google Plus expats group seems the most active of these by far.

Political Groups

It's curious that MeWe make a specific point in their FAQ that:
At MeWe we have absolutely no political agenda and we have a very straightforward Terms of Service. MeWe is for all law-abiding people everywhere in the world, regardless of political, ethnic, religious, sexual, and other preferences.
There are 403 political groups on MeWe. I won't list them all here, but the first 100 or so give a pretty clear idea of flavour. Again, membership is in (parentheses). Note that half the total political Groups memberships are in the first 21 groups listed here, the first 6 are 25% of the total.
  1. Donald J. Trump 2016 - Present (11486)
  2. The Conservative's Hangout (8345)
  3. Qanon Follow The White Rabbit (5600)
  4. Drain The Swamp (4978)
  5. Libertarians (4528)
  6. United We Stand Trump2020 (4216)
  7. The Right To Self Defense (3757)
  8. Alternative Media (3711)
  9. Hardcore Conservative Patriots for Trump (3192)
  10. Bastket Of Deplorables4Trump! (3032)
  11. Return of the Republic (2509)
  12. Infowars Chat Room Unofficial (2159)
  13. Donald Trump Our President 2017-2025 (2033)
  14. Berners for Progress (1963)
  15. Sean Hannity Fans (1901)
  16. The American Conservative (1839)
  17. I Am The NRA (1704)
  18. Tucker Carlson Fox News (1645)
  19. We Love Donald Trump (1611)
  20. MAGA - Make America Great Again (1512)
  21. Q (1396)
  22. ClashDaily.com (1384)
  23. news from the front (1337)
  24. Basket of Deplorables (1317)
  25. Payton's Park Bench (1283)
  26. Convention of States (1282)
  27. Britons For Brexit (1186)
  28. MoJo 5.0 Radio (1180)
  29. MeWe Free Press (1119)
  30. The Constitutionally Elite (1110)
  31. Libertarian (1097)
  34. #WalkAway Campaign (894)
  35. ALEX JONES (877)
  36. The Lion Is Awake ! (854)
  37. We Support Donald Trump! (810)
  38. The Stratosphere Lounge (789)
  40. Official Tea Party USA (749)
  41. Mojo50 Jackholes (739)
  42. Yes Scotland (697)
  44. Judge Jeanine Pirro Fans (671)
  45. Anarcho-Capitalism (658)
  46. Ted Cruz for President (650)
  47. No Lapdog Media (647)
  48. Q Chatter (647)
  49. Daily Brexit (636)
  50. Tucker Carlson Fox News (601)
  51. The Trumps Storm Group (600)
  52. QAnon-Patriots WWG1WGA (598)
  53. 100% American (569)
  54. Ladies For Donald Trump (566)
  55. Deep State (560)
  56. In the Name of Liberty (557)
  57. Material Planet (555)
  58. WikiUnderground (555)
  59. Trump NRA Free Speech Patriots on MeWe Gab.ai etc (546)
  60. Magna Carta Group (520)
  61. Constitutional Conservatives (506)
  62. Question Everything (503)
  63. Conspiracy Research (500)
  64. Bill O'Reilly Fans (481)
  65. Conservative Misfit's (479)
  66. Canadian politics (478)
  67. Anarchism (464)
  69. Deplorable (450)
  70. Tampa Bay Trump Club (445)
  71. UK Politics (430)
  72. Bongino Fan Page (429)
  73. Radical Conservatives (429)
  75. The Deplorables (409)
  76. America's Freedom Fighters (401)
  77. Politically Incorrect & Proud (399)
  79. Political satire (383)
  80. RISE OF THE RIGHT (371)
  81. UK Sovereignty,Independence,Democracy -Everlasting (366)
  82. The Patriots Voting Coalition (359)
  83. End The Insanity (349)
  84. Coming American Civil War! (345)
  85. Constitutional Conservatives (343)
  86. United Nations Watch (342)
  87. A Revival Of The Critical Thinking Union (337)
  88. The New Libertarian (335)
  89. Libertarian Party (official ) (333)
  90. DDS United (Duterte Die-hard Supporters) (332)
  91. American Conservative Veterans (331)
  92. Anarchism/Agorism/Voluntaryism (328)
  93. America Needs Donald Trump (326)
  94. The UKIP Debating Society (321)
  95. Coalition For Trump (310)
  96. Egalitarianism (306)
  98. 2nd Amendment (287)
  99. Never Forget #SethRich (286)
  100. Green Party Supporters 2020 (283)
It seems there is relatively little representation from the left wing, or even the centre, of the political spectrum. A case-insensitive match for "liberal" turns up:
Mainstream political parties are little represented, though again, the balance seems skewed searching on "(democrat|republic|gop)":
The terms "left" and "right" provide a few matches, not all strictly political-axis aligned:
Socialism and Communism also warrant a few mentions:
And there are some references to green, laboulabor parties:


Whilst there may not be a political agenda, there does appear to be at least a slight political bias to the site. And a distinctive skew on many other topical subjects.
Those seeking new homes online may wish to take this into account.


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is it legal to own a slot machine in washington state video

*The purpose of this section is to inform the public of state gambling laws and how the laws might apply to various forms of gaming. It is not legal advice. Slot Machine Private Ownership in Washington. It is legal to own a slot machine privately in the state of Washington if it is 25 years old or older. Is It Legal To Own A Slot Machine In Washington State, windmill casino slots, craps crown melbourne, roulette scatter strategy. Visit casino 10. Ok Read more . Dunder Casino - Welcome Bonus Regularly updated no deposit bonuses for online casinos in 2019. Slot machines, video poker and video pull-tabs, pachinko and pachislo machines, and other electronic games of chance are illegal in Washington. Antique Slot Machines It is legal to possess an antique slot machine as long as it is at least 25 years old, is played at no cost, and is not operated for gambling purposes. The listing indicates which states these Pachislo machines are legal to operate. New Information: We believe there is a concern over the legalities of these Pachislo machines in the States of Colorado, California, Washington, Idaho, Louisiana, Montana, North Dakota and Oregon. ALABAMA Any Machine PROHIBITED. SLOT MACHINE LEGAL STATES. In the United States the purchase of a slot machine is heavily regulated. When buying a slot machine be sure that you meet all the legal requirements. Remember, not every state has the same slot machine buying and selling regulations. We can ONLY ship to states that can legally have slot machines for home use. STATE AGE OF MACHINE Alabama Any Machine PROHIBITED Alaska Any Machine Legal Arizona Any Machine Legal Arkansas Any Machine Legal California 25 Years or Older Colorado Pre-1984 Connecticut Any Machine PROHIBITED Delaware 25 years or older Florida 20 years or […] Check your local and State laws before you buy a machine from us. If you plan to re-sell these machines then PLEASE check with local authorities BEFORE you buy or sell these machines ! WE will not be responsible for any compliance or non-compliance with Federal, Local or State laws. (1) For purposes of a prosecution under RCW 9.46.215 or a seizure, confiscation, or destruction order under RCW 9.46.231, it shall be a defense that the gambling device involved is an antique slot machine and that the antique slot machine was not operated for gambling purposes while in the owner's or defendant's possession.Operation of an antique slot machine shall be only by free play or with State and Federal Laws Gambler’s Paradise complies with all state and local laws pertaining to sales and distribution of casino equipment. The following chart shows to the best of our knowledge the current and correct information on the legal requirements for slot machines in the various states. Laws may change or vary from time to […]

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