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Part 2: A Timeline of Epstein, Trump, Sex Trafficking, and the Intelligence Community

I don't think John DeCamp gets everything right, especially his claims about satanic groups, but in 1988 we learn about the Franklin Coverup, which Wikipedia describes as:
"The Franklin child prostitution ring allegations began in June 1988 in Omaha, Nebraska and attracted significant public and political interest until late 1990, when separate state and federal grand juries concluded that the allegations were unfounded and the ring was a "carefully crafted hoax."[1][2].
From the NYT:
(12/18/88) A Lurid, Mysterious Scandal Begins Taking Shape in Omaha
In the Executive Board's public session Monday, Mr. Chambers said the activities of Lawrence E. King Jr., the credit union's manager for the last 18 years and the central figure in its collapse, were ''just the tip of an iceberg, and he's not in it by himself.'' But Mr. Chambers added nothing that would shed light on his cryptic assertion....Mr. King is a 44-year-old Omaha resident who wholly or partly owns several small businesses here and lives with his wife and school-age son in a large house in one of the city's better neighborhoods. He is a tall, expansive figure well known for his costly style of dressing, lavish celebrations and extensive travel, sometimes in chartered jets and often with an entourage of young men.In 1972 he headed a national political organization, Black Democrats for George McGovern. But he gained greater prominence after he had switched parties a while later, serving for a time as vice chairman of the National Black Republican Council, an official affiliate of the Republican Party, and becoming a familiar figure on the Republican social scene.Mr. King has maintained a $5,000-a-month residence off Embassy Row in Washington and has also entertained generously at Republican National Conventions. At the 1984 gathering, in Dallas, where he sang the national anthem on the convention floor, he rented the ranch where the television series ''Dallas'' is filmed and organized a party there for black Republicans....Mr. King's trouble with the authorities came to the surface early last month when officials of the Government's National Credit Union Administration, acting on information from the F.B.I. and the Internal Revenue Service, arrived at the offices of the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union and shut it down. Then, on Nov. 14, the agency, which oversees the nation's federally chartered credit unions and insures their deposits, filed the Government suit against Mr. King, whose salary as Franklin Community's manager had been less than $17,000 a year.
(1989) Washington Call Boy Scandal
Craig J. Spence (1941 – November 10, 1989) was a Republican) lobbyist who was found dead in a Ritz-Carlton hotel room in 1989.[1][2] ...Spence was implicated in a gay call-boy ring scandal, that arranged after-hours visits to the White House, the Washington Times and other papers reported in June 1989. Afterward, Spence committed suicide in a Boston hotel....Spence's name came to national prominence in the aftermath of a June 28, 1989 article in the Washington Timesidentifying Spence as a customer of a homosexual escort service being investigated by the Secret Service, the District of Columbia Police and the United States Attorney's Office for suspected credit card fraud. The newspaper said he spent as much as $20,000 a month on the service. He had also been linked to a White House guard who has said he accepted an expensive watch from Mr. Spence and allowed him and friends to take late-night White House tours.[4]Spence entered a downward spiral in the wake of the Washington Times exposé, increasingly involving himself with call boys and crack,[5] and culminating in his July 31, 1989 arrest at the Barbizon Hotel on East 63rd St in Manhattan for criminal possession of a firearm and criminal possession of cocaine.[6]Months after the scandal had died down, and a few weeks before Spence was found in a room of the Boston Ritz-Carlton Hotel, he was asked who had given him the "key" to the White House. Michael Hedges and Jerry Seper of The Washington Times reported that "Mr. Spence hinted the tours were arranged by 'top level' persons", including Donald Gregg, national security adviser to Vice President George H. W. Bush at the time the tours were given.[5]When pressed to identify who it was who got him inside the White House, Spence asked "Who was it who got [long-term CIA operative] Félix Rodríguez) in to see Bush?", agreeing that he was alluding to Mr. Gregg.[5]Gregg himself dismissed the allegation as "absolute bull", according to Hedges and Seper. "It disturbs me that he can reach a slimy hand out of the sewer to grab me by the ankle like this," he told the reporters. "The allegations are totally false."[5]
I'll let you decide how credible you find any of this so far. It should be noted that many of the people implicated in these affairs -- Wilson, Singlaub, Moon, Casey, Rodriguez, Bush, Stone, and Gregg -- were also involved to varying degrees in the Iran Contra Affair, which illegally raised money for anti-communist terrorists in Central America through the use of death squads, rape, and drug sales. One does not necessarily equal the other, but sexual blackmail and human trafficking don't seem like much of a stretch.
An article by The Guardian notes:
Czechoslovakia ramped up spying on Trump in late 1980s, seeking US intel:
In summer 1987, Donald and Ivana Trump visited Moscow and Leningrad, following a personal invitation from the Soviet ambassador in Washington, Yuri Dubinin. The trip was arranged by Intourist, a travel agency that was also an undercover KGB outfit. Soon after returning from Moscow, Trump announced he was thinking of running for president. That presidential bid failed to materialise.In October 1988, on the eve of the US election, Ivana Trump visited her parents in Zlín, known at the time as Gottwaldov. According to the files she “confidently” predicted Bush’s victory to her father, who in turn passed the tip to local StB officers.“The outcome of the election confirmed the veracity of this information,” StB field agent Lt Peter Surý wrote, in a document dated 23 January 1989 and marked “secret”.The prediction came “from the highest echelons of power in the US”. Ivana was “not only a well-heeled US citizen” but moved in “very top political circles”, Surý stated....It is unclear when the KGB began a file on the future president. In Prague about 60,000 StB documents were declassified in the mid-1990s, after the collapse of communism. The StB destroyed most records.However, secret memos written by the KGB chief, Vladimir Kryuchkov, in the mid-1980s reveal that he berated his officers for their failure to cultivate top-level Americans. Kryuchkov circulated a confidential personality questionnaire to KGB heads of station abroad, setting out the qualities wanted from a potential asset.According to instructions leaked to British intelligence by the KGB defector Oleg Gordievsky, they included corruption, vanity, narcissism, marital infidelity and poor analytical skills. The KGB should focus on personalities who were upwardly mobile in business and politics, especially Americans, the document said.
Another article in the Chicago Tribune notes:
Czechoslovakia secret police file: Trump sure of presidential win — in 1996:
A year before the 1989 collapse of communism in many parts of Europe, details about Ivana Trump's 1988 visit back to her homeland were recorded in a classified police report. The Oct. 22, 1988 report claimed that Trump refused to run for president in 1988 — despite alleged pressure to do so — because he felt, at 42, he was too young. But the secret report said he intended to run in the 1996 U.S. presidential race as an independent, when he would be 50."Even though it looks like a utopia, D. TRUMP is confident he will succeed," the police report said, based on information from an unspecified source who talked to Ivana Trump's father, Milos Zelnicek, about her visit.It was unclear where the alleged "pressure" was coming from. [Note: In "Get Me Roger Stone", Stone claims he was the one who convinced Trump to run.]...Trump's first wife was born Ivana Zelnickova in 1949 in the Czechoslovak city of Gottwaldov, the former city of Zlin that just had been renamed by the Communists, who took over the country in 1948. She married Trump, her second husband, in 1977. As she kept traveling home across the Iron Curtain on a regular basis, Ivana became a tempting target for the powerful, deeply feared Czechoslovak secret police agency known as the StB.
And by at least 1989, Trump himself was in the social circle of both Iran Contra figures and the father of Epstein's alleged "madame", Ghislaine Maxwell:
(This is from a previous post I made, seen here. Some of the links are subscription only, but are provided for accuracy)
NY Daily News - May 5, 1989:
“Everybody, but everybody at the party aboard British media mogul Robert Maxwell’s yacht Wednesday night had to doff their shoes before boarding the plush-carpeted “Lady Ghislaine.” Maxwell insisted, and his guests cooperated, including Donald Trump (minus Ivana), who has a much bigger yacht and was happy to compare notes with Maxwell. [Note: This is in reference to the Kingdom 5KR, originally owned by Adnan Khashoggi, international arms dealer and uncle of slain journalist Jamal Khashoggi.] There were John Tower [Republican Senator in charge of the Tower Commission, which investigated Iran Contra]; ex-Navy secretary John Lehman [Reagan appointee 1981-1987], now with Paine Webber; lawyer Tom Bolan [law partner of Roy Cohn]; literary agent Mort Janklow [clients include both Nancy and Ronald Reagan for their memoirs]; UN envoy Thomas Pickering [currently a board member at the world’s biggest pipe company, OAO TMK, in Moscow and Chairman of the Rostropovich-Vishnevskaya Foundation, “a non-profit organization based in Washington, DC that supports programs to improve the health of children worldwide”]; and Peter Kalikow, owner of the New York Post [awarded the Israel Peace Medal in 1982; created a super PAC for Herman Cain that was later revealed to be entirely financed by his donations]; Maxwell’s daughter, Ghislaine, and his niece, Helene Atkin of Macmillan, the publishing house Maxwell recently took over."[Note: This sentence wasn't in the Daily News article but shows up in a St Louis Dispatch piece a week later]: “Maxwell, who weighs about 300 pounds, went over the guest list personally.""No one could tell who didn’t make the final list, but we do know that Martha Smilgis of Time was disinvited by David Adler, public relations chief at Macmillan. She wrote the profile of Maxwell which he apparently did not like.”
Who was Ghislaine’s father?
Ian Robert Maxwell "MC (10 June 1923 – 5 November 1991), born Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch, was a British media proprietor and Member of Parliament (MP). Originally from Czechoslovakia, Maxwell rose from poverty to build an extensive publishing empire….Maxwell had a flamboyant lifestyle, living in Headington Hill Hall in Oxford, from which he often flew in his helicopter, and sailing in his luxury yacht, the Lady Ghislaine. He was notably litigious and often embroiled in controversy, including about his support for Israel at the time of the 1948 Palestine war. In 1989, he had to sell successful businesses, including Pergamon Press, to cover some of his debts. In 1991, his body was discovered floating in the Atlantic Ocean, having fallen overboard from his yacht. He was buried in Jerusalem. Maxwell's death triggered the collapse of his publishing empire as banks called in loans. His sons briefly attempted to keep the business together, but failed as the news emerged that the elder Maxwell had stolen hundreds of millions of pounds from his own companies' pension funds. The Maxwell companies applied for bankruptcy protection in 1992....Shortly before Maxwell's death, a former employee of Israel's Military Intelligence Directorate, Ari Ben-Menashe, approached a number of news organisations in Britain and the U.S. with the allegation that Maxwell and the Daily Mirror's foreign editor, Nicholas Davies, were both long-time agents for Mossad. Ben-Menashe also claimed that in 1986, Maxwell had told the Israeli Embassy in London that Mordechai Vanunu had given information about Israel's nuclear capability to The Sunday Times, then to the Daily Mirror. Vanunu was subsequently kidnapped by Mossad and smuggled to Israel, convicted of treason and imprisoned for eighteen years.Ben-Menashe's story was ignored at first, but eventually The New Yorker journalist Seymour Hersh repeated some of the allegations during a press conference in London held to publicise The Samson Option, Hersh's book about Israel's nuclear weapons. On 21 October 1991, two MPs, Labour's George Galloway and the Conservative's Rupert Allason (also known as espionage author Nigel West), agreed to raise the issue in the House of Commons under Parliamentary Privilege protection, which in turn allowed British newspapers to report events without fear of libel suits. Maxwell called the claims "ludicrous, a total invention" and sacked Davies.[44] A year later, in Galloway's libel settlement against Mirror Group Newspapers (in which he received "substantial" damages), Galloway's counsel announced that the MP accepted that the group's staff had not been involved in Vanunu's abduction. Galloway himself, however, referred to Maxwell as "one of the worst criminals of the century....The Maxwell companies filed for bankruptcy protection in 1992. Kevin Maxwell was declared bankrupt with debts of £400 million. In 1995, Kevin and Ian and two other former directors went on trial for conspiracy to defraud, but were unanimously acquitted by a twelve-man jury in 1996.”
Epstein's own weird history has been spoken of to some degree, and I'm not sure I have much to add at this point, but perhaps it's important in context.
Financier in sex abuse case went from math whiz to titan
He taught calculus and physics at the prestigious Dalton School, a prep school in Manhattan, from 1973 to 1975, despite not having a college degree. Attorney General William Barr's father, Donald Barr, was headmaster at the time...Epstein left Dalton in the mid-1970s for a job at Bear Stearns at the urging of a student's father who arranged a meeting with the chairman of the investment bank, according to published reports. He later began his own money-management business, J. Epstein & Co....Epstein has long obscured the source of his wealth. Even after his arrest, he refused to provide authorities with even basic information about his income and assets. His attorney said Epstein's lawyers intend to provide the information but want to make sure it is correct first.This much is clear: "He is a man of nearly infinite means," federal prosecutor Alex Rossmiller said in court....Epstein also forged a relationship with Leslie Wexner, the retail titan behind Victoria's Secret, The Limited and other store chains. He started managing Wexner's money in the late 1980s and helped straighten out the finances for a real estate development Wexner was backing in a wealthy Columbus, Ohio, suburb.It was through Wexner that [in1996] Epstein acquired his Manhattan mansion, a seven-story, 21,000-square-foot former prep school less than a block from Central Park. It has been valued at about $77 million.
Around the same time, Trump started dating Marla Maples, who was working at his Atlantic City Taj Mahal Casino:
(1988) The Untold Story of Trump Model Management (Part 1):
Donald Trump, for his part, was becoming increasingly restless, and reckless. Despite fathering 3 children and having a devoted wife, by all accounts he didn’t spend much time with any of them, preferring work and play to the routines of domestic life. In the 80’s he made at least two life changing decisions-to step out on his wife publicly, and to expand his negligible empire into Atlantic City casinos. He built Harrah’s at Trump Plaza in 1984, and a partially completed building that became Trump Castle in 1985-a property that would be managed by his first wife, Ivana. He also scooped up the Taj Mahal in 1988, which at a cost of $1.1 billion made it the most expensive casino ever built at the time.
Some weirdness starts to pop up here, at least allegedly. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer:
Resorts International, which opened the city's first gambling hall 5 1/2 years ago, broke ground yesterday for a second casino-hotel that will cost $250 million to build and will contain 1,000 hotel rooms and the world's second-largest casino.
According to Wikipedia:
Resorts International was a hotel and casino company. From its origins as a paint company, it moved into the resort business in the 1960s with the development of Paradise Island in the Bahamas, and then expanded to Atlantic City, New Jersey with the opening of Resorts Casino Hotel in 1978.
So how did a paint company morph into a multimillion dollar casino company? We're going to have to go to conspiracy theorists again. Make of it what you will:
Goodfellas: The Hidden History of Resorts International:
Resorts International was largely a family affair that grew out of a company called the Mary Carter Paint Company."Mary Carter (she never existed) was pretty much a family affair controlled by Jim Crosby, two of his brothers, and his in-laws. Based in Tampa, Florida, the firm included in its directorate James Crosby, John Crosby (a plastic surgeon in Mobile, Alabama), William Crosby (a Tampa realtor), and the Murphy brothers, Henry and Tom, who'd married the Crosby daughters. Henry owned a funeral home in Trenton, New Jersey, while Tom was board chairman of Capital Cities Communications, a successful broadcasting business founded by explorer Lowell Thomas. The explorer too was an early shareholder in Mary Carter Paint, as was Republican Thomas Dewey." (Spooks, Jim Hougan, pg. 381)Acclaimed researchers Sally Denton and Roger Morris note: "... the Mary Carter Paint Company, which was widely considered to be a CIA front that laundered payments to the Cuban exile army in the early sixties..." (The Money and the Power, pg. 284).This is certainly quite plausible considering Mary Carter was then based out of Tampa, a hub for joint CIA-Syndicate efforts to assassinate Castro. As was noted before here, Tampa don Santo Trafficante, Jr. was one of the gangsters initially tapped by the CIA's notorious Office of Security to arrange for Castro's untimely demise. Trafficante, a close associate of Meyer Lansky (whom we shall return to again), had been deeply involved in Cuba's gambling operations prior to the revolution and would later become even more deeply immersed in the world heroin trade. As was noted before here, he was very close to the emerging Cuban Mafia, which provided ample recruits to the CIA during the early 1960s despite much suspicion that Trafficante was a double agent for Castro.Certainly the Mary Carter Paint Company would have been well positioned to assist Trafficante in these endeavors in Tampa. And such a connection would also explain why the corporation, in the mid-1960s (as CIA Cuban operations were winding down), abruptly sold off its paint business and boldly delved into gambling. By the end of the decade it was managing one of the most profitable casinos in the world on the Bahama's Paradise Island.What it amounts to is that by the late period James Crosby emerged as not only the CEO of Mary CarteResorts International, but as an extremely well connected figure within the GOP and beyond."... Crosby was himself uniquely situated in Republican circles: a sometime guest at the White House, he'd donated $100,000 to Nixon's 1968 campaign. He was also a friend of, and frequent host two, Bebe Rebozo (with whom he banked). Moreover, Crosby's private intelligence agency, Intertel, was even then working with White House aides and ITT executives to discredit Jack Anderson's revelations anent ITT and Chile. At the same time, Intertel was the de factocustodian of the demented billionaire Howard Hughes (his own $100,000 donation would later result in two volumes of Senate testimony in the Watergate affair). Indeed, the ties between Paradise Island and Richard Nixon's administration were of the sort that bind: Allan Butler, owner of the failing bank that was his namesake, claims the Nixon was a silent partner of Crosby's in his Bahamian ventures, sharing a healthy chunk of Paradise Island bridge revenues with yet another secret partner, Bebe Rebozo. And by by no means finally, James O. Golden, Resorts' vice-president and one of Intertel's founding spooks, had formerly served as Nixon's Secret Service shield, later taking charge of security for the Nixon forces at the GOP's 1968 convention in Miami Beach. That Paradise Island is a special place, and had a special place in the heart (or what passed for a heart) of the Nixon regime, is abundantly clear... (Spooks, Jim Hougan, pg. 180) ...And that brings us to possibly the most curious aspects of Resorts, namely its ownership of its own vast private intelligence network.It was known as Intertel, short for International Intelligence, Inc. Intertel was incorporated in 1970 as an almost wholly-owned subsidiary of Resorts International and hit the ground running. During its heyday, Intertel had an impressive roster and an international reach. It would turn up in host of intrigues throughout the 1970s and 1980s. Curiously, it had its origins with Robert Kennedy's "Get Hoffa" squad."... Intertel, known especially and remarkably for its composition of former organized crime strike force attorneys from Robert Kennedy's Justice Department... The IRS considered Intertel... 'an organized crime enterprise of some type aimed at the Bahamas,' as one account summed up the agency's view. Roberts Peloquin and William Hundley, Kennedy's top crime fighters, had joined the firm and recruited operatives from the CIA, FBI, IRS, Secret Service, and other intelligence agencies. Staffed exclusively by what one author called 'Get Hoffa agents,' it was likened into a corporate CIA.' (The Money and the Power, Sally Denton & Roger Morris, pg. 284)...Intertel's other ventures include spying of muckraker Jack Anderson) for ITT, investigating the Chicago Tylenol murders and the Bhopal disaster. Even more ominous, however, were its dealings with a shady Belgium-based private detective agency known as Agence de Recherche et d'Information (ARI). As was noted before here, ARI was linked to members of the neo-fascist terror organization known as the Westland New Post, a few of whom had also been implicated in drug trafficking and pedophile rings. Intertel reportedly hired ARI to do some work for them during the 1980s....What is of great interest to us here is Trump's third Atlantic City casino: the Taj Mahal. While now widely associated with Trump, thanks in no small part to it leading to his first bankruptcy, it was not in fact Trump who started the casino. That dubious distinction lies with Resorts International.The company had begun construction on the Taj Mahal in 1983, but had run into persistent difficulties in finishing construction in the following years. Then, in April 1986, James Crosby died suddenly. This left Resorts in turmoil (allegedly) and Trump stepped in. Trump bought a controlling stake in the company in 1987 and was promptly named its chairman of the board.Let that sink in for a moment: Donald J. Trump, the current President of the United States, was briefly the chairman of a corporation long suspected of being a CIA front, that had decades-spanning involvement with the Syndicate, numerous "rogue" financiers, various drug and arms traffickers and which owned a vast private intelligence network...."
According to the Philadelphia Inquirer:
Developer Donald Trump took control of Resorts International Inc. yesterday in a $79 million deal that gives him his third Atlantic City casino, including what will be the largest gaming hall in the city.Trump sealed the deal in New York with those connected to the estate of the late founder of Resorts International, James M. Crosby.Trump paid a cash price of $135 a share for 585,068 shares of Class B stock, which has 100 times the voting power of Class A stock.He is expected to make a formal tender offer for the remaining 167,230 shares of Class B stock within the next several weeks at the same $135-a-share price. Owning all the Class B stock would give him 93 percent of the company's voting power.At a board meeting immediately after the transaction with the Crosby estate, Trump was elected chairman of the board of Resorts International, replacing Henry B. Murphy, Crosby's brother-in-law, who resigned.
And his relationship with Ivana was falling apart:
(1989) Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel ‘Violated’ During Sex
After a painful scalp reduction surgery to remove a bald spot, Donald Trump confronted his then-wife, who had previously used the same plastic surgeon.“Your fucking doctor has ruined me!” Trump cried.What followed was a “violent assault,” according to Lost Tycoon. Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants.“Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified… It is a violent assault,” Hurt writes. “According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, ‘he raped me.’”Following the incident, Ivana ran upstairs, hid behind a locked door, and remained there “crying for the rest of night.” When she returned to the master bedroom in the morning, he was there.“As she looks in horror at the ripped-out hair scattered all over the bed, he glares at her and asks with menacing casualness: ‘Does it hurt?’” Hurt writes.
In 1992, Trump would divorce Ivana. It's this same year that we find him arranging a party of 30 for himself, Jeffrey Epstein, and 28 young aspiring calendar girls:
(1992) Trump Was Alone at a 1992 Party with 28 Girls and Accused Sex Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein
Part of a “calendar girl” competition organized at Trump’s request, the party was put together by a businessman named George Houraney, who spoke with the New York Times for a story published Tuesday.Houraney was also one of many to accuse Trump of sexual harassment, this time toward his former girlfriend and business partner, Jill Harth, who described an incident in 1997 as an attempted rape by Trump.“I arranged to have some contestants fly in,” Houraney told the Times. “At the very first party, I said, ‘Who’s coming tonight? I have 28 girls coming.’ It was him and Epstein.”...Before the “calendar girl” event, Houraney warned Trump about Epstein once again.“Look, Donald, I know Jeff really well, I can’t have him going after younger girls,” Houraney recalled telling Trump in the Times interview. “He said: ‘Look I’m putting my name on this. I wouldn’t put my name on it and have a scandal.’”
[EDIT: MSNBC reports on 07/17/2019 on newly discovered footage of Trump and Epstein discussing women at a party in November of 1992.]
The Boston Globe reported:
(1992) The pageant of Donald Trump’s dreams
It was a snowy night in Manhattan, December 1992, and the festive group was embarking on a circuit of exclusive clubs after a sumptuous dinner at the Plaza Hotel’s Oak Room.As the limo wove through the city, Trump discussed his views on dating, according to one of the women riding along. The billionaire casino mogul declared that “all women are bimbos” and said most were “gold diggers” who would be smart to go after men with money. Like him.Rhonda Noggle, the model who relayed the story to the Globe in an interview, said that, at that point, she had had enough. Speaking sharply to Trump, she said, she asked him to stop the limo. The car grew silent.
(1989-1995) The Untold Story of Trump Model Management (Part 1):
1989-1995 just so happens to be the same time period in which Donald Trumps world and empire was falling apart at the seams. In the beginning of the decade he was facing the end of his first marriage and a looming court battle. Despite his purportedly active dating life, by many accounts Trump was being rejected by many, if not most, of the women he pursued-including Carla Bruni and Jill Hearth. Marla Maples, after years of being the secret mistress and repeated rounds of being dumped and publicly humiliated by Trump, was starting to lose her patience. And the big gamble he took in Atlantic City was, by all accounts, failing miserably-a direct result of his jaw droppingly awful business practices and general incompetence. In 1991, his Taj Mahal Casino filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. In 1992, he again filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy again, this time on his Trump Plaza Hotel (also in Atlantic City), at the time owing $550 million dollars. Recall that he would report an almost 1 billion dollar loss on his 1995 tax returns, according to the copies obtained by the New York Times. Indeed, the early 90’s were not a very good era for Donald Trump. In light of this fact, it’s worth noting that the sexual assault allegations against him are all clustered within this very time frame. [Note: This article was written in 2016, prior to more allegations]...By the time “New York Magazine” did a front page profile of him in 1988, Casablancas reputation for bedding young models was established and begrudgingly accepted (a price to pay in exchange for his “genius”) within the New York social scene, but the expose came as a shock to many outside the bubble. John Casablancas would soon find out that he was not as untouchable as he thought he was. In the article-which ran under the title “Girl Crazy”-Casablancas was portrayed as a champagne guzzling pervert, singularly dedicated to the “new look” department of Elite where he spent his days ogling the scantily clad, sometimes naked bodies of teenage girls. In light of Donald Trump’s more alarming comments and decisions around his daughter Ivanka, this quote stands out:"Casablancas talked about his seventeen year old daughter, Cecile. He said Cecile had been solicited by a photographer last summer on a beach in Ibiza. The photographer asked her to pose in a bikini, and Casablancas raced over to try to get a $2,000 fee for the shot. “She’s got a great little body” he told his models."Another quote that brings a chuckle and a nod of recognition in this story is Casablancas’s bizarre pride over never having changed a diaper. Donald Trump would make similar boasts in a Howard Stern interview a few years later. Compelling proof this is not, but I do believe it’s a hint at the kind of Don Juan persona that Don, far from a Juan, actually a dejected, balding husband with a crumbling empire....But the scandal did not end there, nor did it begin. Less than a month earlier 60 minutes aired a prime-time special on the abuses of underage girls in the modeling industry. Investigative reporter Craig Pyes portrayed the modeling industry as infested with agents who were notorious hustlers and playboys. His report revealed that both Claude Haddad- the head of European scouting for Ford- and Ford’s Paris-based agent Jean-Luc Brunel had been accused of horrific sexual misconduct by many models. [Note: Brunel's name appears multiple times on Epstein's flight manifests.] The special aired the interviews of dozens of women who accused both Brunel and Haddad of a litany of crimes, ranging from racist invective towards black models to violent rape. And in fact the hidden camera footage captured in filming the special caught it all- from Xavier lamenting about n**er models, to Haddad chuckling about drugging and raping 13 year old girls. According to Model At a retreat soon after the one-two punch delivered by the coverage, Haddad, Jean Luc Brunel and Casablancas were once again overheard (albeit not taped this time around) laughing about their crimes. Alternatively they were angry when confronted by interim scouting manager Trudi Tapscott - ”I’m a man and I have needs, I will not apologize for that!” Casablancas is said to have declared....Over time Donald Trump would emerge from the ruins of his empire with a new approach to business, and a new source of income-in 1996 he bought the rights to the Miss Universe franchise, and became the central figure in the running of these pageants. And in 1999 he started a modeling agency - T models, later changed to Trump Model Management. The correlation of interests is quite clear-for a man awkward around women but dependent on his public image saying otherwise, a stable of women under his employ was a way to boost his image-and even better, he was able to lock all of these women into non disclosure agreements, ensuring that his behavior with them had little chance of becoming public knowledge. It also appeared to have served as a useful tool regarding his business transactions-which, in the aftermath of his bankruptcy, were increasingly dependent on some less than savory characters. How he did this, and the breadth of this activity, will be explored in the next installment. But for the time being, there is one final aspect of this story that is breathtaking, and speaks more to the character of Donald Trump than anything else.
More in Part 3.
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6 Nights in Vegas - From Someone Cheap

6 Nights in Vegas - On a Budget

A little background on us. I’m 35 my wife is 28. We aren’t major gamblers by any stretch, but we usually hit up a local casino maybe once a month, twice if we do good, and usually gambling about $100 a piece each time. We are both huge sports fans, especially college sports (Notre Dame). I’m a bit of a tightwad most of the time.
The morning of April 2, 2016 I asked her if she wanted to marry me (both of us have been married once before), she said yes. I bought tickets that morning, didn’t tell anyone our plans and drove from South Bend Indiana area to Chicago O’Hare, and arrived in Vegas right around dark.
The first couple of Hotels I tried for were booked, but we ended up finding a room at Planet Hollywood (which we spent all of about 4 hours in). We then flew out the next morning, spending a total of about 12 hours in Vegas.
This time around, after finding out my kids would be with their mom over Spring Break, I decided to save up and actually plan a trip this time. We debated Florida, Canada, the Smokies, and ended up deciding on Vegas.
Tuesday – March 27 We stayed the night at Blue Chip Casino (BOYD Gaming) in Michigan City Indiana (halfway to O’Hare). Both of us had comps for a free room and Buffet’s as well and about $75 worth of food credit that we had been saving for our Vegas trip. They also gave me a $25 gas card. We decided to gamble $100, and lost pretty quickly. After eating our “free buffets” we decided to go to bed, anticipating an early morning.
Wednesday – March 28 Once we got to O’Hare, we went and checked our 1 bag in at the Spirit Airlines desk. Everything at Spirit is A la Carte, and I had paid for 1 checked bag, however the lady in front of me discovered that their checked bags cost even more if over 40lbs. I had gone with Spirit to save a buck, and overall the experience wasn’t terrible, but I’ve had much better experiences with other non-discount airlines. After arriving in Vegas, we rode the bus from the airport to the Rental Car facility, and in short time had our new car for the week. The nice lady at Payless tried selling me several extras, and I politely declined each of them. I’ve come to expect the sales pitch no matter what rental company I use, and overall my experience with these guys was very good. We ended up changing reservations last minute for our Hotel due to additional offers I received while at Blue Chip. After checking in at the Fremont (all 6 nights) we unpacked, stopped at IN & OUT Burger, and made a run to Wal-Mart for snacks and drinks. We then decided to go check out the Nuwu Dispensary, we were both very impressed with the selection, cleanliness, and friendliness of everyone we talked to there (we are novices at this lol). After making a “small” purchase, we decided to drive out to Mount Charleston for the evening and ended up catching the sunset before driving back into town. We spent the rest of the evening walking around Fremont Street mostly just people watching, before we grabbed a snack from the Café inside the Fremont and went back to our room for the night. The food was average at best, but the price was right, even if I hadn’t used my points.
Thursday – March 29 We slept in until about 9:30, and slowly made our way over to the Hoover Dam. On our way to the Dam, we stopped at Sunset Station for their Brunch Buffet, and were really impressed, especially for the $7 price. After gambling a little and not winning we continued to the Dam. Waze had me going some crazy roads that I’d never taken before to get there, and took us about 3 times longer than I had ever remembered. After getting closer and seeing all of the traffic/road construction I now knew why. All of the lower parking lots were full, so we drove to the little gift shop on the Arizona side (I was surprised to see the road now ends here), got a couple of little souvenirs for our boys, and walked around a little bit before exploring Lake Meade a little and driving back to Fremont. After relaxing for a little bit we again decided to walk around Fremont Street and ended up getting Margaritas and Enchilada Nacho’s at Nachodaddy’s. I would highly recommend this place if you want a good drink and great nachos, we both loved it, and our bartenders were great. After walking back to the Fremont and going back and forth on winning/losing at the slot machines, my wife got a bonus feature on the machine she was playing, when I noticed a guy standing behind her watching. He looked really familiar, and after seeing “Deez Nuts” on the back of his jacket, I realized he was the youtube star from the Deez Nuts video. He posed for a picture with my wife and then went on his way. We gambled for a few hours and went to bed about even on the day.
Friday – March 30 After grabbing coffee from Dunkin Donuts inside the Fremont, we decided to drive down to Primm, because my wife had never been to California. We stopped at the truck stop and decided against topping off on gas, due to the price being over $4/gallon. We walked around the shop, found some more souvenirs for the kids, and ate lunch at Qdoba. After driving around behind the outlet mall, I realized there wasn’t a sign saying welcome to California, so I hopped on I15 and continued South/West until she got to see her sign. We went a few exits and decided a trip all the way to Baker wasn’t worth the drive, so we turned around just past the giant solar farm on the right. In the stretch from about a mile outside of Primm to where we turned around, we passed probably a dozen of each Nevada State Police and California Highway Patrol, many of which were on motorcycles and all of which had at least 1 car pulled over. About the time we made it back into Vegas, my buddy’s flight from Washington DC had arrived (he’s getting ready to leave for Japan for the next 3 years) so we went and picked him up at his hotel (Hooters). My wife won some money on the “Vacation” machine in Hooters and we decided to go walk the strip, which wasn’t a bad walk at all. We ended up going through the MGM, across to the Aria/Monte Carlo area and decided all the bars were a bit too busy due to a Golden Knights game getting ready to start. We walked over to Excalibur and rode the monorail to Mandalay Bay. We spent the rest of the evening here, and I decided to bet on Notre Dame Women, which turned out to be a good bet. My buddy, being born in Connecticut bet on UConn and that pretty much set the tone for his luck the rest of his trip. My wife and I ended up getting a giant hot dog/pepsi combo for $3.99 at the Café inside the Fremont after returning, and it was a better bet than the Chinese food we had tried earlier in the week.
Saturday – March 31 Another buddy of ours had moved to Vegas about 6 weeks ago, while his wife and kids are moving out there today. He called me late Saturday morning, and had us meet him out at the RV Dealership he works for. After getting a tour of their half million dollar Motorhomes (built here in Indiana), we hopped in his convertible and rode out to Red Rock Canyon. The line to get in was about 100 cars long, and it looked like they were only letting a few in every 15 minutes, so we drove out along that area and headed back a different way to the south side of town. The company he works for sponsors the Horse Arena at the South Point Casino, so we rode over, watched some of the show, and got the behind the scenes tour of the stalls, practice arena, and got to meet the horses/cowboys. We ended up spending most of the day at South Point, and we really enjoyed it, probably our favorite one on the “strip” so to speak. We ate dinner at Baja Miguel’s and all enjoyed our food. Later on Saturday night we rode back to downtown. My buddy that now lives in Vegas, took us to Container Park, which was really cool. After that we walked back down Fremont Street and I had bet earlier on Michigan beating Loyola in Men’s basketball. Another good choice, however I had to find a casino with a sports book that could cash me out. We ended up going to “The D” and really enjoyed the atmosphere/older machines. My wife ended up playing the old school Horse Racing Quarter Machine upstairs and stayed on it for quite a while. We ended up heading back to the Fremont, where we gambled the rest of our “$200 limit” for the day, and did pretty good. After several hours of gambling, we decided we were hungry, so we walked over to the Café at Binions, and were really impressed with what we had.
Sunday – April 1 We ate the Breakfast Buffet at the Fremont (comped), took an Uber back to our rental car on the other side of town, picked our buddy up at Hooters and headed north to Zion National Park. A couple hours later we arrived and were somewhat surprised that it wasn’t completely packed. My buddy has a free pass (Military) so we saved $30 on the gate fee. We spent most of the day at Zion, climbing, hiking, and exploring, it was my 4th time there, but the first time for my wife and buddy, and while my wife isn’t a hiker like me, she really enjoyed it and mentioned that it was one of her top 3 things we did on our trip. On our way back to town we stopped at Casa Blanca in Mesquite for a few hours, we didn’t do any good, but enjoyed the change of pace from the Vegas casinos.
Monday – April 2 We walked the strip again, and ate the brunch buffet at the Bellagio. It was really good, but if I hadn’t used the buy 1 get 1 free coupon I had, I wouldn’t have been quite as impressed. We walked around the strip some more, and ended up buying tickets to X-Country for my wife and I for the 10pm show at Harrah’s. The lady at the Box Office didn’t offer any discount, but when I asked about using my players card, she gave me a $10/ticket discount on the tickets. After that we drove across town to Sams Town (Boyd Gaming) and gambled for a few hours, I remembered a Steak House from several years back that I really enjoyed here, but we ended deciding against it for our anniversary meal. After going back to our hotel to change and shower, we ended up going to Viva Zapata’s (based on Reddit reviews). We weren’t disappointed! The food was amazing, the atmosphere even better, and the wait staff was the best! Our waiter asked what brought us out there, I told him it was our 2 year anniversary and we had flown in from Indiana to celebrate. We were enjoying the live Mariachi music, but started getting a little anxious as we were waiting on our bill (we wanted to get to Harrah’s by 9:30). A few minutes later here came the wait staff/musician to our table, put giant sombrero’s on us, gave us a couple of churros and each of us a shot of Tequila (no charge) while they sang us a song. I tipped them well and we were on our way to the show. My wife is a huge country music fan, and while I enjoy some of the older stuff, I’m more of a metalhead. I was pleasantly surprised at the price of our tickets, and for the money, the show wasn’t bad. 1 of the dancers really stood out from the rest though, but all in all it was a good experience. I wanted to go see Absinthe but found out they weren’t playing on Monday night. After our show we walked down to the Bellagio Fountains to see a show before heading back to the hotel.
Tuesday – April 3 We spent most of the morning packing up from our 6 nights at the Fremont, I checked with the Casino host to see about possibly comping more than 2 of our nights, but she showed me where my score in their algorithm was only a 65, and needed to be 100 to qualify for more. I still only paid $165 for the 4 nights I had to pay for, which was more than fair in my opinion, considering how little time we actually spent in the room. We went to Hooters and gambled for about 20 minutes, winning a couple hundred dollars, then took my buddy to the airport. Our flight wasn’t until 6:30pm, so we drove back North and had to try another Reddit suggestion for our last meal in town. We ended up at Hamburger Hut as we love to eat wings, and although the location and building were a bit sketchy, we ordered hot wings, a hot dog, and chili fries, this was our favorite food of the trip. We also really enjoyed hanging with some of the locals while we ate lunch. After eating lunch we hit up Walmart by the airport to find some last minute souvenirs to take back home, and then returned our rental car and waited a few hours for our flight back home.
What I would recommend
Sight Seeing - Zion National Park, Red Rock Canyon, Lake Mead, Container Park (especially if you have kids)
Food - Hamburger Hut, Viva Zapata’s, In & Out Burger, Nachodaddy, Hotdogs at South Point, Breakfast Buffet at Sunset Station, also saved a bunch of money by getting snacks and drinks for our room at the grocery store on day 1.
Casinos – As a gambler, the ones off the Strip seemed to pay better, but the ones on the strip were much classier and had newer slots you can’t find elsewhere. My 3 favorite were the Fremont, The D, and South Point. My wife really enjoyed seeing the sights at the Bellagio, the Flamingo, and others on the Strip. No matter what, if you’re going to gamble, get a players card, it saved me a bunch of money.
Transportation – If you like to do more than just stay in town and walk all week, I’d highly recommend getting a rental car like we did (about $200 for the week for a nice sized car), but if you don’t plan on going on long day trips like we did, UbeLyft would be great.
Entertainment – XCountry at Harrahs wasn’t the top show I’ve ever seen, but 2 tickets for $80 something and a happy wife, I can’t complain at all. Watching all the entrepreneurs on Fremont Street as well as the stage shows for free was hard to beat, and any trip to Vegas should include the Bellagio Fountains, the Flamingo Habitat, and any other free entertainment you can find along the strip.
What I wouldn’t recommend
Airlines – don’t go with the budget airlines expecting to save a bunch of money if you plan on taking a bag with you, checked or carry on, prefer to pick your seats out in advance, or want to get a snack while flying.
Food – While we didn’t really have any “bad” experiences, the café and Buffet at the Fremont were probably my least favorite, but I can’t complain because I didn’t have to pay for anything at either of them. Also I was looking forward to checking out Heart Attack Grill (based on Ducktales review), but they were packed and took Cash Only fyi.
Sight Seeing – Fremont Street after dark really isn’t the place to take your small kids but be sure to take them to Container Park during the day, Hoover Dam (unless you go early), Red Rock Canyon scenic trail on a holiday weekend. Pawn Stars was packed and if you’ve seen it once, the excitement kind of wore off, and they apparently charge for parking now. I parked up the street for free and only had a short walk, but the people trying to push you to buy extras outside of the store really kind of rubbed me the wrong way.
submitted by danlyles to vegas [link] [comments]

John and Tony Podesta's Connection with Russian Bank through lobbying firm "Podesta Group"

Hello all, I posted this a while back and got nearly zero views, likes, or comments, and I felt was lost among the hundreds of post made everyday. Please feel free to read and help gather more evidence.
http://imgur.com/a/LaORS We have all heard the laughable accusations against Mr. Trump by Mainstream media such as, but not limited to, CNN, CSNBC, Washington Post, and the Daily Beast, that Mr. Trump has the Russian interest in mind or that he is in Fact a Russian puppet. Although most can use common sense to come to a conclusion that this is false, MSM still insist that The Donald is a sexist and corrupt man who can only be known for his failing casinos, despite providing thousands of Americans with jobs. Despite MSM depiction of Trump as a pro-Russian insider who will only bring the USA closer to collapse, the real media blackout is against the Clinton Foundation's corruption as well as other interesting revelations uncovered through wikileaks. We have all heard of the sex trafficing and sex slave operations (Comet Ping Pong) and other accusations, some more skeptical than others, but even reddit/conspiracy and wikileaks has failed to talk much about the PODESTA GROUP. Through simple digging through wikipedia (ironically not wikileaks), it is evident that not only is the MSM depictions of Trump as a racist, sexist, Russian lover multi-billionaire seemingly false, but is also failing to cover anything about the PODESTA GROUP, a lobbying firm founded by Tony Podesta, brother to John Podesta (but I'm positive most of you have already heard of his shady business). I am creating this link to not only show the people of reddit the truth behind the Podesta Group, but also ask for your assistance in more digging. Remember, there is strength in numbers. so let me outline this for you. Tony Podesta founded the Podesta Group in 1988. The Podesta group is a lobbying and public affairs firm that has deep ties with the Democratic Party as well as the Obama administration. Without going into specific details, let me break down some key points about the Podesta Firm. I have done my reading but for the sake of time I will make a few key points. For quick links to some names mentioned in this post, please refer to the Podesta Group wikipedia or take it upon yourself to use whichever sources you want to conduct your investigation. 1.The Podesta Group has been retained by Wal-Mart, BP and Lockheed Martin."[5] Other clients include Abdisalam Omer, the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, Amgen, Bank Of America, Cherokee Nation (Casinos), Cintas, Covidien, Duke Energy, Egypt, Genentech, General Dynamics, Harrah's Entertainment, Heineken, Merck, Michelin, National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), National Public Radio (NPR), Nestle, Novartis, Orange County, Florida, Raytheon, Reed Elsevier, Republic of Albania, Republic of Georgia, Sallie Mae, Sunoco, Synthetic Genomics, TJX Companies, Tyco Electronics, Republic of Kenya and United Technologies.[9][10][11] The Podesta Group also lobbies for Egypt and US policies that reach as for as the executive branch and congress. The Podesta Group also received $900,000 in revenue to lobby for Ukraine in D.C. At the same time, Podesta Group also represents Sberbank of Russia, which is one of Russia's Largest financial Institutions which controls 30% of all Russian Banking assets (THIS IS HUGE) http://imgur.com/a/7POH5 5.Nearly just as important, Podesta Group also receives approx. $60,000 USD a month from the nation of Azerbijan (oh plus expenses). Now, for those who aren't familiar know Azerbijan you can do more reading online, but basically they are a somewhat totalitarian nation who says it is for free speech, but in practice censors and imprisons political activist, journalist, and citizen's who don't agree with the status quo. ALL foreign broadcasting of any sort is banned here.http://imgur.com/a/n4iAb Podesta Group lobbies for is a non-profit called American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity which works to improve upon environmental issues of the coal industry working towards a cleaner coal industry (I am including this because it is pretty ironic that a man who's brother is lobbying for a clean coal industry and an increase in that industry is also supporting Hillary Clinton, who, as many know, wants to destroy the American coal industry). As of now, I have just laid out a few points to consider looking into more. redditors and patriots, I need your help doing some more digging into the Podesta Group and the Podesta's in general, but don't forget who is the real criminal in the mist.
submitted by XKeyScored to conspiracy [link] [comments]

PODESTA GROUP: Lobbying for Russian Financial Banking Institutions while MSM Paints Trump as Pro-Russian Puppet! And there's more.

http://imgur.com/a/LaORS We have all heard the laughable accusations against Mr. Trump by Mainstream media such as, but not limited to, CNN, CSNBC, Washington Post, and the Daily Beast, that Mr. Trump has the russian interest in mind or that he is in Fact a Russian puppet. Although most can use common sense to come to a conclusion that this is false, MSM still insist that The Donald is a sexist and corrupt man who can only be known for his failing casinos, despite providing thousands of Americans with jobs. Despite MSM depiction of Trump as a pro-Russian insider who will only bring the USA closer to collapse, the real media blackout is against the Clinton Foundation's corruption as well as other interesting revelations uncovered through wikileaks. We have all heard of the sex trafficing and sex slave operations (Comet Ping Pong) and other accusations, some more skectical than others, but even reddit/conspiracy and wikileaks has failed to talk much about the PODESTA GROUP. Through simple digging through wikipedia (ironically not wikileaks), it is evident that not only is the MSM depictions of Trump as a racist, sexist, Russian lover multibillionaire seemingly false, but is also failing to cover anything about the PODESTA GROUP, a lobbying firm founded by Tony Podesta, brother to John Podesta (but I'm positive most of you have already heard of his shady business). I am creating this link to not only show the people of reddit the truth behind the Podesta Group, but also ask for your assistance in more digging. Remember, there is strength in numbers. so let me outline this for you. Tony Podesta founded the Podesta Group in 1988. The Podesta group is a lobbying and public affairs firm that has deep ties with the Democratic Party as well as the Obama administration. Without going into specific details, let me break down some key points about the Podesta Firm. I have done my reading but for the sake of time I will make a few key points. For quick links to some names mentioned in this post, please refer to the Podesta Group wikipedia or take it upon yourself to use whichever sources you want to conduct your investigation. 1.The Podesta Group has been retained by Wal-Mart, BP and Lockheed Martin."[5] Other clients include Abdisalam Omer, the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, Amgen, Bank Of America, Cherokee Nation (Casinos), Cintas, Covidien, Duke Energy, Egypt, Genentech, General Dynamics, Harrah's Entertainment, Heineken, Merck, Michelin, National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), National Public Radio (NPR), Nestle, Novartis, Orange County, Florida, Raytheon, Reed Elsevier, Republic of Albania, Republic of Georgia, Sallie Mae, Sunoco, Synthetic Genomics, TJX Companies, Tyco Electronics, Republic of Kenya and United Technologies.[9][10][11] The Podesta Group also lobbies for Egypt and US policies that reach as for as the executive branch and congress. The Podesta Group also received $900,000 in revenue to lobby for Ukraine in D.C. At the same time, Podesta Group also represents Sberbank of Russia, which is one of Russia's Largest financial Institutions which controls 30% of all Russian Banking assets (THIS IS HUGE) http://imgur.com/a/7POH5 5.Nearly just as important, Podesta Group also receives approx. $60,000 USD a month from the nation of Azerbijan (oh plus expenses). Now, for those who aren't familiar know Azerbijan you can do more reading online, but basically they are a somewhat totalitarian nation who says it is for free speech, but in practice censors and imprisons political activist, journalist, and citizen's who don't agree with the status quo. ALL foreign broadcasting of any sort is banned here.http://imgur.com/a/n4iAb Podesta Group lobbies for is a non-profit called American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity which works to improve upon environmental issues of the coal industry working towards a cleaner coal industry (I am including this because it is pretty ironic that a man who's brother is lobbying for a clean coal industry and an increase in that industry is also supporting Hillary Clinton, who, as many know, wants to destroy the American coal industry). As of now, I have just laid out a few points to consider looking into more. redditors and patriots, I need your help doing some more digging into the Podesta Group and the Podesta's in general, but don't forget who is the real criminal in the mist.
submitted by LerbBlunt to conspiracy [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Sep 21st - Tue, Sep 27th)

Oklahoma City's event list.


Wednesday, Sep 21st

  • $ 2016 OK Building Summit & Expo (Cox Convention Center) OSHBA's premiere training event will be September 21st and 22nd at the Cox Convention Center in OKC. The OK Building Summit & Expo will address the needs and concerns of our members and the residential construction industry.
  • Adventure Road Entertainment Stage feat. Elvis Extravaganza (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 7:30pm Regional Elvis Impersonator Contest complete with live show band, horns and singers. Contestants compete for cash and prizes and a spot in the National Finals, which will be held in Tampa, Florida, at the Florida State Fair, February 2016. The Oklahoma State Fair is excited to officially announce the 2016 talent line-up for our Adventure Road…
  • An exhibition featuring the silicone artworks ofadjunct professor Lopeeta Tawde (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Day 2 of 2 An exhibition featuring the silicone artworks of University of Central Oklahoma adjunct professor Lopeeta Tawde, through Sept. 22, Melton Gallery, 100 N University Drive, 974-5299. (Edmond)
  • 🍴 Anthem Drown Night! (HiLo Club) Our local friends at Anthem Brewing Co. have some great beers! Every Wednesday night from 9pm to close enjoy $8 Drown Night! Their Power Pils will be flowing!
  • Bi-Weekly Meetup (51st st. Speakeasy) Start Time: 5:00pm
  • Bringing Books to Life (Myriad Botanical Gardens) Start Time: 10:00am
  • Norman Central - After School Special (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 3:30pm After School Special combines books, a film, and an awesome craft for an afternoon of fun. This weekly program is for children in Kindergarten, First, and Second grades. For more information, contact the Children's department at 405-701-2630.
  • Norman Central - Baby Story Time (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 10:00am Calling all babies, toddlers and the ones who love them! It's time for Baby Story Time! Each week, we'll explore the world through books, songs, fingerplays and rhymes designed for the smallest library fans! This story time is great for ages birth to 24 months. For more information, please call the Children's department at 405-701-2630.
  • Norman Central -Introduction to Genealogy: Start Right! (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 2:00pm Start right in your genealogy research. Learn how accurately identifying your ancestors and establishing family connections can provide a solid foundation for building your family tree. Presented by Kathryn Ramsay, Pioneer Library System Local History and Genealogy Librarian
  • The Colors of the Spirit, exhibit by Alcohol Ink Artist Kim Harrison (Contemporary Art Gallery)
  • Del City Kiwanis Club (Rose State College - Midwest City)
  • 🎨 Exhibtion: Lowell Ellsworth Smith: My Theology of Painting (Western Heritage Museum) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am **Lowell Ellsworth Smith: My Theology of Painting **
    Ohio watercolorist and Prix de West winner, Lowell Ellsworth Smith (1924-2011), once referenced his *theology of painting *during an interview. Short but meaningful, the phrase summarized his relationship with art. It was more than a hobby or pastime. More than a career. It was the lens…
  • 🏃 Family Yoga Night (Noble Public Library - Noble) Start Time: 6:30pm Cooperative event with Shannon Scott. Please join the Noble Public Library and Shannon Scott for Family Yoga Night, every Wednesday. For more information please contact Shannon Scott -- [email protected] (405) 517-9605
  • Ferry Fun Cruises (Oklahoma River Cruises) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 11:30am With four river landings, it's easy travel the Oklahoma River. Learn more about each of the landings and where they're located.
    The ferry transit schedule varies throughout the season.
    *** Purchase your tickets onboard**
    **Trip times in black are 1 hr 40 min round trip*
    *** Theme Cruises are on all evening service departures the last…
  • 🎨 A Hiding Place (Artspace At Untitled) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am Poetry Reading Begins at 6:30pm
    This exhibit is a dialog beginning with a poet’s voice and then calling forth an artist’s remix, and response. You are invited to this collaborative exhibition in hopes you, too, will discover something hidden, and now made communal in the open light. A Hiding Place can be a rest stop or a generator shop, a…
  • Hospice Volunteer Opportunities (New Century Hospice, Inc.) 1 day left Start Time: 9:00am The services you will give as a Hospice volunteer will profoundly improve the quality of our patient's lives. Friendly visits enable families to keep their loved ones at home, around the people they love, and the things they love. Assisting with errands helps a tired family cope with their many challenges and allows them time with their loved…
  • Jonathan Byrd (The Blue Door)
  • Margot Holaday and Dodge Hill (The Studio Gallery) Margot Holaday and Dodge Hill
    The Studio Gallery, 2646 W, Britton Rd., is pleased to have Margot Holaday and Dodge Hill as featured artists for the month of August.
    Holaday is an experienced artist who recieved her Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University Of Oklahoma. She has participated in local art shows, in Texas
    and has had…
  • National Cavalry Competition (Historic Fort Reno - El Reno) Thru Sun, Sep 25th The National Cavalry Competition at Historic Fort Reno is a wonderful opportunity for re-enactors, active and reserve…
  • Oil Paintingws by Russell Hughes (50 Penn Art Gallery) Day 2 of 2 Carolyn, please run the following under the Exhibits listing in the
    September 4th edition of the Oklahoman:
    *Oil Paintings by Russell Hughes, *through October 29th.
    50 Penn Art Gallery, 1900 NW Expressway. There will be an
    opening reception at 6 p.m. Friday (Sept. 9th) 848-5567
  • Oklahoma Kids Count Conference (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 8:00am A two-day event to inform and educate advocates across the state about key issues and policies impacting children and families. For more information, visit oica.org
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fairgrounds Jim Norick Arena) Thru Sun, Sep 25th
  • 🍴 Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Thru Sun, Sep 25th Make your way to the Oklahoma State Fair and celebrate the end of summer with endless carnival rides, delicious fair…
  • THE REAL COST (89th Street Collective) Start Time: 7:00pm THE REAL COST IS THE BEST GODDAMN BAND https://therealcost.bandcamp.com/album/the-real-cost LIFE AS FRIGGN ONE lifeasone.bandcamp.com No X Thanks SHOULD HAVE NEW MUSIC BY THIS Noxthanks.bandcamp.com Maybe ur band?
  • 🏃 Tai Chi Moving For Better Balance (Purcell Public Library - Purcell) Start Time: 1:00pm The movements of Tai Chi help all ages reduce stress, increase balance and flexibility. Participants learn relaxation to improve their overall mind, body and spirit through a series of slow continuous movements. This program is designed for people at all levels of mobility and can be performed standing or sitting. Please wear comfortable…
  • 🎓 Teen STEAM (Purcell Public Library - Purcell) Start Time: 3:00pm Teens 6th thru 12th grade will explore various Technology and Lego Robotics Kits along with Art.
  • 🎓 "Understanding and Responding to Dementia-Related Behavior": Coping with Alzheimer’s - A Three-Part Lecture Series for Caregiver (Concordia Life Care Community) Start Time: 6:30pm Behavior is a powerful form of communication and is one of the primary ways for people with dementia to communicate their needs and feelings as the ability to use language is lost. However, some behaviors can present real challenges for caregivers to manage. "Understanding and Responding to Dementia" will help you learn how to decode behavioral…
  • 🎨 Volunteer for Cloud City by Tomás Saraceno Day 2 of 2 Tomás Saraceno’s Cloud City is coming to Oklahoma City! Get to know the large-scale installation inside and out as a volunteer for this “utopian city in the sky” during its five-week run at Campbell Art Park, adjacent to our planned art campus at NW 11th and Broadway. To show our appreciation, volunteers who work three shifts will…
  • 🎨 Western Movie Matinee: Apache (Western Heritage Museum) Start Time: 1:00pm Join us for these terrific “staff picks.” Popcorn provided. The Museum is admission free to all on Wide Open Wednesdays, courtesy of the Oklahoma Ford Dealers.
    September 21 – Apache Hardly the first non-native to play one on film, Burt Lancaster stars as a restless Apache warrior who resists life on the reservation in Robert Aldrich’s…
  • 😂 Zoltan Kaszas (Loony Bin Comedy Club) Thru Sat, Sep 24th

Thursday, Sep 22nd

  • 🎓 2016 University of Oklahoma WaTER Symposium (Molly Shi Boren Ballroom - Norman) Start Time: 6:30pm The WaTER Center will host the 2016 OU WaTER Symposium on Thursday, September 22, to help address the world water challenge. Leading experts from around the world will discuss sustainability and sanitation. The public is invited to attend and learn more about the latest research, experiences and challenges in bringing water and sanitation to…
  • 🎓 Adventure Road Entertainment Stage feat. Granger Smith (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Start Time: 7:30pm Over the course of nine albums, at a time when the music industry is undergoing a top-to-bottom transformation, Granger Smith has been building a career that is truly groundbreaking. With sold-out national tours, a social media following of more than four million, and YouTube views exceeding 35 million, he has amassed an audience that is purely…
  • The Avett Brothers (Chesapeake Energy Arena) Visit the Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City for a special performance by The Avett Brothers. This one night event…
  • Brown Bag Lunch Series (Western Heritage Museum) Start Time: 12:00pm Take part in casual conversations about the Museum’s current exhibition. Bring a lunch or purchase one in The Museum Grill. Reservations are not required. Free admission to the Theater and Museum Grill.
    September 22 Cultural Appropriation and Headdresses. Matt Reed, 2nd Chief of the Chaui Band of the Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma and Curator of…
  • Cavalera - Return to Roots - OKC (Diamond Ballroom) Start Time: 6:30pm SEPT 22 at the Diamond Ballroom Max & Iggor Cavalera Return to Roots Performing the "Roots" Album in its entirety with Special Guest Combichrist, Allegaeon, A Dying Art Okc, Komatryp & Arise & Devour TICKETS ON SALE NOW: http://bit.ly/CavaleraRootsOKC
  • 🎓 Norman Central - Computer Skills for Job Seekers, Day 3 (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 1:00pm It seems like every job these days wants you to have computer skills and to apply online. But don't fret! The Norman Library is here to help you get up-to-speed - and ready-to-work. In this third day, students will learn about resume writing. Students will employ Microsoft Word and learn how to navigate simple templates for resume creation, as…
  • 🎓 Norman Central - STEAM Tweens (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 4:00pm STEAM Tweens connects kids with Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Design, and Mathematics in the library! Each week, join us as we explore and create different things of the STEAM variety! This program is for ages 8-12 or children in third, fourth, fifth, or sixth grades. For more information, please call the Children's desk at 405-701-2630.
  • 🎨 Cloud City by Tomás Saraceno Start Time: 5:00pm Cloud City , Tomás Saraceno’s 28-foot-tall steel and acrylic sculpture, will refract and rearrange the Oklahoma City skyline beginning Sept. 8. The structure, previously installed atop New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art and at the Green Box Arts Festival in Green Mountain Falls, Colo., can be explored from the inside and out. Visit NW…
  • 🎓 English as a Second Language Class (Purcell Public Library - Purcell) Start Time: 11:00am English as a Second Language class. All materials are provided.
  • 🎨 Exhibtion: Lowell Ellsworth Smith: My Theology of Painting (Western Heritage Museum) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am **Lowell Ellsworth Smith: My Theology of Painting **
    Ohio watercolorist and Prix de West winner, Lowell Ellsworth Smith (1924-2011), once referenced his *theology of painting *during an interview. Short but meaningful, the phrase summarized his relationship with art. It was more than a hobby or pastime. More than a career. It was the lens…
  • Ferry Fun Cruises (Oklahoma River Cruises) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 11:30am With four river landings, it's easy travel the Oklahoma River. Learn more about each of the landings and where they're located.
    The ferry transit schedule varies throughout the season.
    *** Purchase your tickets onboard**
    **Trip times in black are 1 hr 40 min round trip*
    *** Theme Cruises are on all evening service departures the last…
  • Found Poetry Playshop (IAO Gallery) Start Time: 7:00pm Hey poets! Have you ever been to a workshop? HAve you ever toiled away for endless hours to write that perfect next word? Well, we won't be doing that here! Join IAO for a Found Poetry Playshop Thursday, September 22 at 7:00 pm!!! You'll create a poem from a short piece of prose using some rather loose rules! Then, if you're brave enough, you…
  • Friends of thePreview Sale (Moore Public Library - Moore) Start Time: 6:30pm
  • 🎨 A Hiding Place (Artspace At Untitled) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am Poetry Reading Begins at 6:30pm
    This exhibit is a dialog beginning with a poet’s voice and then calling forth an artist’s remix, and response. You are invited to this collaborative exhibition in hopes you, too, will discover something hidden, and now made communal in the open light. A Hiding Place can be a rest stop or a generator shop, a…
  • Hospice Volunteer Opportunities (New Century Hospice, Inc.) Last Day Start Time: 9:00am The services you will give as a Hospice volunteer will profoundly improve the quality of our patient's lives. Friendly visits enable families to keep their loved ones at home, around the people they love, and the things they love. Assisting with errands helps a tired family cope with their many challenges and allows them time with their loved…
  • Max & Igor Cavalera et al. (Diamond Ballroom) CAVALERA
    Thu - Sep 22
     Diamond Ballroom 
    8001 S. Eastern Ave.
    Oklahoma City, OK
    with Special Guests:
    Tickets On Sale Now
    Buy For Less locations in OKC
    Brady Box Office or…
  • National Cavalry Competition (Historic Fort Reno - El Reno) Thru Sun, Sep 25th The National Cavalry Competition at Historic Fort Reno is a wonderful opportunity for re-enactors, active and reserve…
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fairgrounds Jim Norick Arena) Thru Sun, Sep 25th
  • 🍴 Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Thru Sun, Sep 25th Make your way to the Oklahoma State Fair and celebrate the end of summer with endless carnival rides, delicious fair…
  • Pollinator Habitat Workshop (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm Several Oklahoma counties, including Cleveland and McClain will receive $26,400 each to create and improve monarch butterfly and other pollinator habitats in its communities. Learn how you can get involved at a Pollinator Workshop on Sept. 22 from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Norman Public Library, 225 North Webster Avenue, Norman.
    Workshop attendees…
  • 🎓 Scaling Up Business Growth Workshop (Bank of Oklahoma Plaza) Start Time: 8:00am Gazelles International's all day workshop designed for CEO's and executive teams of mid-market companies ($5M-$200M) is coming to Oklahoma City!
    The world-renowned Scaling Up Business Growth Workshop empowers you to accelerate profitable growth using a time-tested and results-driven methodology. Through this exclusive learning experience,…
  • SNU: Soccer (M) vs Ouachita (Bethany Library - Bethany) Start Time: 7:00pm Soccer (W) vs Ouachita\nStreaming Video: https://www.youtube.com/useSNUCrimsonStorm\n http://snuathletics.com/calendar.aspx?id=2857
  • Sunset River Cruises (Oklahoma River Cruises) Start Time: 7:30pm Departs Exchange Landing | Last 3 Fridays (June – September) | $35/person
    Relax and recharge on the deck in the fresh Oklahoma breeze or inside the climate-controlled cabin while on an hour and a half sunset cruise enjoying music, appetizers and soda. Cruise times vary by season. A cash bar is available on board.
    Space is limited and…
  • 🎓 Teen - Vinyl Cutting (Blanchard Library - Blanchard) Start Time: 3:30pm Learn to design with the Silhouette Vinyl Cutter. You can have fun making your name and other designs in sticky-backed vinyl. You are welcome to complete one of the projects that will be on hand or bring something of your own that you want to decorate with vinyl designs.
  • 😂 Zoltan Kaszas (Loony Bin Comedy Club) Thru Sat, Sep 24th
  • 🎓 Zumba in the Gardens presented by Oklahoma City Community Foundation (Myriad Botanical Gardens) Start Time: 5:45pm Terrace Room $5 members, $10 nonmembers No pre-registration required Thursdays through September 20 Presented by Oklahoma City Community Foundation
    Zumba is a Latin-inspired cardio-dance workout that uses music and choreographed steps to form a fitness party atmosphere. While many of the types of dance and music featured in the program are…

Friday, Sep 23rd

  • 🎨 ARTonTAP (Oklahoma City Museum of Art) Once a year, Art on Tap brings community members together over beer, food and art. At this annual event, dress up…
  • 🍴 Tuttle BBQ Cook-Off (Tuttle American Legion - Tuttle) Bring the family and a big appetite to Tuttle this September for the annual Tuttle BBQ Cook-Off. This event, held in the…
  • Day Out with Thomas (Oklahoma Railway Museum) Thru Sun, Sep 25th Climb aboard for fun as Thomas the Tank Engine chugs into the Oklahoma Railway Museum in Oklahoma City. Thomas fans are…
  • John Pizzarelli (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond)
  • Montgomery Gentry in Concert (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Head to the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds for a night of hard-driving and Kentucky fried country music when Montgomery…
  • National Cavalry Competition (Historic Fort Reno - El Reno) Thru Sun, Sep 25th The National Cavalry Competition at Historic Fort Reno is a wonderful opportunity for re-enactors, active and reserve…
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fairgrounds Jim Norick Arena) Thru Sun, Sep 25th
  • 🍴 Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Thru Sun, Sep 25th Make your way to the Oklahoma State Fair and celebrate the end of summer with endless carnival rides, delicious fair…
  • 🎡 Pops Arcadia Corn Maze (Arcadia) Thru Sat, Oct 29th Celebrate the fall season with a trip to the Pops Arcadia Corn Maze. Navigate your way through the maze, which has a…
  • Skindred et al. (89th Street Collective)
  • Titus Andronicus (Opolis - Norman)
  • 😂 Zoltan Kaszas (Loony Bin Comedy Club) 1 day left

Saturday, Sep 24th

  • Blues in the Deuce (Artspace At Untitled) Spend the evening relaxing as waves of Memphis blues hit your ears from the Artspace at Untitled stage. Grab a…
  • Car Show (Firelake Casino - Shawnee) Admire the timeless designs of classic cars at the FireLake Casino Car Show in Shawnee. The FireLake Casino Car Show…
  • Coheed And Cambria et al. (Diamond Ballroom) Coheed and Cambria will embark on a fall North America tour, stopping at Diamond Ballroom along the way. Crowd the…
  • Day Out with Thomas (Oklahoma Railway Museum) 1 day left Climb aboard for fun as Thomas the Tank Engine chugs into the Oklahoma Railway Museum in Oklahoma City. Thomas fans are…
  • End of Season Mash Up (Firelake Arena - Shawnee) Catch the buzz as the Oklahoma City Roller Derby put on an electrifying dance of athleticism and grace as jammers and…
  • 🎡 Coyle Fall Festival (City Ballpark - Coyle) Bring the family out to the Coyle Fall Festival for a fun-filled day. With old fashioned family games and plenty of…
  • Fall Gourd Dance (First American United Methodist - Norman) Participate in the annual Fall Gourd Dance in Norman for a taste of American Indian culture. Besides hearing American…
  • Festival (Plaza District) The Plaza District Festival is quickly growing into one of Oklahoma City's most endearing annual art events, drawing…
  • 🍴 Grape Stomp Festival (Slaughterville) The Canadian River Wine Festival invites all ages out to Slaughterville for a fun day at the winery. Enter the Lucille…
  • Heritage Hills Historic Home Tour (Overholser Mansion) Day 1 of 2 The Heritage Hills Historic Home Tour has been a staple Oklahoma City fall activity for 50 years and provides a unique…
  • 🎡 Lebanese Heritage & Food Festival (Our Lady of Lebanon - Norman) Come celebrate the riches of Lebanese food, history and culture at the annual Lebanese Heritage & Food Festival.…
  • National Cavalry Competition (Historic Fort Reno - El Reno) 1 day left The National Cavalry Competition at Historic Fort Reno is a wonderful opportunity for re-enactors, active and reserve…
  • OKC Energy FC vs Saint Louis FC (Taft Stadium) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fairgrounds Jim Norick Arena) 1 day left
  • 🍴 Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fair Park) 1 day left Make your way to the Oklahoma State Fair and celebrate the end of summer with endless carnival rides, delicious fair…
  • $ Oklahoma Wildlife Expo (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Day 1 of 2 In September, Guthrie's Lazy E Arena will be transformed into Oklahoma's largest indoor and outdoor recreation…
  • 🎡 Pops Arcadia Corn Maze (Arcadia) Thru Sat, Oct 29th Celebrate the fall season with a trip to the Pops Arcadia Corn Maze. Navigate your way through the maze, which has a…
  • 🏃 Redman Triathlon (2016 ITU Long Distance Triathlon World Championships) (Stars & Stripes Park) OKLAHOMA is a word that was coined by the native American missionary Allen Wright. He combined two Choctaw words, "ukla" meaning man and "humá" meaning red to form the word that first appears in an 1866 Choctaw treaty. Oklahoma means REDMAN & REDMAN means a flat, very fast course & ease of access, all combined with service & support that will…
  • 🏃 Robert E. Brady Memorial 5K (Farmers Insurance HelpPoint parking lot) The out and back course will be closed to traffic and is considered to be flat and fast. Fast and accurate times will be provided by DG Productions. Proceeds will go to benefit the United Way.
  • 🍴 Sam's Club National BBQ Tour (Midwest City) The Sam's Club National BBQ Tour in Midwest City is spicing up the world of competitive barbecue. The barbecue…
  • Touch a Truck (Cleveland County Fairgrounds - Norman) Norman's Pioneer Library System invites families to bring their children to the Cleveland County Fairgrounds to see…
  • University of Oklahoma Ghost Tour (University of Oklahoma - Norman) Discover the mysterious side of an Oklahoma landmark with a University of Oklahoma Ghost Tour. Visitors who join this…
  • 🏃 Walk to End Alzheimer's (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark) 7:30 a.m. Registration 9 a.m. Ceremony & Walk
  • Watermelon Slim (The Blue Door)
  • 😂 Zoltan Kaszas (Loony Bin Comedy Club) Last Day

Sunday, Sep 25th

  • Big Thief (Opolis - Norman)
  • Buckcherry et al. (Kickapoo Casino - Harrah)
  • Day Out with Thomas (Oklahoma Railway Museum) Last Day Climb aboard for fun as Thomas the Tank Engine chugs into the Oklahoma Railway Museum in Oklahoma City. Thomas fans are…
  • Don't Quit Your Day Job: an OKC StorySLAM (Saints) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Groovefest (Andrews Park - Norman) Founded in 1986 by the OU Chapter for Amnesty International, Groovefest in Norman is the longest-lasting human rights…
  • 🏃 HDSA Hope Walk & 5K (Stars & Stripes Park) Huntington's Disease Society of America
  • Heritage Hills Historic Home Tour (Overholser Mansion) Day 2 of 2 The Heritage Hills Historic Home Tour has been a staple Oklahoma City fall activity for 50 years and provides a unique…
  • National Cavalry Competition (Historic Fort Reno - El Reno) Last Day The National Cavalry Competition at Historic Fort Reno is a wonderful opportunity for re-enactors, active and reserve…
  • Oklahoma Derby Day (Remington Park) Celebrate the Oklahoma Derby in style at Remington Park Racetrack & Casino in Oklahoma City. In addition to the 10…
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fairgrounds Jim Norick Arena) Last Day
  • 🍴 Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fair Park) Last Day Make your way to the Oklahoma State Fair and celebrate the end of summer with endless carnival rides, delicious fair…
  • $ Oklahoma Wildlife Expo (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Day 2 of 2 In September, Guthrie's Lazy E Arena will be transformed into Oklahoma's largest indoor and outdoor recreation…
  • 🎡 Pops Arcadia Corn Maze (Arcadia) Thru Sat, Oct 29th Celebrate the fall season with a trip to the Pops Arcadia Corn Maze. Navigate your way through the maze, which has a…

Monday, Sep 26th

  • Drown Night at Saints (Plaza District) Start Time: 8:00pm All you can drink Anthem beer for $8 starting at 8pm.
  • #FreeCoffeeMondays (District House) Start Time: 7:00am 7:00am - 10:30am. A free small cup of coffee for anyone who comes in.
  • Milk Moms (Thrive Mama Collective) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • $ OKC Painting Palooza (Reed Conference Center - Midwest City) Thru Sat, Oct 1st Celebrate all forms of creative arts with OKC Painting Palooza. During this week-long event, learn art techniques from…
  • Pint Night (Plaza District) Start Time: 5:00pm Come try a new brew and keep the glass while you're at it!
  • 🎡 Pops Arcadia Corn Maze (Arcadia) Thru Sat, Oct 29th Celebrate the fall season with a trip to the Pops Arcadia Corn Maze. Navigate your way through the maze, which has a…
  • Public Access: Open Mic Mondays (District House) Start Time: 8:00pm Got talents? Come rock the mic.
    Hosted by Matt Raney
  • Shel (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond)

Tuesday, Sep 27th

  • Hellyeah (Diamond Ballroom)
  • Islander et al. (Thunder Alley Grill & Sports Bar)
  • $ OKC Painting Palooza (Reed Conference Center - Midwest City) Thru Sat, Oct 1st Celebrate all forms of creative arts with OKC Painting Palooza. During this week-long event, learn art techniques from…
  • 🎡 Pops Arcadia Corn Maze (Arcadia) Thru Sat, Oct 29th Celebrate the fall season with a trip to the Pops Arcadia Corn Maze. Navigate your way through the maze, which has a…
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[Table] I am a casino executive. AMA

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Date: 2013-06-16
Link to submission (Has self-text)
Questions Answers
What's you're best story about someone trying to con/steel from the casino? I figure you're looking for some kind of crazy Oceans 11 story (of which there are several in the industry but none on my watch), but honestly the best ones are people trying to steal from the fucking buffet.
Mom comes in with two kids and says they're not eating so she shouldn't have to pay. The cashier says OK.
Fast forward 15 minutes and the cashier notices that the kids are missing.
Best AMA response ever. have an upvote! We had set out in the foyer those bags for your umbrella so the floor doesn't get wet.
Lady takes one, goes to the buffet, and starts filling it with food. Brazenly. Not trying to hide it.
We stop her and she says "what? this is all you can eat?!"
"Sit down and eat the contents of the bag then..." We found a HUGE ziplock bag of food by a table. The "customer" had obviously left it behind.
She realized she forgot it and came back to get it about 30 minutes later.
You should hire me as a buffet monitor i can pose as a customer then obnoxiously call them out for stuffing their purses with chicken fingers and mashed potatoes w/gravy. "HEY FAT LADAYYY I SEE YOU STEALIN THEM CHIKKAN FINGAZ!" Have a lady who consistently bitches about having to pay full price since she can't consume a lot because of her gastric bypass.
Do you actually have a policy to ask people to leave if you feel they lost more than they can afford? i watched a piece by loius theroux once where he asked this question to some of the managers of a casino and they all said "oh, i know they can afford it, of course we would ask them to stop if they couldnt". but obviously, from a business perspective, this is counter-intuitive towards making profits. so what is your take on this whole thing? and what is the overhead like for running a casino? what are some expenses you have which may be surprisingly high? We never make judgment on whether or not they can afford it. We really only step in if they come to us or start doing something overt like begging for money or asking for loans, etc. In the macro view, it's very bad for business if we don't do something about problem gambling when it presents itself.
Overhead... EBITDA margin of 30% is great.
Expenses... I guess crab legs would be too obvious? Besides that, maybe table games labor. You have a 0.5% house advantage at blackjack and have to have a physical person here 24/7 plus a supervisor for every 5-6 games.
What games are the biggest money makers for the casino? and coincidentally, Ace, ever ran a sports book? Penny slots by far.
Ha. No. But have worked in casinos that have them.
But why do I always win/come out ahead max-betting on the fucking Sex and the City penny slot? Google "law of large numbers"
1) How do you like the city? (So many people hate on it, and I don't understand why). Also, how did you like UNLV and when were you there? 1.) I actually just moved away for a job. I just think Vegas is OK. I moved there when I was in my mid-20s with a decent job so it was cool and exciting then. Fast forward a decade or so and the allure isn't there anymore. It's not "home" and I don't think it will ever will be because of how transient the population is.
2) to me it seems like a pretty small about of locals gamble (at least at the strip properties), do you guys keep tabs on those numbers? If so, what is the ratio of your gambling customers? 2.) I don't have the numbers in front of me, but we did a study one time and showed that Vegas has the highest incidence of regularly gambling activity in the nation. I always just felt that was a function of accessibility and self selection on the part of the residents. But you're right that locals don't go to the strip. The marketing offers are terrible compared to the non-strip properties and it's a pain to get to the strip just to get your gambling fix.
To what extent is organized crime still present in or around the casinos? Any personal encounters? Virtually none AFAIK.
The industry is very, very heavily regulated. When you get to the executive ranks you have to go through very, very thorough background checks. 5 years of tax returns, 5 years of all cancelled checks, explanations of all withdrawals > $200 and deposits > $500, in depth interview with an agent, etc.
The last time I've heard of legit organized crime here in the states (places like Macau are an entirely different story) was in Rosemont, IL I think in the mid-90s.
Link to casinoconnectionac.com
Damn, all withdrawals over $200? For the past 5 years? "Uh, I dunno, I don't really remember why I withdrew $300 from an ATM 3 years ago. Maybe I spent it buying some off of Craig's List, I dunno." Yeah, it's really ridiculous.
Explain Macau? The Triad are heavily influential there. Kind of like what you'd imagine in Vegas in the 50s.
Holy shit, I live in Des Plaines. Des Plaines' only problem now is how to more quickly count all the money they're making
The scene from Skyfall comes to mind. Yep.
Organized crime is the muscle of the casino, the security guards, the directors of security, the private investigators, the small business owners, the gamblers who launder money through the casinos. Of course the mob isn't like the movies anymore. Well i'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you on everything except the money laundering despite the fact we have to live by Title 31 Link to en.wikipedia.org
It is true that if a person is on a helluva winning streak and is consistantly winning and you cant figure out why... you will demand that he take his winnings and leave and never show his face in the place again? (kick him out for winning). It's possible but relatively rare. you have to have enough cash to really turn out our lights to get to that point. for the vast vast majority of people, we have more money than you so as long as feel like we can get you back in the door, go ahead and win away
So that scene in Rain man is totally bullshit then? Where they consistently win and make $80,000 from a couple of thousand... then are told to GTFO after the casino guys couldnt figure out how they were doing it. Bullshit only in the sense that couldn't figure out what was going on
What gives a person the best odds when playing Blackjack-playing with more decks or less decks? i seem to win more with tables that use 6 decks and my friends do better with 4 decks.. It's a lot more than the number of decks and the casinos use that information asymmetry to their advantage (e.g., $5 SINGLE DECK BLACKJACK!!!) Everything being the same, the less amount of decks the better but we will change the payouts for BJ, rules for splitting and double down, etc. to our advantage. So you can have a 6-deck shoe with otherwise very liberal rules that have a lower house advantage than a single deck show with very unfavorable rules.
So with the same set of rules, less decks is more favourable? Yes everything else being equal
Is that just because it's easier to count or is it fancy math stuff. Fancy math stuff.
Six Decks: -0.02% Five Decks: -0.03% Four Decks: -0.06% Two Decks: -0.19% One Deck: -0.48%
Link to www.onlineblackjack.com
Ever seen anyone get naked or have sex in the casino or bathrooms? Boobs pop out of the cocktail waitresses' uniforms relatively often because they'll get tops 3 sizes too small in order to get bigger cleveage/tips.
Saw chick blowing a dude at a slot machine at the entrance of a club.
And Vegas has all of these European-style pools so if you're out there "inspecting the grounds" then all those girls are topless.
Sweet. What'd you do with the BJ couple? Pic of one of the pools please? Security was running towards them so I just assumed they got the boot.
Pools = just go to imagefap and look for topless beaches.
Do you ever feel guilty for all the money people lose to your business? Of course.
Did you see the fictional series "Tilt" on ESPN about 5-7 years ago? Any opinions on it? Did you find it entertaining? Did you find any of it accurate at all? Vaguely. And when I say that I mean I remember the series and watching a bit of it and that's it.
To us, the holy grail of Casino movies is Casino and Rounders.
Thanks for the response! I love Rounders, but it seemed to focus more on the players, and more on non-casino-based games, whereas Tilt was as much about the casino management as anything else. I should watch Casino. Yeah if you're interested in the casino management piece then Casino.
Does your casino make any efforts to stop problem gamblers from betting more than they can afford? Every casino company has policies regarding problem gambling that are audited by the state. Each state also has its own minimum guidelines like mandating that brochures be placed in very visible areas of the casinos, hotline numbers printed on every ad, etc.
It's a delicate situation when you think someone might have a problem because, well it might not be a problem. So we generally only do things if they specifically ask us to (e.g., they can ban themselves) or if they start doing something really egregious like asking players or employees for loans at which point we'd probably pull them aside and hand them a brochure and ask if there's anything we can do to help because what they're currently doing is unacceptable (the begging).
There's a casino near my house that keeps a full time car appraiser on staff. I've always felt that's a little shady. You ever run into anything like that? No way.
Even though I believe casino gambling should be legal, I find the practice of casino's providing credit to be morally indefensible. What is your opinion on the practice? Would it be a reasonable compromise to allow for more casinos on the stipulation that gambling on a margin is banned? So if I'm a high worth individual who likes to gamble, your expectation is that I just bring in a suitcase of $100s to gamble with?
No, a debit card. Reasonable.
A debit card? not reasonable...a credit limit is the only feasible way some patrons can gamble...most people do not want to walk around with 50k in there pocket...and I'm not sure how you would go about withdrawing thousands of dollars from an ATM machine. I was being sarcastic. It's a huge competitive disadvantage to not be able to offer credit (e.g., Missouri) because no high roller wants to play there. You'd have to physically go to the bank, withdraw 20K cash or whatever, somehow survive walking to your car, and then somehow survive walking to the casino from your car. TBF, there's also what is called front money which is where you can wire money to us and we will hold it for you but you have to pay the fees vs us offering you credit free. I did have a millionaire player who strictly got his money off of a variety of credit cards and would just do cash advances. We obviously never questioned it but he had apparently had a huge credit line (evidenced by the amount he was able to withdraw) and enough to pay it back (evidenced by him able to come often).
notjabba...no one cares if "you believe casino gambling should or shouldn't be legal"
How do you know if i am card counting, and do you care if i am not playing for big money? Primarily odd fluctuations in your betting patterns. $5, 5, 5, 5, then $1,000, then $5, 5, 5, 5 would catch our eye big time.
, big money! We care. Small wins add up.
What if i went 5,5,5,20? Would you care then? At those low levels no one would be on the lookout for you.
How automated is the alerting system for this? Pit boss getting info from the sky I assume? Not very automated. There are a variety of technologies out there designed to thwart this but they're expensive and casinos are too staid to invest.
So basically it's just either surveillance or the pit supervisor noticing something odd then starting to keep track of the bets.
Might be a silly question, but does stuff ever go down like it does in the movies? Like, say some guy is cheating in one way or another or doesn't take a hint to leave. Is he going to get taken into a back room and get his ass kicked or just escorted out? Taking fingers, breaking knee caps etc. etc. Nah, too highly regulated these days.
At what point do you start looking for card counters? If I'm playing with a $50-200 bet spread am I noticeable? Is the the spread (4:1, 8:1, 20:1) the dollar figure or a combination? Sorry this isn't my area of expertise so I can't with this level of specificity. I'd think a 4X spread wouldn't be bad, though, but just an educated guess.
You could buy a membership to the Green Chip forum (bj21.com), though and read up on the reverse engineering they've done.
I would venture a guess that electronic card games have pattern recognition built right in? I don't know how they do the shuffle. I'd imagine it's a fresh shuffle before every hand like in video poker thus nullifying counting.
Well I understand that, but profits on a casino are through the roof, are they not? I assume that there is a relatively low amount of card counters , and that you still will make a very good profit. Profits aren't as good as you'd think post 2008 economy.
Bottom line is that it ain't ever gonna happen. Sorry.
What is the biggest amount you have seen someone lose? I was working at Wynn when Andy Beal played "The Corporation" so that was like $16.5MM he lost to them I believe.
That's fucking cool, I read the book detailing the events of this, Link to en.m.wikipedia.org. Any cool stories etc from your point of view from then? Honestly, everything I found out about it at the time was from 2+2. I didn't have direct access to the players so it wasn't really like I could analyze the session with Phil afterwards.
Urban legends of someone winning big at the slots but having it taken away to a glitch. Has this really happened to your knowledge? Not urban legend. Many cases like this. The player never wins. Google it and you'll find tons of them. E.g.,
Link to www.lasvegassun.com
This one is international but I think is the funniest. Not only did you "win" $55MM on a machine that stated the max jackpot was $50K but after winning $55MM, you went ahead and played another spin... just in case...
Link to www.thanhniennews.com
Damn that sucks. Well here is one for you. Did you know that in Panama you can double down at the black jack tables at any point. It gives you a huge advantage and you can win a lot of money that way. I'd heard something like that. My best friend (avid gambler) went to Costa Rica and basically came back saying he had to totally re-learn BJ when he was down there because of all of their crazy rules.
If that's true about Panama, I'm surprised there aren't people haven't just set up shop down there and pillaged that place until they went bust.
No i didnt have sex with the hooker but my friend did make out with her drunk. As would I. What's up with fucking people who just make out? Fucking amateur hour. This isn't fucking 7th grade.
He didn't know that she was a hooker and was just putting the moves on her. He thought he was just really smooth with his broken spanish. What he didn't know what that I paid her to keep quiet about it. He looked REALLY sad when someone else bought her and he realized what she was. I actually did something similar for my friend after he split up with his whore wife. We wanted to boost his spirits so gave a hooker $100 to go and flirt with him.
Shit man in Panama you can get a lot more than flirting for a hundo. Granted she won me a grand and i think i threw her 50 back. Well that and she got to make out with my friend...Worth it. Did your friend end up with the hooker hilarious movie style? Nah, this was in Vegas, he's cheap, and we're not that generous.
How do Vegas casinos differ from Native American casinos? Or are they essentially the same? Depends in the jurisdiction. in some there is no difference (e.g florida) while others are wildly different (e.g north Carolina)
I'm curious as to how they differ. I'm from NC but haven't been to any of the casinos around here. In NC, for example, games have to be "games of skill" so like on the slot machines you don't just pull the handle and watch the reels go round and round, you have to physically touch the game to stop each reel.
That's not true (I've been there). Admittedly it's been awhile since I've dealt with them (I used to work for Harrah's) but it was like that for awhile.
Link to wizardofodds.com (scroll down a bit)
They might have some that are like that, but the handful I played (there are a shit ton) were not. Apparently they've got table games there now, too, which is new from when I was last there just a year ago. Well the states quickly understand that they're leaving money on the table (no pun intended) but creating this arcane regulations.
Fastest growing casino region? AC? Vegas? Macau? Macau.
Absolutely nothing domestically.
Why? Distance to the large volume of middle and wealthy chinese? Yes, and whose culture has a high propensity for gambling.
Why isn't counting cards allowed? Lets say I was a math genius, isn't it just part of the game then? Because we reserve the right to serve whomever we please as long as we're not discriminatory against a protected class.
I see. It just seems like mocking people for being good. Maybe if I was a black math genius with down syndrome I could get along with it. No offense to either btw. Perhaps but we're not particularly concerned.
Btw, I'm a bit of an advantage gambler myself. I only play low house advantage games, maximize my coupons and promotions etc. so I'm sympathetic but there's just nothing that can be done on the card counting front.
Private business CAN discriminate based on protected classes, just bad business to do so. Then don't come to my casino.
Semi-serious question: have you ever crashed someone's hand with a hammer because he/she was found cheating? Boy do I wish, but no.
Could you explain why it is so difficult to get casinos in states that do not already have them? Im from Dallas, and it seems that the Oklahoma casinos are 70%+ Texans. It seems our state is losing a ton of $ to other states. (Oklahoma, Louisiana...) In Texas it's because your legislature meets relatively irregularly. expansion since the 90s has been predicated on budget shortfalls and using gaming to patch up those holes.
Texas' economy has been relatively good so combine that with a conservative legislature that doesn't meet often as we'd have have to have the perfect storm of you having a bad economic run at the same time the legislature is meeting.
Trust me, we are ready to pounce when that happens.
Okay so a couple of years ago there was a show called "Las Vegas" and it was about a casino. Hosts are basically your sales team to high worth players. The compensation structure is just like any other salesperson: base + commission.
Not sure if you ever saw it, but there was a character named Sam and she was a casino hostess and she was kind of a bitch but I always wanted to be that (casino host not bitch). How can I get into that? So, if you've never done that kind of work before or sales at all for that matter, you just need to take anykind of remotely similar job and then just keep trying to plug along with the job search.
Well I cant wait until it happens. I will gladly donate my fair share for a free Paula Dean buffet. We've owned land for decades in preparation.
You see where companies like PENN have already bought stakes in racetracks there, taking a bet that racinos (adding slots to tracks) will be the states first foray.
The owner of Landry's (also owns the Nugget) has said repeatedly that as soon as the law is passed he can have working slots in Galveston overnight. Yeah. His family (Fertitta) started Stations casinos in Vegas (and MMA) and really big shots in town.
Yeah, as a Houstonian and gambler, I am really hoping one day it finally happens. I hate hate HATE driving to Louisiana and I haven't been able to make it out to Vegas in 2+ years. The folks in Lake Charles and Shreveport do not share your sentiment.
I'm sure they don't. Bud of mine wanted to make an ad campaign of just going to Isle of Capri and showing the license plates. You mean Pile of Debris.
Highest progressive payout you've ever seen paid out? And what was the game? And any good stories about throwing out patrons? That I've physically seen? Probably like a $75K Caribbean Stud.
I have been encouraged by many people to get a job there, but no one, even me, knows where I should start. Personally, I don't enjoy gambling and have only been in the Hard Rock a couple times, just to see the lobby and buy shirts with some out of town guests. Probably on the non-gaming side. Not sure of your educational background but NA with degrees go very, very far very, very quickly.
So my question is where would you recommend someone to start in the casino industry, if they don't particulary like/understand gambling? If you want to work the front line, then hotel front desk or something like that.
I don't have a degree yet, but I do have 10 years in B2B (business to business) sales in telephony, so I know a lot about circuits/phone systems/general telecom. Native American.
EDIT: what does "NA" stand for? So then in your case either work in IT or maybe some kind of sales position like convention sales?
Oh I didn't know there would be some sort of sales team with a casino. Sweet. I considered IT, but I assumed it would be in the realm of network security, which I know little to nothing about. Who do you think maintains the phone switch, PCs, servers, etc.?
Proof? What would suffice without outing me?
You would know best what you have, however this sounds like it would be easier to prove confidentially to the mods. Things such as work ID, paystub, business card, etc are acceptable forms of confidential verification. I'll send a pic over to them. Never done this before so wasn't sure.
I have a BA in Accounting and am currently a Project Manager (Prior exp in Cost, Tax and Accural accounting, worked for the Big 4, Now I make Warheads for the Army). If I wanted to get into the Casino industry what jobs should I persue. What is the best way to persue them? Do people telecommute? Whats the pay range? We always need good finance people. There are always other industries they can work in so it's hard to find good people.
So I'd say just go be an accountant?
We post on all the major job boards and casinocareers.com is the main industry-specific job board.
Telecommuting is not a regularly accepted practice.
For finance, it's just market rate salary.
How did you get your job? Was in undergrad and needed a job. responded to ad in paper for entry level job. worked my way up.
I'm going to guess that wasn't a typo. Not going to edit for the lulz.
You know what, why the hell not? Best way to make money fast? Well, assuming you have one and only one bet to make, the math always says banker on baccarat.
Any tips/secrets for slot machine players? Which one's your favorite type/brand? Learn to play video poker, blackjack, baccarat, or craps.
Anything video scares me..are there 'rules' in place for video poker or Bj blackjack to guarantee payouts or is it completely random? If random, how do we know the game isn't rigged in your favor? Completely Random.
Because it behooves the state not to let us rig the games so they employ strict regulations to prevent such.
For example, many states mandate that this company verify the legitimacy of a game: Link to www.gaminglabs.com
Those states that don't, do it themselves.
I accidently got my gf addicted to video poker but it paid well. Its a better chance and payoff than video slots IMO. No opinion about it, it is true.
Does this only go for high roller tables? Or does it also go for some guy that hits a big jackpot on the slots? Both.
Are security as horrible as people say in Vegas? I've heard from my relatives that purse snatching and such happens quite a bit and security shows up minutes after they were called (so pretty much useless). On the other hand, I've heard some amazing quick response time in Macau. Are these myths? Need some reference point. Horrible as compared to what. You've got a 3-mile long street with literally a million people on it. There's gonna be crime.
Hmmm... how about relative to san diego or fort worth? I'd say on par to Gaslamp but I'm no criminologist.
HOW DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT!? I'm serious, I want the gritty details... You use a sleep number? Memory foam? Standard matress with some box springs? And what kind of pillow to. Oh, oh, and what is the thread count of your sheets... I'm a minimalist. Same mattress I've had for literally 15 years that I got at a department store. Hypoallergenic pillows from Target. 800 count. Also from Target.
Nice! Glad I registered my wedding at Target. Sounds like they got the good stuff. Decent and reasonably priced. The girls can't tell the difference between it and the really nice stuff.
Counting cards actually means that you are playing the game very well and it isn't cheating. How can you justify kicking someone out of a casino for being too good at the game? Also as far as I'm aware it isn't illegal. No it is not illegal but just like any other business we reserve the right to serve whomever we please (as long as we're not discriminating against a protected class, of course).
In essence you are keeping track of how many 10s/face cards and low cards are in the deck because high cards help the player, low cards help the dealer.
So if you know that the deck is rich in high cards you bet more and vice versa.
I will be attending UNLV for hospitality management in the fall. any tips? For undergrad? Make the program what you want out of it. Just by graduating no one is going to hand you a huge job but if you do well the brand recognition can really work in your favor.
Yep for undergrad. thanks for the answer! Go Rebels!
Does your business invest in gambling addictions or have employee training to prevent those who are gambling addicts from playing in your casino? I take it you mean gambling addiction treatment... And yes, we do: Link to www.americangaming.org
And every employee, at least in the majority of casinos, is trained on how to identify problem gaming.
How do you hire trust worthy people, meaning do you have some dude or gal that is like HR on steroids watching people? I imagine you have seen more than one case where there is employee theft or people who are running a front for money laundering? Well everyone goes through a background check through the state with fingerprints and whatnot then executives go through an FBI-style background check where they check all of your bank records and stuff.
But with so much cash floating around there is theft but it's basically like a bank so I can't imagine the incidence to be much higher than with tellers at banks.
How much do you make? Six figures + bonus.
Awesome. What was your path to this career choice? Like education/jobs. I just happened into it. Got entry level job during undergrad and worked my way up. Picked up master's while working.
Nice. Went to school for business I presume? For my master's yes. Have doo doo lib arts degree for undergrad.
Awesome! So you managed to get the entry level job with just an arts degrees then worked your way up? Or was the MBA necessary for where you are at now? I was in undergrad I got the job. It as entry level. $10/hr.
Master's not necessary but very helpful to stick out of the crowd.
Just noticed your name...classic. At around what limits are you able to get comps for free rooms out in either AC or Vegas? I would assume that Vegas is easier due to the vast amount of rooms, but what are your tips to earning comps faster? Depends on the property and depends on the game. And by rooms, do you mean like direct mail offers or the ability to walk up to someone and say "bitch, I'm a baller - hook me up!"
What do you know of online gambling? I did a bunch of preliminary work when I was a corporate person.
Last updated: 2013-06-21 00:10 UTC
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How a Florida Woman Who Won $13 Million Lottery Jackpot ...

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