Episode Discussion: Casino Night : OfficeLadiesPodcast

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The Official r/DunderMifflin Re-Watch Thread – S.2 Ep. 22 – Casino Night

The Official DunderMifflin Re-Watch Thread – S.2 Ep. 22 – Casino NightWelcome to the DunderMifflin Rewatch Thread. Please join us in watching today’s episode of The Office (US). Feel free to comment your favorite moments, thoughts, etc. in the comments section below.
If you are interested in watching today’s episode in real time with other viewers from DunderMifflin, u/CasdenCool will be hosting a stream at rabb.it/CasdenCool at around 6pm PST. Unfortunately, I know nothing about rabb.it. If you have any questions about the “real time” watch please PM u/CasdenCool.
Also, please keep all spoilers to a minimum. As this re-watch continues there is a possibility that we will pick up some first-time viewers. Let’s be respectful to them and their watch through. Thanks!!
The Office
Season: 2
Episode: 22 – Casino Night
The Dunder Mifflin crew holds a casino party at the warehouse and Michael has two dates.
Release Date: 11 May 2006
Run Time: 29 Min
Director: Greg Daniels
Writers: Steve Carell
· In this episode, Michael says he's donating his money to Comic Relief, even though it no longer exists. This was an homage to the original British series, where an entire episode (#2.5) was devoted to raising money for Comic Relief.
· In "Casino Night" Creed is shown stealing from a vending machine. He holds up a candy bar. This a bar made by Gertrude Hawk Chocolates, a company founded in Scranton.
· Creed mentions the excellent pea soup at the soup kitchen. He would be referring to the St. Francis of Assisi Soup Kitchen at 500 Penn Ave. in Scranton (right across the street from the Penn Paper building shown in the opening credits of the show). The soup kitchen is for the homeless.
· In his beginning monologue to the camera, Michael states that he considers himself to be an accomplished "philanderer." This word is often applied to men who engage in sexual relationships with multiple women simultaneously. The word he should have used is "philanthropist," which is more aligned with people who support charities.
· Michael's line, "Jan Levinson, I presume", is a reference to Journalist Henry Morton Stanley's reported first words to adventurer Dr. David Livingstone, "Dr. Livingstone, I Presume", when the former found the latter in Africa.
· After Michael makes his speech to get casino night started, he says "let's get it started--- black eyed crows". He is referencing to the song by the Black Eyed PEAS "Let's Get It Started" but has the group name wrong. This was a deliberate but subtle joke.
· In this scene where Michael and all the others are playing poker, Michael goes all in on the first hand and Toby calls his bet but Michael folds his cards berfore there is a flop. It is never shown what Michael's losing had was.
· Spoilers
· In "Casino Night" Dwight tells Pam & Jim his tux belonged to his grandfather & that he was buried in it. He again wears it in the beginning of the episode "The Farm", when announcing the death of his Aunt Shirley. However, according to Schrute tradition, they shoot their dead before burial to make sure they are "completely dead". If his grandfather had been buried in this tux, there should've been bullet holes.
· At the poker table, both Michael and Toby go all in. Toby has a pair of Jacks, while Michael's hand is practically indistinguishable, presumably two mismatched cards lower than a Jack. However, the game is Texas Hold 'Em, and the dealer gives the hand to Toby without dealing any cards into the center of the table.
· During the poker game between Kevin and Phyllis, Phyllis was dealt a six of clubs on the river. Therefore, Kevin's set of queens should have been good.
· Jim Halpert: Hey, can I talk to you about something?
Pam Beesley: About when you want to give me more of your money?
Jim Halpert: No, I...
Pam Beesley: Did you want to do that now? We can go inside. I'm feeling kind of good tonight.
Jim Halpert: I was just... I'm in love with you.
Pam Beesley: [No longer smiling] What?
Jim Halpert: I'm really sorry if that's weird for you to hear, but I needed you to hear it. Probably not good timing, I know that. I just...
Pam Beesley: [Stunned] What are you doing? What do you expect me to say to that?
Jim Halpert: I just needed you to know. Once.
Pam Beesley: Well, I... I... I can't.
Jim Halpert: Yeah.
Pam Beesley: You have no idea...
Jim Halpert: Don't do that.
Pam Beesley: ...what your friendship means to me.
Jim Halpert: Come on. I don't want to do that. I wanna be more than that.
Pam Beesley: I can't.
[a small tear runs down Jim's face]
Pam Beesley: I'm really sorry if you misinterpreted things. It's probably my fault.
Jim Halpert: [Trying to recover] Not your fault. I'm sorry I misinterpreted our friendship.
· Michael Scott: Oh, and another fun thing. We, at the end of the night, are going to give the check to an actual group of Boy Scouts. Right, Toby? We're gonna...
Toby: Actually, I didn't think it was appropriate to invite children since it's... You know, there's gambling and alcohol, and it's in our dangerous warehouse and it's a school night... And, you know, Hooters is catering. You know, is that enough? Should I keep going?
Michael Scott: Why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not that way. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be.
· Michael Scott: Hey, Carol, how goes the real estate biz? Is it real good?
Pam Beesley: It's still me.
· Michael Scott: I am no longer your boss. Lady Fortune is your boss.
Stanley: Will Lady Fortune give me a raise?
Michael Scott: Shut it, shut it, shut it.
· Toby: I don't really play cards, but I'm not going to lie to you. It felt really good to take money from Michael. Gonna chase that feeling.
· Michael Scott: There are certain topics that are off-limits to comedians: JFK, AIDS, the Holocaust. The Lincoln Assassination just recently became funny. I need to see this play like I need a hole in the head. And I hope to someday live in a world where a person could tell a hilarious AIDS joke. It's one of my dreams.
· Pam Beesley: Sometimes I don't put Michael through until he's already said something. I look at it as a practice run for him. He usually does better on the second attempt.
· Michael Scott: Jan Levinson, I presume?
Pam Beesley: It's still me.
· Jim Halpert: [to Pam] I'm in love with you.
· Dwight Schrute: I'm Michael's wingman. I've got his back. Two dates. He's got two dates tonight. My job is keep Jan away from Carol and vice versa. Michael said, "We must deceive them, so as not to hurt them, and in that way, we honor them."
· Michael Scott: Okay, you know what? I will not donate my winnings to Comic Relief, since apparently, it doesn't exist. I am going to donate to Afghanistanis with AIDS.
Jim Halpert: Nope. I think you mean the aid to Afghanistan.
Michael Scott: No, I mean Afghanistanis with AIDS.
Phyllis: Afghani.
Michael Scott: What?
Phyllis: Afghani.
Michael Scott: That's a dog.
Pam Beesley: No, that's Afghan.
Michael Scott: That's a shawl.
Dwight Schrute: Wait, canine AIDS?
Michael Scott: No. Humans with AIDS.
Creed: Who has AIDS?
Jim Halpert: Guys, the Afghanistananies.
Michael Scott: Okay, you know what? No. No. AIDS is not funny. Believe me, I have tried.
· Darryl: [explaining to Michael why he doesn't want fire-eaters in the warehouse for Casino Night] We just have a lot of stuff down there that could be stolen.
Michael Scott: That's ironic.
Darryl: What?
Michael Scott: That *you* are afraid.
Darryl: Why? 'Cause I'm from the hood?
Michael Scott: Dinkin flicka.
Darryl: [to film crew] I taught Mike some phrases to help him with his interracial conversations. You know, stuff like, "Fleece it out." "Going mach five." "Dinkin flicka." You know, things us Negroes say.
Michael Scott: Give me some.
[Mike and Darryl do choreographed handshake]
Darryl: [laughing] Oh, yeah, I taught him a handshake, too.
· Jim Halpert: Excuse me. How long is the wait for a table for two?
Dwight Schrute: I would never, ever serve you. Not in a million, billion years.
Pam Beesley: It's a nice tux.
Dwight Schrute: I know. It belonged to my grandfather. He was buried in it, so family heirloom.
· Creed: Oh, I steal things all the time. It's just something I do. I stopped caring a long time ago.
· Dwight Schrute: [In response to Jim's claims of childhood telekinesis] I don't believe you. Continue.
· Ryan Howard: One beer and one Seven and Seven with eight maraschino cherries, sugar on the rim, blended if you can.
Jim Halpert: So, that's still going on, huh? You and Kelly?
· Michael Scott: Why are you here?
Dwight Schrute: When Darryl was coming, you said you wanted me here for protection.
Michael Scott: Not. I said, not that.
· Kevin: I suck.
· Michael Scott: Two queens on Casino Night. I am going to drop a deuce on everybody.
· Michael Scott: Love triangle. Drama. All worked out in the end, though. The hero got the girl. Who saw that coming? I did.
· Michael Scott: Comedy's very much alive, as are homeless people.
· Michael Scott: Jan and I understand each other. The romance thing is sort of on hold for the time being, but we've remained good friends. Good friends with privileges. Not now, someday.
submitted by Cam80984 to DunderMifflin [link] [comments]

Jim Halpert isn’t a jerk or a bully and I’m sick of hearing these comments saying he is [Rant]

I’ve seen a lot of comments on reddit recently saying that Jim isn’t as nice as he comes off or that he’s a bully, and I’d like to explain why those are false, and why every argument that is used is faulty.
How he handles Pam and Roy
This situation is an all around tough one for Jim. He’s been friends with Pam for what appears to have been a couple years at the start of the show meaning that by the time this comes to a head at Casino Night, this has been four years that he’s likely had these feelings. Roy might not be a a guy, but it’s fairly evident that him and Pam are not good together. Jim tells Pam how he feels because it’s clearly been something that he’s thought for a long time. I think it drove him crazy that he couldn’t tell her. Also Jim didn’t force the kiss on Pam, she clearly could’ve backed out of it if she wanted to. It might be pretty morally questionable to do all of this, but he had to say how he felt. Also she kinda clearly felt the same way.
How he handled his relationship with Katie and Karen
With Katie, Jim was just honest with her and said he didn’t see a future with them. It might not have been the best place, but I can’t blame the guy for being honest when asked a question. It also never seemed like they’d have a real future together.
With Karen, Jim was still wanting to take it slow when they left Stamford. When they went back to Scranton, it seemed like Karen was ready to do all of that, and it left Jim in a bad spot as he was not ready to commit fully, but did not want to end things with Karen. Jim also has to go back to a job with Pam, while she is also in a complicated relationship. Pam is also the reason Jim left the job, and things are even more uncomfortable for Jim because Pam’s relationship is even more on the rocks. Jim lied to Karen about having feelings for Pam, which was not the best call, but completely understandable. Jim is trying to move on from Pam and is being now forced to be around her regularly. We don’t know much about Jim’s breakup with Karen, but I think that it’s hard to blame him for it when he clearly knew he had feelings for Pam still. Jim made some mistakes here, but this situation is borderline impossible to handle correctly without making yourself miserable.
His pranks on Dwight
So this along with his treatment of Karen are the two most commonly brought up arguments against Jim as a good person. While some of the beliefs about Karen are understandable, these criticisms are completely illogical to me.
Dwight would be a nightmare to work with. Yes, one of the main reasons he is weird is that he was raised in a weird environment, but he should be able to pick up on social norms after working at Dunder Mifflin for as long as he did. Dwight is constantly trying to prove he is better than everyone to a confrontational extent, and is always trying to deter his power over everyone. I think Dwight does way worse stuff to Jim as a matter of fact. Dwight starts an intentionally rigged employee of the month program in an attempt to turn people against Jim. he constantly tells Jim about how he would fire him if he was ever manager despite Jim being a good salesman (it’s never explicitly stated, but it’s assumed Jim is the best salesman desires Dwight), he tries to get Michael to fire Jim, tries to guilt Jim into missing work to be with his family to he can get more sales in Jim’s absence. This is all stuff done to just Jim. With the rest of the office, he gives them the worst healthcare plan possible, leaves coworkers in the middle of nowhere on multiple occasions, and stages a fake fire. Jim does some pretty typical pranks like sending Dwight faxes from future Dwight, putting Dwight’s stapler in Jello, and moving Dwight’s desk when he goes to the bathroom. Now Jim does go too far on occasion like getting Dwight to dye his hair and break his phone, or pelting him with a snowball inside, but I still do not get how Jim is the bad guy in this situation.
I also believe people fail to realize the reason Jim plays these pranks on Dwight. Jim does this because Dwight gets way too high on himself and needs to be taken down a peg. If Jim truly was a jerk or a bully, why wouldn’t he do this to someone more vulnerable like Kevin or Toby. It also is clear that Jim does care about Dwight. Jim tried to comfort Dwight after Angela breaks up with him, warns Dwight about the fact that he will be fired in Florida, and takes Dwight to the hospital when he has a concussion. If Jim was just a bully, he wouldn’t have helped Dwight.
The Koi Pond
If you watch the video I linked below, i think it is clear Jim didn’t prevent Michael from falling in because he very easily could’ve fallen in if he did. Jim also helped Michael as he was trying to get out. While Michael is clearly the one embarrassing himself the most, Jim has to swallow his pride a bit here to help him when he could’ve easily stayed away.
His effort at his job
Let’s just be real. How many of us reading this actually go into their office job and put in a real hard days work five days a week? If you do, great for you, but I believe most of us do not put full effort into our jobs. I also believe that’s especially the case for those of us who don’t like our jobs, which Jim doesn’t. Jim also still has a good sales record, and was getting promoted for a reason.
Now I will say Jim has some flaws. He’s impulsive, and should’ve consulted Pam before buying a house or investing his money into Athlead, but that’s his big flaw, and everyone has one. He’s handled situations poorly, but I full believe he is a good person.
Thank you for listening, I’ve just seen some comments on other subreddits saying that Jim is actually a jerk or a bully, and because I get way too bothered by those, I decided to make this post.
Also I’m sure I forgot some stuff, so feel free to let me know what I forgot if you can think of anything.
This video was a good source: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mqHbZL3kzmY&t=675s
submitted by Napol3onDynamite to DunderMifflin [link] [comments]

The Office Millionaire

Previously on The... fake... Office
(Cold Open)
Michael walks into the office looking tired. He mumbles something incoherent to Pam.
Pam: “What?”
Michael: “Uh…” Michael yawns. “... morning, Pamcakes.”
Pam: “Why so tired?”
Michael: “Someone broke into my condo last night.”
Pam: “Oh my god. Are you okay?”
Dwight jumps over his desk, knocking over his and some of Jim’s items. Jim crosses his arms and leans back in his chair.
Dwight: “Did you see who did it?”
Michael: “I did not, but the police are on it, and they will catch her. You can’t hide from lady justice.” Michael leans in toward the camera. “Not in my town.”
Dwight: “So the perp is a woman.”
Michael: “I… did not say that. It could have been a man with a high pitched voice... to try and fool me.”
Dwight: “Or using a voice synthesizer.”
Michael: “Maybe. I don’t know. I just wish I could have seen her face.”
Dwight: “Was she wearing a mask? What kind of mask was it?”
Michael: “You know it all happened so fast. I heard a crashing noise, and then before I knew it I was in my bathroom closet.”
Dwight: “You know what you needed?”
Michael: “A hug.” Michael raises his eyebrows at Pam.
Dwight: “A gun.”
(Talking Head – Pam)
Pam: “I don’t want to open up a debate about guns or gun rights, but I don’t think Michael should own a gun.” Pam frowns. “Michael once told me that he thought the safety on a gun makes it so that it only fires blanks.”
(Back in Office)
Michael: “I don’t need a gun, Dwight. I already have two guns right here, so...” Michael pats his arms. “She’s just lucky I didn’t decide to use them.”
Jim: “Because you were hiding in your bathroom closet.”
Michael: “No. No,” Michael turns to the camera. “Because, I do not hit women.”
The camera pans to Meredith. The camera pans back to Michael who saw the camera pan.
Michael: “Cars don’t count.”
(The office – near reception)
Oscar: “Congrats Kevin.”
Phyllis: “You deserve it.”
Michael: “What’s all this?”
Jim: “Kevin’s a millionaire— his stock blew up.” Jim pats Kevin on the back. Kevin nods his thanks.
Michael: “Wait…Quantical Enterprises? The stock Andy mentioned on the podcast last week?”
Kevin: “Yep.”
Michael seems to be unable to speak.
Jim: “You okay?”
Michael: “I bought it too. I put all my savings into it.” Michael hugs Kevin, and then shouts. “We’re millionaires!”
Kevin: “What are you going to do with your money, Michael?”
Michael looks around the room. He sees Holly in the background in the annex talking to Kelly. The camera pans back to Michael who smiles.
Michael: “First, I’m going to take my lady out for the most romantic business lunch she’s ever had.” He turns to the camera. “I’m thinking Red Lobster.”
Pam: “That’s sweet.”
(Talking Head – Kevin)
Kevin: “I’ve made a killing off of the stock market. A. Killing. Oscar is so jealous.” Kevin begins giggling. “What I’m going to do with my money is double it. Then, I’m going to buy my own river-boat casino and have free money forever. And, a river-boat casino.” He nods his head.
(In office - Jim’s Desk, Pam is standing facing Jim)
Pam: “Hey, good looking.”
Dwight: “Yeah, hi.”
Dwight shakes his head as Pam rolls her eyes. Dwight returns to his papers. Pam looks back to Jim.
Jim: “Hi.”
Pam: “You like the Phillies, right?”
Jim: “Do I ever.”
Pam reaches behind her back, her mouth open in mock surprise as she pulls out a signed, framed baseball card.
Jim: “No way! Mike Schmidt!? How…?”
(Talking Head – Pam. She’s sitting in front of a television. The picture on the screen is paused seconds after she had kissed Jim at the Chili’s in 2005. Jim has a grin and looks elated.)
Pam: “Ever since I found out about the kiss, I’ve been trying to think of a way to top it.” Pam turns and points at the screen. “I mean, look how happy he is.”
(Back at Jim’s desk)
Jim: “This is incredible. Thank you!”
Jim stands up and kisses Pam. After a few moments, Michael walks up to them.
Michael: “Sorry to break up the hanky-pamky, but I need to steal your Pamky.”
As they walk away, Jim holds up the card and mouths, “thank you!”
(Talking Head – Pam in front of Red Lobster)
Pam: “When Michael said he needed my help, I didn’t expect him to take me on his romantic lunch with Holly.” Pam rubs her belly. “I am eating for two, and I’ve been having the biggest craving for seafood. And Michael offered to pay.” Pam frowns. “I just hope I don’t lose my appetite.”
(In restaurant)
Holly: “I’m going to use the restroom. Michael, can you get me a tea if the waitress comes by?”
Michael waves his hand
Michael: “Nonsense, let’s live it up.” Michael leans over table. “I heard rich people like to put gold shavings in their food. Maybe… they have a drink with gold or… some kind of foreign metals in it…”
Pam: “I’ll order you a tea, Holly”
Holly: “Thanks.”
Holly leaves.
Michael: “Pam. Pam Chowder. I need to talk to you about something before Holly comes back.”
Pam: “Oh, boy.”
Michael: “Now that I’m a millionaire, I feel like I have the obligation to live more luxuriously. Have you ever seen the movie, Indecent Proposal?”
Pam shakes her head and looks down at the menu. Under her breath she mutters, ‘no, just no’
Michael: “Well, I have a kind of indecent proposal to ask you.”
Pam: “Michael, there’s no amount of money… on this planet or universe… that would get me to sleep with you.”
Michael: “What? No,” Michael looks offended. “I want to commission you to paint something for me. Well more for Holly, but for me too.”
Pam: “Oh. Well, why would that be indecent?”
Michael: “I won’t be wearing any clothing. To paint you a picture— I will be showing my red lobster.”
Pam tosses her menu away as she throws up her hands to the camera.
(Talking Head – Michael in front of Red Lobster)
Michael: “No, the thought never crossed my mind. I’m in love with Holly, and as cute as Pam will forever be…” Michael smiles. “It’s like that saying, ‘One in the hand, is like two in the bush.’ Well, with Holly, it’s more like three… in the heart.”
(Back At office – Michael’s office)
Oscar is sitting next to Michael at his computer. Michael appears to be on the verge of tears.
Michael: “I don’t understand. You’re saying Kevin is rich and I’m not, even though we both bought the same stock.”
Oscar: “The difference is you went long the stock and Kevin was short.”
Michael: “What does height have to do with it?”
Oscar: “No, I…”
Michael: “Plus, I think Kevin is taller than me, so that can’t be right.”
Oscar: “Think of it this way. You took a bet on the company by buying stock. Kevin bet against the company by buying short options. Do you see now?”
Michael: “I… see… nothing.”
Oscar: “Things could have been worse.”
Michael: “Please, Oscar, don’t tell anyone. It would depress everyone out there to learn I’m not richer than they are.”
Michael starts whispering near Oscar’s neck. Oscar looks uncomfortably at the camera.
Michael: “Please, Oscar. Please.”
(End Scene – Pam standing in front of a white wall)
Pam: “So, no. I don’t think the baseball card did the trick. I mean, Jim was happy and everything, but it wasn’t the same smile. But I’ll get it.”
Pam smiles at the camera. The camera pans out to reveal she is standing in her garage art studio. Michael walks in through a door wearing a robe. Pam, still talking to the camera, says
Pam: “I initially said no. Then, Jim reminded me how expensive college will be for two kids.”
Michael begins taking off the robe. Pam turns to Michael with a hand shielding her eyes.
Pam: “We agreed. You have to keep the robe on.”
Michael: “Fiiiine.” He tightens up the collar on the robe. “Prude.”
submitted by Steven_Lee to RedditWritesTheOffice [link] [comments]

TIFU By Asking Out My Crush In The Worst Possible Way

(Note:Started typing Late on the 25th, finished 1AM on 26th. Story Takes Place: Late the 24th-All day 25th)
Today I fucked up by asking out my crush.
Some background info: My crush is way out of my league (to be honest we aren't even playing the same game) and she was in the process of friend zoning me. She Is the basic high school popular girl and I am one of the semi-popular guys. I took all of the recent physical contact and lots of conversations as a green light to asking her out, while these were her attempts to hold me in the friend zone.
My night started with me not being able to sleep. I got on my laptop and got onto facebook, and checked her profile (which I do about 10 times a day). I am at a tough patch in my teenage life, nothing happening in the love life, and things are moving slowly with my friends (haven't hung out with them in a few weeks, and I'm basically only a web presence at the moment). I was getting a little down about how things were going in my life at the moment, so I decided to switch my attention to something that never fails me: The Office. (The Office is like a comfort food to me, I watch it very often, and it always can take my mind off of sadness or being unhappy. To explain exactly how sad and almost depressed I am right now, I will share the fact that in the past two years I have watched the Office end to end 9 times.)
So I start watching The Office, and in no time I get to "the episode". This episode is "Casino Night" in season two, the episode of Jim and Pam's first kiss. I watched this episode through, and I had already known it was my ideal situation to happen with this crush of mine. Delirious at 2 in the morning, depressed with my slowly moving life, and full of confidence after watching this episode of the office, I decided it was time to make a change.
For almost two months now, I have had a letter to her in my notes on my phone. It was everything I have ever wanted to tell her about how she made me feel in general, and included my feelings that i recorded on the spot sometimes when I was with her. This Letter was something I have always wanted her to see, and resembled the "Tea Cup Letter" that Jim almost gave Pam, but took back discreetly at the last second, and ended up giving her years later. He took it back knowing it was the wrong time to give her this, and gave it to her exactly when she needed it. This is not how it ended up going for me.
In my confidence and need for a change in my life, I thought she would instantly fall in love with me after seeing how she made me feel, and that it was the perfect time to give it to her because she happened to conveniently be online at the time. I copied and pasted this unfinished letter that I had drafted over the past few months, and I hit send.
It felt great to do this! I was at the happiest I had been all year, knowing she would feel the same way. This feeling lasted for just under a minute. Her response to my letter was "This is too much, I think we are best as friends." This broke my heart. I had worked up a year's worth of courage for this, and my huge slump-breaking action only piled on to how depressingly slow my life is moving. I could only get to sleep last night knowing that in doing that, the hardest part was behind me, and I would be saved from being embarrassed if I had done it in person (Instead of online while depressed and delirious).
I was so wrong in thinking I had saved myself from school-wide embarrassment if I had done it in person. My Crush sent my message to some of her friends that night (I found this out when I went to an event and was mocked with carefully picked quotes from my personal letter).
Well Reddit, Now my whole school knows the sentimental details of a relationship I thought I had, and the fact that in all my courage I was to scared to confront her in person, and I did it in an IM.
After all of this, I'm only left wondering: -What do I do now? -How can I escape this depression that grows with every day? -What do I do to fix the lump in my stomach about facing my friends?
*(Thank you Reddit for reading this huge story ending in my unwavering depression. Please just say anything in the comments, I could use any advice I can get right now.)
submitted by IFuuckedUp to tifu [link] [comments]

The Office Millionaire (RWtO)


Office Podcast Series Ep2

Previously on The... fake... Office
(Cold Open)
Michael walks into the office looking tired. He mumbles something incoherent to Pam.
Pam: “What?”
Michael: “Uh…” Michael yawns. “... morning, Pamcakes.”
Pam: “Why so tired?”
Michael: “Someone broke into my condo last night.”
Pam: “Oh my god. Are you okay?”
Dwight jumps over his desk, knocking over his and some of Jim’s items. Jim crosses his arms and leans back in his chair.
Dwight: “Did you see who did it?”
Michael: “I did not, but the police are on it, and they will catch her. You can’t hide from lady justice.” Michael leans in toward the camera. “Not in my town.”
Dwight: “So the perp is a woman.”
Michael: “I… did not say that. It could have been a man with a high pitched voice... to try and fool me.”
Dwight: “Or using a voice synthesizer.”
Michael: “Maybe. I don’t know. I just wish I could have seen her face.”
Dwight: “Was she wearing a mask? What kind of mask was it?”
Michael: “You know it all happened so fast. I heard a crashing noise, and then before I knew it I was in my bathroom closet.”
Dwight: “You know what you needed?”
Michael: “A hug.” Michael raises his eyebrows at Pam.
Dwight: “A gun.”
(Talking Head – Pam)
Pam: “I don’t want to open up a debate about guns or gun rights, but I don’t think Michael should own a gun.” Pam frowns. “Michael once told me that he thought the safety on a gun makes it so that it only fires blanks.”
(Back in Office)
Michael: “I don’t need a gun, Dwight. I already have two guns right here, so...” Michael pats his arms. “She’s just lucky I didn’t decide to use them.”
Jim: “Because you were hiding in your bathroom closet.”
Michael: “No. No,” Michael turns to the camera. “Because, I do not hit women.”
The camera pans to Meredith. The camera pans back to Michael who saw the camera pan.
Michael: “Cars don’t count.”
(The office – near reception)
Oscar: “Congrats Kevin.”
Phyllis: “You deserve it.”
Michael: “What’s all this?”
Jim: “Kevin’s a millionaire— his stock blew up.” Jim pats Kevin on the back. Kevin nods his thanks.
Michael: “Wait…Quantical Enterprises? The stock Andy mentioned on the podcast last week?”
Kevin: “Yep.”
Michael seems to be unable to speak.
Jim: “You okay?”
Michael: “I bought it too. I put all my savings into it.” Michael hugs Kevin, and then shouts. “We’re millionaires!”
Kevin: “What are you going to do with your money, Michael?”
Michael looks around the room. He sees Holly in the background in the annex talking to Kelly. The camera pans back to Michael who smiles.
Michael: “First, I’m going to take my lady out for the most romantic business lunch she’s ever had.” He turns to the camera. “I’m thinking Red Lobster.”
Pam: “That’s sweet.”
(Talking Head – Kevin)
Kevin: “I’ve made a killing off of the stock market. A. Killing. Oscar is so jealous.” Kevin begins giggling. “What I’m going to do with my money is double it. Then, I’m going to buy my own river-boat casino and have free money forever. And, a river-boat casino.” He nods his head.
(In office - Jim’s Desk, Pam is standing facing Jim)
Pam: “Hey, good looking.”
Dwight: “Yeah, hi.”
Dwight shakes his head as Pam rolls her eyes. Dwight returns to his papers. Pam looks back to Jim.
Jim: “Hi.”
Pam: “You like the Phillies, right?”
Jim: “Do I ever.”
Pam reaches behind her back, her mouth open in mock surprise as she pulls out a signed, framed baseball card.
Jim: “No way! Mike Schmidt!? How…?”
(Talking Head – Pam. She’s sitting in front of a television. The picture on the screen is paused seconds after she had kissed Jim at the Chili’s in 2005. Jim has a grin and looks elated.)
Pam: “Ever since I found out about the kiss, I’ve been trying to think of a way to top it.” Pam turns and points at the screen. “I mean, look how happy he is.”
(Back at Jim’s desk)
Jim: “This is incredible. Thank you!”
Jim stands up and kisses Pam. After a few moments, Michael walks up to them.
Michael: “Sorry to break up the hanky-pamky, but I need to steal your Pamky.”
As they walk away, Jim holds up the card and mouths, “thank you!”
(Talking Head – Pam in front of Red Lobster)
Pam: “When Michael said he needed my help, I didn’t expect him to take me on his romantic lunch with Holly.” Pam rubs her belly. “I am eating for two, and I’ve been having the biggest craving for seafood. And Michael offered to pay.” Pam frowns. “I just hope I don’t lose my appetite.”
(In restaurant)
Holly: “I’m going to use the restroom. Michael, can you get me a tea if the waitress comes by?”
Michael waves his hand
Michael: “Nonsense, let’s live it up.” Michael leans over table. “I heard rich people like to put gold shavings in their food. Maybe… they have a drink with gold or… some kind of foreign metals in it…”
Pam: “I’ll order you a tea, Holly”
Holly: “Thanks.”
Holly leaves.
Michael: “Pam. Pam Chowder. I need to talk to you about something before Holly comes back.”
Pam: “Oh, boy.”
Michael: “Now that I’m a millionaire, I feel like I have the obligation to live more luxuriously. Have you ever seen the movie, Indecent Proposal?”
Pam shakes her head and looks down at the menu. Under her breath she mutters, ‘no, just no’
Michael: “Well, I have a kind of indecent proposal to ask you.”
Pam: “Michael, there’s no amount of money… on this planet or universe… that would get me to sleep with you.”
Michael: “What? No,” Michael looks offended. “I want to commission you to paint something for me. Well more for Holly, but for me too.”
Pam: “Oh. Well, why would that be indecent?”
Michael: “I won’t be wearing any clothing. To paint you a picture— I will be showing my red lobster.”
Pam tosses her menu away as she throws up her hands to the camera.
(Talking Head – Michael in front of Red Lobster)
Michael: “No, the thought never crossed my mind. I’m in love with Holly, and as cute as Pam will forever be…” Michael smiles. “It’s like that saying, ‘One in the hand, is like two in the bush.’ Well, with Holly, it’s more like three… in the heart.”
(Back At office – Michael’s office)
Oscar is sitting next to Michael at his computer. Michael appears to be on the verge of tears.
Michael: “I don’t understand. You’re saying Kevin is rich and I’m not, even though we both bought the same stock.”
Oscar: “The difference is you went long the stock and Kevin was short.”
Michael: “What does height have to do with it?”
Oscar: “No, I…”
Michael: “Plus, I think Kevin is taller than me, so that can’t be right.”
Oscar: “Think of it this way. You took a bet on the company by buying stock. Kevin bet against the company by buying short options. Do you see now?”
Michael: “I… see… nothing.”
Oscar: “Things could have been worse.”
Michael: “Please, Oscar, don’t tell anyone. It would depress everyone out there to learn I’m not richer than they are.”
Michael starts whispering near Oscar’s neck. Oscar looks uncomfortably at the camera.
Michael: “Please, Oscar. Please.”
(End Scene – Pam standing in front of a white wall)
Pam: “So, no. I don’t think the baseball card did the trick. I mean, Jim was happy and everything, but it wasn’t the same smile. But I’ll get it.”
Pam smiles at the camera. The camera pans out to reveal she is standing in her garage art studio. Michael walks in through a door wearing a robe. Pam, still talking to the camera, says
Pam: “I initially said no. Then, Jim reminded me how expensive college will be for two kids.”
Michael begins taking off the robe. Pam turns to Michael with a hand shielding her eyes.
Pam: “We agreed. You have to keep the robe on.”
Michael: “Fiiiine.” He tightens up the collar on the robe. “Prude.”
submitted by Steven_Lee to StevenLee [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Jan 13th - Tue, Jan 19th)

Oklahoma City's event list. Combined from 9 sources

Wednesday, Jan 13th

Thursday, Jan 14th

Friday, Jan 15th

Saturday, Jan 16th

Sunday, Jan 17th

Monday, Jan 18th

I was unable to find any published events for Jan 18th.

Tuesday, Jan 19th

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In "Casino Night", Jim openly admits his feelings for Pam and informs her he wants to be more than friends. Later, Jim goes to her in the office and kisses her, and Pam doesn't pull away. It was wrong for both of them. They also knew Angela was cheating on Andy with Dwight. Neither Pam nor Jim stepped up to tell Andy. If they had, it may have ... I managed to finish my next PB&J piece just in time for Halloween. Here are the forever-adorable Kitty Pam and 3-hole-punch Jim. Happy Halloween, everyone! Jun 9, 2019 - Explore Ashton Oliver's board "The Office Jim and Pam" on Pinterest. See more ideas about the office, the office jim, office memes. In a recent episode, Fischer and Krasinski spoke about the season two finale, “Casino Night.” The episode is a big one for Fischer’s and Krasinski’s characters, Jim and Pam, as Jim finally confesses his love to Pam, who rejects him. Pam says, “I can’t.” She begins to say, “You have no idea.” But Jim interrupts. “Don’t do ... We start this JAM packed episode by explaining how Steve ended up writing this episode, we chat about Pam's wink to Jim, and Jenna shares some behind the scenes tidbits about the Scrantonicity video. Then we get some fan catches about Pam's casino night dress paired with her watch, and that Dwangela slap heard around the world. Finally, we call up the one and only, John Krasinski, to talk ... Post Casino Night AU where Jim goes to Australia, and Pam follows. Categories: Jim and Pam Completed: Yes - Chapters: 81 - Words: 87001 . Fail the interview by Kuri333 T She’s trying to be honest, isn’t she? So, in all honesty, she wants him to fail the interview. Categories: Jim and Pam, Episode Related Completed: Yes - Chapters: 5 - Words: 4248 . Infliction by Dernhelm T 'She was so soft ... In "Casino Night," Jim kisses Pam, and they look at each other like they don't know what to do next. "Gay Witch Hunt" opens the scene with the two mid-kiss, and when it's over Jim smiles and says "You have no idea how long I wanted to do that." Any other show, you could give a little suspension of belief due to the difficulty of shooting the exact same scene after a season break. But "The ... Jim, unsatisfied with Pam's response, kisses her ("Casino Night"). Season 3. After Jim and Pam part from their kiss, Pam decides that she still has to honor her commitment to Roy and tells Jim that she plans to go through with the wedding. Disappointed and broken-hearted, Jim accepts a position at the Stamford branch of Dunder Mifflin. Pam eventually decides to call off the wedding and is seen ... Jim Halpert's first kiss with Pam Beesly in The Office season 2 finale “Casino Night,” which aired on May 11th, 2006, was Krasinski's first ever onscreen kiss. However, Krasinski was apparently shy about the fact that it was his first onscreen kiss, so when Fischer asked him about it, he did not admit it was his first. But Fischer was open about the fact that the kiss was her first ... Despite this crystal clear smooch, a debate about when Jim and Pam's first kiss was recently sparked amongst The Office fans. Some people — who are correct — swear that the Dundies kiss counts as Jim and Pam's first, while others argue the two share their first kiss 21 episodes later, during the Season 2 finale, "Casino Night."

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