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sugilite steven universe future

sugilite steven universe future - win

With how much Amethyst has matured since Sugilite’s appearance, I really hope we see a more controlled version of herself in Steven Universe Future.

With how much Amethyst has matured since Sugilite’s appearance, I really hope we see a more controlled version of herself in Steven Universe Future. submitted by serotonin98 to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Steven universe episode 3: not my diamond problem/ read the note



Episode three: Not my diamond problem

Note:the episode volly ball is canon in this rewrite. It is the second episode here and I consider it a decent episode of future.

With spinel being the pink diamond replacement, you’d think that having 2 gems acting has pink diamond would help things out. Well… as far as homeworld was concerned, there was still 1 pink diamond, the other…. Was just a clown who had an agate rank. This made the era 3 enforcement…. Difficult
Spinel: For the last time:STOP! BUILDING! WEAPONS!
Agate cut345: or what, your just a jester gem
Spinel: and this jester gem beat up 3 war veterans. What makes you think you're gonna be any safer.
Agate: You aren’t my diamond!
Spinel: according to the diamonds, I am!
Agate: but this isn’t a weapon, it just creates a beam of light that focuses in a certain area that parts the particles in that targe- i mean, selected area.
Agate: well FINE! Come on, this clow rock said we have to stop protecting the homeworld from threats.
Back at the diamond palace. Spinel walked in looking very defeated, she had tried everything in the book, dressed like a high rank. And had even extended her entire body, well the last one she stopped because she just looked very stretched out. But the gems would seem to find any excuse to not follow rules, and sometimes spinel would have to get a diamond because homeworld gems didn’t want to listen, and rebel gems still resented them for corrupting them 6000 years ago. Well rebel gems weren’t much of the problem any way. But the homeworld gems were
Yellow diamond: Oh hello spinel! You seem tired
Spinel: i just don’t get it, why am the only one who the gems don't listen to. Aren’t i wanna of you guys now
Yellow diamond: yes of course
Spinel: then why won't they listen to me
Yellow diamond: well…. Um
Spinel: it's useless, i’ll think i'll just quit this all together. There’s no point in having a job you can’t even do right!
Yellow Diamond:..... Maybe there's something I can do to fix this. Follow me.
Yellow led spinel to her room, where yellow pearl was.
Yellow pearl: hello my diamond, is there anything i can do for you today, at least 1 thing!
Yellow diamond: Has a matter of fact there is. Could you please let me demonstrate something on you
Yellow pearl: OF course my diamond
Spinel: what is this
Yellow diamond: you’ll see
Spinel then watched her use her diamond powers to change yellow pears size from pearl sized to sugilite sized.
Spinel: WOAH!
Yellow diamond: pretty impressive, instead of destroying forms, I can change them, their size, their body proportions, anything.
Spinel: cool! But how does this solve my problem?
Yellow diamond: if homeworld wont see you has a diamond, i'll just alter you shape to be like a diamond
Blue diamond: HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!
Blue diamond walked up to yellow: yellow, don't you think you should make home world respect spinel has a diamond, instead of “fixing spinel”
Yellow diamond: but this is what spinel wants, right?
Spinel was unsure. On one hand, the gems were not gonna respect her as a diamond if she did look like a spinel, on the other hand why should she have to change just to get some respect out of these gems, but on the other other hand, being shaped like a diamond did sound pretty cool.
Spinel: WELP! I'm out of hands
Blue diamond: what?
Spinel: I mean, I agree with yellow.
Blue diamond: but… well fine, it's your choice spinel.
Five minutes later
Yellow diamond: DONE! What do you think
Spinel: i look….. Like a diamond!
And spinel sure did. She had a dress akin to that of blue’s, a shirt akin to yellows, and she even had a cape.
Spinel: jee im so happy that i could sing! in fact- iiiiiiiiiIIIIIIiiiiii, i can-
Blue diamond: sorry spinel, but the person writing this doesn’t have a song in the budget!
Spinel: Aw what!?
Yellow: anyway don’t you still have work to do
Spinel: oh ya!
Has spinel ran off to finally get respected has a diamond, blue turned to yellow with angry face
Blue: if this fails like last time. I will crack you
Yellow: don't worry, what's the worst that can happen.
Soon home world had a harder time defying spinel’s orders, because now she was truly a diamond, at least, diamond seized. At first, life seemed good, the gems no longer bothered (as much) to argue with her. But she realised that being diamond sized had its problems, for one, not every place is made for diamonds, some were at most built for someone opal sized. Sometimes spinel would just unexpectedly hit her head on things she’d normally slip right under. And then on her 7th day of being diamond sized, she discovered another problem.
There was a hike that was meant to be led by steven but he was busy with other problems (will be covered in episode 4) so they needed some other gem to do it, spinel offered to go lead it, despite pearl’s protest, she still allowed her to go. This would be where a major problem would occur.
Spinel: now walk very carefully, you don't want to fall and crack your gem
Nephrite: ok…. Hey do you hear that cherry
Cherry quartz: what
Nephrite: sounds like cracking
Pearl: amethyst
Amethyst: don't worry its not my gem,
Nephrite: no more like, rocks crumpling
Spinel: probably no-
She was gonna say nothing, but then the sounds location was revealed, the rocks spinel was standing on collapse and spinel fell down the mountain. Is now a bad time to say this mountain was on a floating base in the sky?
Pearl: oh that's what I was afraid of. When spinels size change it multiplied her weight every square meter, this increased her weight which made the rocks collapse
Amethyst: why do you think i ordered the group to stay 15 feet away, i knew DUH!
Pearl:....well wonder’s we’ll never see.
Amethyst: Now let's go save spinel! Peridot, float me after her.
Has spinel was falling down the mountain, peridot manege to float near to her and amethyst carefully lassonde it around her foot
Amethyst:now stop this thing
Peridot: I'M TRYING! But i’ve slowed us down to only 18 mph less
Amethyst: we need more power! Wait, I got it! If magnets can be created or have their strength increased by using electricity, Then….
Amethyst pulled out battery: TA DA!..... Peri why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost? Is it so surprising that i like to read every once in a while.
Peridot: but how is that gonna work
Amethyst: oh i'm just gonna clamp these prongs onto you.
Peridot: OOoooh- WAIT WHAT
Amethyst: just trust me
Amethyst clapped the prongs onto peridot and everything stopped. Then spinel went up. Apparently the wip now acted has a bungee cord, and spinel was now going up
Peridot: wait, if i was trying to pull this plate up and spinel is going up, doesn’t that mean- ! AMETHYST LET GO BE- to late
Amethyst was now flying up with spinel, up over the mountain peak and back down of the spire. Into a lake.
Spinel: OW! Me entire body hurts
Amethyst: well at least you not cracked, hey what's that weird pink rock thats all long and jaggy
Spinel then glitched out and amethyst then connected the dots.
Amethyst: OOOOOOOooooooooooohhhhhhhh…….
Needless to say, blue was not happy, the last time yellow did this, the gem had nearly been shattered. Yellow managed to fix her gem. But blue was still angry.
Blue:I said this would happen. Yellow change her back right now
Spinel: but then i can’t enforce era 3 rules, and that was the whole point
Yellow: right?
Blue: but this is ridiculous! Think about it, spinel, you had to alter your form for what, because people wouldn’t listen to you? You shouldn’t have to change yourself just because of others!
Spinel was gonna retort back with something but then thought about it. Blue was right, she had changed herself because the gems didn’t listen to her. And when she thought about this more, it actually hadn’t solved the problem, they weren’t listening to her, they were listening to diamond her, and that hadn’t really been the spinel she wanted to be, not the jokester, always smiling, happy spinel, but the strict, straight face, monotone spinel that everyone expected of a diamond.
Spinel: I guess you're right. I shouldn't have tried to change myself to suit others.
Blue: good, now let's go back to how things were.
Spinel: actually, i have a suggestion
So spinel got a chance to now look more like a jester, wacky hair, one side of her face normal, the other painted in a pink and black plaid color scheme. Sure gems didn’t listen to her as much but at least she was just her.
THE END oh wait there's more
Back at the mysterious space station. The gems there seemed to be working overtime to complete their project.
Mystery gem: so we have the rendering of her look. Now we just edit it to fix one of her problems. Any ways hows our spy going.
Kyanite: oh its going great, its who the’ll least suspect.
The screen would light up has one of the gems were talking to them, they said: thanks for helping me out, volleyball
To be continued
submitted by ZenithRedditor12 to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

I singlehandedly listed every traumatic event in Steven’s life

Every Traumatic Life Event Steven Quartz Cutiepie Demayo Diamond Universe had to endure
Basically that’s it.
submitted by Glum_Banana7448 to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

The Backstory & Dropped Plot Thread List [VERY LONG]

While it began with a settled backstory, a direction in mind, and a lot of ideas, a lot of Steven Universe was left to grow while the show was being made. It seems to have taken a writer's playground approach to construction. While a lot of the ideas in the backstory were used, there were a ton of abandoned plot threads and elements. This is not a comprehensive list, but I cover a lot of them. Please chime in with your own!
Laser Light Cannon: How did Greg end up with the cannon? Why did Rose give it to him? What about that totem pole with gem-like figures on it? How about the golf clubs with roses embroidered on it? Concerning Greg and Rose's relationship, there's still a ton of things we never learned.
Cheeseburger Backpack: We never did find out the significance of the Lunar Sea Spire. I suppose the statue is supposed to resemble Blue Diamond... but it doesn't, really. There's a lot of ancient gem culture that's still a mystery. (The LSS was revisited, by the way, in Attack The Light.)
Together Breakfast: One of the biggies: what is up with the Crystal Heart, which we're given to understand is the core of the Temple. (And, why is it a "temple?" What do gems worship? I can understand Cartoon Network being standoffish about depictions of religion in this political climate, even if they're fictional, but c'mon, this is a show that fearlessly showed animation's first lesbian wedding.) Also, what was the scroll that Garnet was burning, which got into Steven's breakfast?
Frybo: Everything about Peedee.
Cat Fingers: The Gem Sloop is shown one other time in the series, in storage in Pearl's head.
Bubble Buddies: A lot of other things about the Crystal Temple (name assumed) are left mysterious, like how it was made and some things about the nature of its extradimensional space. It's crumbling now (and puts Connie in danger in the process). We also see a gigantic stone sword out in the ocean--since the Temple figure is of Obsidian, we presume that's a representation of her sword. We never see the temple in its original form throughout the whole series, not even in flashback.
Serious Steven: The whole thing about the Ziggurat, and the event depicted on its mural, remains unknown. It shows Rose, but the gem she's fighting we don't know. It looks kind of like White, but her gem is in the wrong place. Also, what are those black figures in the background, and what are those hands coming up from below? Does that represent the Cluster? The way the pedestal turns when Steven shows up to collect the gem at its core seems significant, but what was the gem? Why was it waiting for Steven?
Tiger Millionaire: Why is that Beach City warehouse used for civic functions despite the big hole in its side? There's also a lot of wrestling characters who don't show up again (except in its sequel, Tiger Philanthropist).
Steven's Lion: The Desert Glass is never brought up again. It appears there's a whole class of gem that's not sentient, but still has limited intelligence. These are not revisited later, even in Future.
Arcade Mania: A big one IMO, what was going on with Sapphire when Garnet was playing Meat Beat Mania? This is a heavy hint that Garnet was a fusion, of course (and before Giant Woman!), but what was happening to her is never explained.
Giant Woman: It was nice to see the Heaven and Earth Beetles uncorrupted in Future (they're still called beetles though). The contents of the Little Beetle Bedroom are weird though, seeing as how they implied that the Heaven Beetle, at least, had some of her mind intact. And a little beetle backpack, and Sega Genesis, as well. (We can probably presume that this was an artist joke, though.) Also: we never see where the Earth Beetle was hanging out. Also, the two are never bubbled but put into a terrarium. And we never find out about the sensory powers of Garnet's visor, that allowed her to find them.
So Many Birthdays: We see a grown-up form of Steven that doesn't match what we see in Future, but we can presume that Steven's physical form is fluid enough to explain that.
Lars and the Cool Kids: Rose's experiments, or whatever they were, with plant life are not hearkened back to much, although the pink gems that appear when the moss blooms do show up later, in Rising Tides Crashing Skies.
Onion Trade: Pearl seems upset when Garnet breaks her duplicating wand; what was it? Where did she get it? Was it one of the trinkets available for accessorizing Pearls at The Reef? Also: why was Amethyst annoyed that Pearl's stuff keeps falling down into her room (also mentioned in Cheeseburger Backpack) when Pearl keeps stuff in her head? Was Pearl's storage system a bit "leaky" before?
Steven the Sword Fighter: We find out the sky arena was a platform Blue Diamond used to help oversee the colony's construction, but the significance of the statues is still not known.
Lion 2: The Movie: Rose's Armory has a ton of things in it (some of them named in Rose's Scabbard) that are never referred to again. That giant penny, in addition to being an excellent reference to Batman, kind of implies that Rose tried her hand as being a superhero for a while.
Beach Party: Not too much unexplained, although the gem's making new clothes for themselves is something that rarely comes up again.
Rose's Room: Why does the whale in Rose's Room speak with Rose's voice? At this point, Steven has never heard it before. Also, why is the room's existence set and definite, unlike Sardonyx's room? Maybe the rules are different for fusion rooms.
Coach Steven: It's a shame that Sugilite only got a speaking role in this one episode, probably because of the expense of getting Nikki Minaj again. This is an interesting episode for demonstrating that fusing can be dangerous too (which is called back upon when we get to Malachite). Also, the Communications Tower, which shows up again in Cry For Help, is interesting as an example of old gem tech.
Joking Victim: What was up with that giant ice cream cone Mayor Dewey was unveiling? ("It melted, Gary!")
An Indirect Kiss: The area around Rose's Fountain is interesting. Who built all this, Crystal Gems during the war? Where did they get so many of Rose's tears from? We also get an indication that Rose's animate plants, without her, were directionless. We can presume that Rose controlled them while she was around, while Steven's are more self-motivated, perhaps as an evolution of his powers.
Mirror Gem/Ocean Gem: Lapis is crazy strong! Like, could possibly terraform a planet by herself strong! She can even travel in space under her own power! This is referred to later, in Future, but not explained. Another thing is the practice of gems putting other gems into object, which seems torturous. I hope that practice died out.
House Guest: Man, that Geode seems ominous. I guess that's some heavy-duty duct tape Greg used, as it's still holding up. Maybe the gems, or even the Diamonds, found another way to fix it themselves.
Space Race: Pearl is pretty amazing, even if her ship didn't make it out of Earth's gravity well. At the time we were left to assume that the ship's controls were an example of gem technology, but now it seems likely that they were her creation, perhaps adapted from Earth objects. Also, this is our introduction to The Barn, and the portrait of Greg's uncle and aunt, who we never find out much about, despite their picture appearing as late as Future.
Island Adventure: The origin of the geodes on the island, and the mask fish, are unknown, although we do know the site ended up being the home of the Watermelon Stevens. Did they ever uncorrupt the invisible gem monster?
Keep Beach City Weird: I guess we can presume that the gem from Horror Club was still in the lighthouse back then.
Fusion Cuisine: The restaurant doesn't show up again, except possibly as a site for one of Steven's photos of Connie on his phone.
Lion 3 Straight to Video: We still don't know the full nature of the extradimensional space that Lion connects to (and later Lars). We can suspect that part of it is similar to whatever gem technology produced the interior of the Crystal Temple, but not how it was able to bridge distances in space; gems usually used warp pads for that, not extradimensional spaces. There's trees in there, and grass, and a sun, but no breathable air. It seems to be connected with one of Pink Diamond's still-mysterious powers, which may explain why she didn't tell the other gems about it.
Alone Together: The warehouse shows up again.
Warp Tour: The nature of Warp Space is interesting. How robonoids are made is left up in the air, but we do know that Pearl experimented with one, and Peridot eventually got more when relations with Homeworld thawed.
Horror Club: They never returned to the huge gem that Steven saves in the lighthouse, and we never return to Ronaldo and Lars' relationship.
Maximum Capacity: Greg's stuff is still in Amethyst's room at the end of this episode, where I presume it's victim to the whims of her nebulous storage system. Now that Greg's rich, presumably he could find a place for all of it. Speaking of rich... Greg mentions his uncle has a mansion, and he has the deed somewhere!
Marble Madness: The gem mutants subplot just sort of went away. Presumably there's still some forced fusions hanging around Earth. Maybe Yellow Diamond will spend some time hunting them up in order to try to repair them.
Rose's Scabbard: What's the origins of the floating islands hanging over the Strawberry Battlefield?
Open Book: Implies that Rose's Room has some kind of innate intelligence.
Story for Steven: There's a ton of implied backstory in these flashback episodes, from Greg and Rose's relationship to the gem-influenced history of Beach City to the citizens' relationship with the gems, that we never find out more about. I feel like there's more than enough for a Steven Universe Past series, someday.
Political Power: Mayor Dewey notes that the population of Beach City need their electronic distractions to avoid thinking about the fact that disasters keep happening, which is interesting. Ocean Town being somehow even worse off than Beach City is a hilarious joke, but it's also difficult to imagine how that could be so unless there's some huge, undetected gem threat lurking there.
The Return/Jailbreak: The hand ship is interesting--it's not one of the Diamond's ships, it's green, and also not a whole arm. Why do gems build ships in the shape of body parts?
Joy Ride: The fluid in Peridot's escape pod is interesting; Steven can breathe it, but it never comes up again.
Reformed: The Slinker escapes and never comes up again (although it may be the monster the gems fight in the short where Steven unboxes his hot dog bag).
Sworn to the Sword: Connie's swordfighting, while awesome, didn't actually turn out to be as important as her empathy, and her willingness to tell off gigantic gem matriarchs. Pearl mentions underwater and low-gravity training, which sound awesome, but we never got to see.
Keystone Motel: Greg reveals that he knows Garnet's a fusion here.
Onion Friend: There's a lot about Onion that's mysterious, although I think most of it was added as a huge joke on the audience, a gigantic red herring.
Historical Friction: Helps fill in the blanks about the early history of Beach City (which appears to be the founding site for the US, like Plymouth Rock, in Steven Universe's alternate version of Earth).
Friend Ship: The whole ship is interesting. It's implied that it was one of the first colony ships from Homeworld, which means Pearl and Pink Diamond may have ridden in one of them.
There's more in later episodes, but they decrease in number as the show's focus narrows and the plot takes a stronger role. The Moon Base, the Jungle Moon and the shattered planet it orbits, the Star Incinerator, Emerald, what we see of Homeworld, and other things I'm sure, all hint to the larger picture around the show. What have you always wondered about?
submitted by johnwharris to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

SU Episode Touney: Bracket C [Round 1]

SU Episode Touney: Bracket C [Round 1]

Welcome to the SU Episode Tourney!

Ever wonder what the subreddit's possible favorite episodes are? Look no further! Here we can pit every episode of the show Steven Universe together (Future not included) in a tourney to find the sub's number one! If you feel strongly about an episode and want others to vote for it, sound off in the comments!

Bracket C

What are the numbers beside each episode title?

These numbers are seeds. With bigger tournaments, seeding is important to prevent 'stronger' contenders from possibly playing against each other in the first round. Think about how awful it would be if "Jail Break" and "Mr. Greg" met each other as their first respective matches! That's a fight much more suited for the finals. If a seed with a lower seed (say in the hundreds) beats, for example, a top ten seed, this is known as an upset and it's pretty exciting! After seeding each episode, I inputted them into, a bracket creator, to develop a tourney that would prevent any of the powerhouse episodes from colliding into each other as early as possible.

How did you determine the seeding?

I used the IMDb site provided here (sorted by user rating) to determine the most well-received episodes and gave them the respective seed. As such, "A Single Pale Rose," the most critically acclaimed episode (at least according to IMDb) has the first seed and is the 'strongest' contender in the entire tourney. This continues through "Change Your Mind," "Jail Break," "Mr. Greg," etc., before finally ending with the 154th and last seed, "Rocknaldo". This is far from a foolproof method, but it was the most non-biased way I could think of sorting this tourney!

Bracket B: Round 1 (Results)

MATCH 1: "Mr. Greg" (90%) > "The New Crystal Gems" (10%)
MATCH 2: "Steven VS. Amethyst" (53%) > "Warp Tour" (47%)
MATCH 3: "Alone Together" (95%) > "Too Far" (5%)
MATCH 4: "The Question" (79%) > "Lion 2: The Movie" (21%)
MATCH 5: "Ocean Gem" (95%) > "Open Book" (5%)
MATCH 6: "Lars of the Stars" (58%) > "Pool Hopping" (42%)
MATCH 7: "Mindful Education" (84%) > "Lars and the Cool Kids" (16%)
MATCH 8: "Gem Heist" (84%) > "Steven's Birthday" (16%)
MATCH 9: "Reunited" (95%) > "Drop Beat Dad" (5%)
MATCH 10: "When It Rains" (58%) > "Gem Hunt" (42%)
MATCH 11: "Super Watermelon Island" (53%) > "Back to the Kindergarten" (47%)
MATCH 12: "Cry for Help" (79%) > "Kindergarten Kid" (21%)
MATCH 13: "Lars' Head" (74%) > "Serious Steven" (26%)
MATCH 14: "Last One Out of Beach City" (84%) > "Nightmare Hospital" (16%)
MATCH 15: "Now We're Only Falling Apart" (79%) > "Island Adventure" (21%)
MATCH 16: "Back to the Moon" (79%) > "Winter Forecast" (21%)
"Alone Together" and "Reunited" show off the most dominant performances this round, securing 95% of the votes against their respective opponents, followed by "Mr. Greg" at 90%. Otherwise, most of the matches were decidedly one-sided, aside from "Steven VS. Amethyst" and "Super Watermelon Island" barely squeezing past their opponents with 53% of the vote.


MATCH 10: "When It Rains" (58%) > "Gem Hunt" (42%)
"When It Rains" upsets "Gem Hunt" with a nine-seed difference and a small margin!
Here's how Bracket B looks now that Round 1 is over:

Bracket C: Round 1 Matches

MATCH 1: "Change Your Mind" VS. "Garnet's Universe"
  • "Change Your Mind": For their biggest mission yet, Steven, Connie, and the rest of the Crystal Gems attempt to change the way the Diamonds see Steven, other Gems, and themselves.
  • "Garnet's Universe": When Garnet returns from a mission, Steven imagines a story about what she did all day.
MATCH 2: "Adventures in Light Distortion" VS. "Chille Tid"
  • "Adventures in Light Distortion: After Greg is abducted by Blue Diamond, Steven and the Gems rush off into space with the Rubies' ship to rescue him. Faster-than-light travel has unexpected effects on the Gems' bodies, and in Steven's haste, he puts himself and the Gems in danger.
  • "Chille Tid": Steven is exhausted from searching the ocean for Jasper and Lapis Lazuli's fusion, Malachite, so Garnet has Pearl and Amethyst stay with him for a slumber party. Steven, discovering that he has the power of astral projection, is rattled by recurring dreams of Lapis.
MATCH 3: "Mirror Gem" VS. "Letters to Lars"
  • "Mirror Gem": Steven befriends a magical mirror that can mysteriously communicate with him, and ends up freeing its prisoner: Lapis Lazuli, another mysterious Gem.
  • "Letters to Lars": Lars receives a letter from Steven updating him about the current goings-on in Beach City. While the town and its population are changing, the now-former mayor Bill Dewey is having trouble trying to find his place in the new status quo.
MATCH 4: "Jungle Moon" VS. "Sadie Killer"
  • "Jungle Moon": Stevonnie crash-lands in a jungle on an alien moon and, unable to contact Lars, must fend for themself. They discover that the moon houses an abandoned Gem base and orbits a former Gem colony, and have a strange dream involving Yellow Diamond and Pink Diamond.
  • "Sadie Killer": Steven and the Cool Kids start a band, but they have trouble finding their sound. They decide to recruit Sadie, who writes a dark song about her frustrating job at the Big Donut; but that same job keeps her from actually participating in the band.
MATCH 5: "The Return" VS. "Gem Glow"
  • "The Return": Steven helps evacuate Beach City in the face of an invasion from the Gem Homeworld by Peridot and the warrior Gem Jasper.
  • "Gem Glow": Steven is disappointed that his favorite ice-cream sandwich brand, Cookie Cat, gets taken off the market. He soon cheers up upon discovering that the Gems managed to get hold of some of the last remaining Cookie Cats, which he comes to believe may be the key to activating his gem.
MATCH 6: "Are You My Dad?" VS. "The Message"
  • "Are You My Dad?": Lars, Sadie, Onion and Jamie have mysteriously disappeared. While investigating the mystery, Steven comes across an unfamiliar Gem, who keeps asking "Are you my dad?".
  • "The Message": Steven and the Gems need Greg's help to retrieve a message being transmitted through a Gem artifact called a Wailing Stone.
MATCH 7: "Lion 3: Straight to Video" VS. "Together Breakfast"
  • "Lion 3: Straight to Video": Lion keeps lying on Steven's face while he's sleeping, leading Steven to discover a pocket dimension in Lion's mane.
  • "Together Breakfast": Steven's attempt to get the Gems to share his special breakfast sends him on a journey through their ancient Crystal Temple; but when the breakfast absorbs a dangerous artifact, it comes to life and must be defeated.
MATCH 8: "Keeping It Together" VS. "Maximum Capacity"
  • "Keeping It Together": While the Crystal Gems chase after Peridot in the Kindergarten, Steven and Garnet discover a dark secret while exploring its inner workings.
  • "Maximum Capacity": While cleaning out Greg's storage unit, he and Amethyst are distracted by watching old episodes of their favorite sitcom Li'l Butler.
MATCH 9: "Rose's Scabbard" VS. "House Guest"
  • "Rose's Scabbard": Pearl takes Steven to a special place that belonged to Rose Quartz after Lion finds the scabbard for Rose's sword.
  • "House Guest": Left temporarily homeless and with a broken leg after the events of the previous episode, Greg stays in Steven's house while his leg heals and unintentionally interferes with Steven's healing powers.
MATCH 10: "Catch and Release" VS. "Coach Steven"
  • "Catch and Release": The Crystal Gems finally capture Peridot, but Steven suspects that she has information that the Crystal Gems need to know and attempts to learn what it is, allowing her to live in his bathroom.
  • "Coach Steven": Against Pearl's advice, Steven becomes determined to get stronger after watching Garnet and Amethyst fuse into the mighty (and destructive) Sugilite.
MATCH 11: "Legs From Here to Homeworld" VS. "Know Your Fusion"
  • "Legs From Here to Homeworld": Steven tells Blue and Yellow Diamond that their final attack on the Earth corrupted the remaining Gems on the planet, instead of destroying them outright as intended. The three together attempt to cure Centipeetle's corruption, and almost succeed. To try to finish the job and cure all the corrupted Gems, Blue, Yellow, and the Crystal Gems travel to Homeworld to seek White Diamond's help.
  • "Know Your Fusion": When Steven and Amethyst introduce Smoky Quartz to Garnet and Pearl, they fuse into Sardonyx and interview Smoky Quartz about what makes them special.
MATCH 12: "Monster Reunion" VS. "Steven the Sword Fighter"
  • "Monster Reunion": When Steven's healing powers suddenly return, he re-releases the Centipeetle and attempts to heal her. He can't fully cure her corruption, but he learns from her about her history as a Homeworld officer abandoned on Earth at the end of the war.
  • "Steven the Sword Fighter": Pearl's attempt to teach Steven the art of sword-fighting using a holographic version of herself goes awry when she gets injured and has to retreat into her gem to heal.
MATCH 13: "Bismuth" VS. "Tiger Millionaire"
  • "Bismuth": Bismuth, one of the original Crystal Gems, is accidentally freed by Steven from a bubble inside Lion's mane. She is welcomed back with open arms by Pearl and Garnet, while Amethyst quickly warms up to her company. However, Steven soon notices that Bismuth's outlook on the rebellion is radically different from the other Gems' when she shows eagerness to re-ignite the Gem War with an unethical secret weapon.
  • "Tiger Millionaire": Steven joins an underground wrestling league with Amethyst, who's tired of Garnet and Pearl bringing her down.
MATCH 14: "The Zoo" VS. "Hit the Diamond"
  • "The Zoo": Steven finds Greg in Pink Diamond's "Human Zoo", and tries to look for a way out. This proves easier said than done as the humans there are guided through a strictly scheduled and regimented life.
  • "Hit the Diamond": A dispatch team of five Ruby soldiers arrive from Homeworld in search of the missing Earth mission leader. To protect Peridot, the Crystal Gems (with Garnet splitting into Ruby and Sapphire again) attempt to get rid of the gullible Rubies by challenging them to a game of baseball.
MATCH 15: "Storm in the Room" VS. "The Good Lars"
  • "Storm in the Room": Steven uses his room in the temple to create a simulated image of Rose Quartz in order to try to experience what it would be like to know his mother. He ends up confronting her with his troubled feelings about her complex legacy and her choice to create him.
  • "The Good Lars": The Cool Kids invite Steven, Lars and Sadie to a potluck. Steven and Sadie encourage Lars to bake a cake for the party, but Lars is insecure about revealing his baking skills.
MATCH 16: "Stuck Together" VS. "Lion 4: Alternate Ending
  • "Stuck Together": Steven and Lars, stuck inside Topaz, try to look for a way to escape the Homeworld-bound ship. Their heartfelt conversation commiserating over their plight earns them Topaz's sympathy.
  • "Lion 4: Alternate Ending": Steven tries to search for secret messages Rose may have left him about his "magical destiny". Lion eventually leads him to a tape—but it's just an alternate version of the message from Rose he's already seen.



General Comments

Bracket C is definitely the one to watch: it houses "Change Your Mind," "Mirror Gem," "Jungle Moon," "The Return," "Are You My Dad?," "Lion 3," "Keeping It Together," "Maximum Capacity," "Rose's Scabbard," "Legs From Here to Homeworld," "Bismuth," "The Zoo," "Hit the Diamond," "Storm in the Room," and "Stuck Together". It still seems very possible that the winner of the entire tourney comes from this bracket, but if so, the question is which: the top four that arises from this bracket will be very powerful indeed.

Remember to check daily on your favorite episodes! Tomorrow we'll hop back into round 1 of Bracket D!

submitted by TheBeaningOfLife to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Blind Reaction to Steven Universe Episodes 64-65

Episodes 1-2 Episodes 3-4 Episodes 5-6 Episodes 7-8 Episodes 9-10 Episodes 11-12 Episodes 13-14 Episodes 15-16 Episodes 17-18 Episodes 19-20 Episodes 21-22 Episodes 23-24 Episodes 25-26 Episodes 27-28 Episodes 29-30 Episodes 31-32 Episodes 33-34 Episodes 35-36 Episodes 37-38 Episodes 39-40 Episodes 41-42 Episodes 43-44 Episodes 45-46 Episodes 47-48 Episodes 49-50 Episodes 51-52 Episodes 53-54 Episodes 55-56 Episodes 57+misc Episodes 58-59 Episodes 60-61 Episodes 62-63
Alright, guys, we’re back with another reaction. Now, I know that a lot of people disagreed with my opinions on Sardonyx, and I feel like there might have been some miscommunication, so I’m going to spell out my current opinion on her and then move on.
Sardonyx is a bully. She used emotional manipulation to hurt Amethyst and make herself seem better. That said, Pearl and Garnet are not bullies. They’re both unaware of how they’re hurting Amethyst. Pearl is blinded by the sheer joy she felt being Sardonyx, and Garnet most likely didn’t realize that the words she directed towards Sugilite were hurting Amethyst instead. Sardonyx is just like any other person in that she can change, so if something happens that I think will change her character, or if we see her again and she’s different, my opinion on her will change.
I’m really surprised at how many people seemed upset by this interpretation. I don’t think I’ve had this negative a backlash on anything I’ve said, well…ever. I’ve responded to literally hundreds of comments about Sardonyx, which seems so strange to me because it was such a small part of my post, and I kind of feel like it took away the sense of friendly discussion in the comments. A lot of it was my fault, though. I think I just got tired of talking about Sardonyx, and started to get irritable, so I’m sorry if I came off strong on the subject. I think I’m about done talking about Sardonyx for now, so I’m sorry to tell you that I won’t be talking about her unless something new comes up.
Now that I’ve got that out of the way, let’s get into the episodes. You guys know the deal; keep spoiler free and keep the hype low.

Episode 64- Keystone Motel

Steven, Greg, and Garnet go on a road trip.
[Editor’s note from the future: These episode descriptions get more and more vague every time. What the hell is this crap?]
Written and Storyboarded by Raven M. Molisee, Paul Villeco and Rebecca Sugar
Maybe you're better off with her
I think she's better for you
I forgot how great it felt to be us
Guess I got carried away
I had to use you to make me feel strong
But I don't care about that now
I see a tower built out of my mistakes
And it all comes crashing down
Is there something I can do
Is there something I can do
Is there something I can do
Can I make it up to you?
How I feel so far with this Stevenbomb.
Oh, he’s talking about when he turned into an Akira cat monster. Gotcha.

Closing Thoughts-

This was a good episode. It was really nice to see Ruby and Sapphire again. It’s nice to see these characters, although I really don’t think we’ll be seeing much of them. I’d say that we’ll get to see them as a treat, but I can’t imagine many scenarios where we’d see Garnet unfused in a happy situation. Still, they’ve both got wonderful energy, and seeing them fight on their second appearance certainly wasn’t expected. Seeing Pearl try to make Garnet appreciate her was pretty sad. Actually, most of this episode was. There was just this growing sense of disappointment in the characters throughout this entire episode that really made me feel terrible. Not that that’s a bad thing, of course. The music was really lovely in this episode, and I enjoyed it a ton. Hopefully, we start to get some closure into this situation in the next few episodes. Onto the next one!

Episode 65- Onion Friend

Steven and Amethyst visit the strange world of Onion's house; Amethyst catches up with her old friend Vidalia.
Written and Storyboarded by Lamar Abrams and Katie Mitroff

Closing Thoughts-

This was an interesting little episode. It seemed like we were going to learn more about Onion, but he remains an engima to us. No, we spent this episode exploring an old relationship Amethyst has with Vidalia, which is quite interesting. Of ourse Amethyst would be the one to make friends with a human! Hearing her talk about Garnet and Pearl was quite interesting, though. I really enjoy how much they’re impacting everyone around them. It gives the situation a lot of weight. I’m also glad that we’ve 3 episodes now without a resolution. This is a real issues that’s going to take time to solve, and so letting us experience that alongside the cast is a great choice. There wasn’t much going on in terms of animation or music, but the episode didn’t really need anything special to do its job, and it did it quite well. My current episode standings are-

Top Ten Episodes

  1. Alone Together
  2. Rose’s Scabbard
  3. We Need to Talk
  4. Keeping it Together
  5. Sworn to the Sword
  6. On the Run
  7. Lion 3: Straight to Video
  8. Winter Forecast
  9. Cry For Help
  10. Coach Steven
10. Laser Light Cannon
Next up, my vocal tracks-

Top Five Vocal Tracks-

  1. Do it for her
  2. Stronger Than You
  3. On the Run
  4. Strong in the real way
  5. Let yourself be wherever you are
Finally, my BGM’s-

Top Ten BGM's

  1. I’m Still Here
  2. Theme from an Endless Romance
  3. Glitch City
  4. Be Cool at the Nightclub
  5. Lapis' Tower
  6. Night Drive
  7. Twilight Run
  8. Alone Together
  9. The Cave
  10. The Hill/Rose’s Fountain
I'm planning on going back and listening to all of the BGM's again, since I've been a little lax here, so you'll probably see some changes in this list over the next few posts.
Thanks for reading, guys! As usual, keep spoiler free and keep the hype low. Finally, a question-
Until Next Time!
submitted by elecathes to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Steven Universe: Harmony and The Plot of the Movie

Tl; Dr: The Movie plot could be about a rogue gem that escapes from eons of imprisonment and starts breaking havoc on Homeworld, as the Steven Universe: Harmony comics suggest.
After the bomb that was "Change your mind" and with the official confirmation on the upcoming movie airing sometime in fall, I think it's time for some rough speculation about everyone's favorite matter: the plot.
For those who didn't know, KaBOOM! Studios (the ones responsible for bringing SU to the good ol' fashioned format of comics) released a series of comics called Steven Universe: Harmony that is some kind of prequel to the movie. The last comic was published two(ish) months ago and, oddly enough, nobody is talking about it. So I decided to give it a go, speculate a bit of what the comic gives in terms of plot for the movie and the what it adds to whole show itself.
With so many things in mind, warnings are the best to avoid misconceptions and/or problems.
1) I'm, not a fluent English speaker. I say this because, even though I'm confident enough in my capabilities to make this post, I understand that seeing bad writing is... unpleasant (at least for me). So, please, for the sake of mastering my English skills, feel free to correct any typos and spelling errors that you can spot (and be patient).
2) About the canonicity of the comics. As far as I know, the comics are "half canon" or "level 2 cannon", that is to say, unless the show directly contradicts the comics, they are as canon as an official release can be.
3) Spoiler Warning (For the comics and the movie) I mean, my word is not any kind of official confirmation, but the whole batch of comics are intended to be a "prequel" of some sorts for the movie, so if you would rather like to see the movie (whenever it airs...) blind, and without any kind of expectations about its plot or would actually want to give the comics a go (they're actually pretty good), get out of here, NOW.
4) Supporting the show. If you can, buy the comics, the best way to support the show is by showing Cartoon Network our love, the best way of doing so is by buying the merch.
Well, without further ado, let's get started.

The Time period of the comics

First of all, unlike the other comics, these ones are pretty clear in the time period they are positioned. So, given the clues the comics present, they could be set between the aftermath of "Jungle Moon" and directly before"The Big Show". The evidence is the following:
Knowing that, we can get a pretty solid idea that the comics are actually made with care for the details that the continuity of each episode has, that makes me think that the adventure happening in the comics will be referenced in some point of the movie (I hope a callback, as some characters get some really good development in this short story), because it doesn't contradict anything that has happened in the show.

The Comics and The Story

Before moving on to the movie plot, lets talk of what the comics add to the overall story of the show:

The Harmony Cores

The comic introduces the "Harmony Chores", a piece of ancient gem technology (at least from before the war) which primarily function was to subdue planets before their colonization without threatening organic lifeforms by serving as an energy source to power centinels that would grow stronger the more time the cores would remain active. They are said to connect with each other through "warp-like" technology and work like this:
First, a "loyal Gem" would get inside it by touching it (this would make only the light form of such gem go inside of the harmony core, not its gemstone) to control it from the inside and harmonizes with another gem on the outside, thus getting the core started and functioning well.
Second, the cores would start harmonizing with each other (they all activate at the same time, but deactivate separately) and would begin to pulsate signals that trap inside it the consciousness of any living organism nearby (I assume they all eventually die from starvation, as only their consciousness is sent inside). The consciousness of those trapped inside the cores acts like an amplifier of a radio frequency, the more they are, the powerful the cores grow.
Third, the cores would start beating light-signals that power centinels, those sentinels would start colonizing the planet, making it ready for gem production.
Fourth and last, when the colony is finished, the gem inside the harmony core would get out through a failsafe and deactivate the core.
The problem with this is that, as Peridot mentions, such failsafe for the gem trapped inside the core was only used when a "useful" homeworld gem was being trapped, it's said that most of the gems that got trapped inside the core to make it work are still trapped and scattered alongside with each core in space (maybe this was a punishment for "malfunctioning", different or off-colors gems.
Another thing that gets mentioned in these comics is that the harmony chores weren't used for eons, they were never even intended to be in the earth in the first place because new and more efficient technology was being used already for the colonization. They were, though, a gift from Blue Diamond to Pink to please her. First, the zoo was created to help her with the preservation of the humans in the planet, then the harmony cores were given to her to "ensure the rest (of the organisms in the earth) a peaceful end". Tough, as Blue mentions, the cores on earth were never activated (One of the topazes activates one accidentally at the start of the comics and that sets off all of the cores in existence) before, because Pink was "shattered" first.

The Movie and The future of Steven Universe:

At the end of the last comic, Steven and co. finally, destroy all the cores in existence (after battling with a giant core-robot) and supposedly free all of the hundreds of gems inside the other cores. To make a good assumption of what the movie plot will be, let's break the situation of the story so far, apart:
The Harmony Cores side to side (Left, the teaser of the Movie, Right, comics):
That is the end of the "facts" we know for sure, but let me get inside some heavy theorizing:
Let's say that, after seeing she's not perfect, White decides to make some severe changes in the Homeworld society and starts by stopping the colonization of planets. Now, after Homeworld finally starts to take the steps to get better, things get bad. The connection I was talking about before? Well, I think the comic end and the movie teaser suggest that some not-so-friendly gem got out after who knows how many eons of getting trapped and is not feeling so swell about Homeworld. Let's say this rogue gem wakes up from her thousands of years imprisonment and begins to cause havoc amongst the planet/colonies, as some sort of revenge to the empire that trapped her.
And what If the threat is big enough, such as the diamonds can't handle it? Remember, if the Diamonds resort to trapping gems instead of directly shattering them (that could lead to potential problems later) that must be for a really good reason (Heck, it could even be an organic life-form that caused them some real problems). And what if their last resort is asking the CGs for help. That would make both, a good exploration of the ancient/new gem culture and a good scenario for battles to develop, mix everything up and you have yourself a good movie plot.
Many wonder about the future of the series (as most of the more "important" plot points got resolved with the last episode released) and some even act like there is nothing left for the show to explore, but if the Crewniverse knows how to do it?, they have tons of things to add to the Steven Universe story (Traveling through each of Homeworld's old colonies to find the lost gems?, that could be awesome!)
But that is what I think that could happen. Let me know what you think about all of this!
EDIT: As Timeline15 said, the gem that appears in the movie's teaser seems to have a heart shaped gem in its chest. That reminded me of something: at one point in the comics Garnet battles a sentinel/monster that has a Harmony Core in i'ts chest. We've seen quite little about gem-powered artifacts such as lapis's mirror or the gems in the walls of Homeworld, maybe this is related?
EDIT 2: After four months or so, a kind stranger gave me gold in this post during my cake-day. That's actually a really good gift, thank you very much whoever you are!!
submitted by CosmicBirb to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

SU Episode Tourney: Bracket C [Round 2]

SU Episode Tourney: Bracket C [Round 2]

Welcome to the SU Episode Tourney!

Ever wonder what the subreddit's possible favorite episodes are? Look no further! Here we can pit every episode of the show Steven Universe together (Future not included) in a tourney to find the sub's number one! If you feel strongly about an episode and want others to vote for it, sound off in the comments!

Bracket B: Round 2 (Results)

MATCH 1: "Mr. Greg" (92%) > "Steven VS. Amethyst" (8%)
MATCH 2: "Alone Together" (62%) > "The Question" (38%)
MATCH 3: "Ocean Gem" (62%) > "Lars of the Stars" (38%)
MATCH 4: "Mindful Education" (62%) > "Gem Heist" (38%)
MATCH 5: "Reunited" (92%) > "When It Rains" (8%)
MATCH 6: "Super Watermelon Island" (62%) > "Cry For Help" (38%)
MATCH 7: "Last One Out of Beach City" (62%) > "Lars' Head" (38%)
MATCH 8: "Now We're Only Falling Apart" (69%) > "Back to the Moon" (31%)
Yet another round that contains no clearly dominant winner! It looks like sixty-two is our lucky number today.


MATCH 7: "Last One Out of Beach City" (62%) > "Lars' Head" (38%)
"Last One Out of Beach City" nabs its first upset against the twelfth seed, "Lars' Head," with an impressive 62% of the vote. If it can best "Now We're Only Falling Apart" in the next round, it'll secure its place in the top 16 against all odds!
Here's how Bracket B looks now that Round 2 is over:

Bracket C: Round 2
MATCH 1: "Change Your Mind" VS. "Chille Tid"
  • "Change Your Mind": For their biggest mission yet, Steven, Connie, and the rest of the Crystal Gems attempt to change the way the Diamonds see Steven, other Gems, and themselves.
  • "Chille Tid": Steven is exhausted from searching the ocean for Jasper and Lapis Lazuli's fusion, Malachite, so Garnet has Pearl and Amethyst stay with him for a slumber party. Steven, discovering that he has the power of astral projection, is rattled by recurring dreams of Lapis.
MATCH 2: "Mirror Gem" VS. "Jungle Moon"
  • "Mirror Gem": Steven befriends a magical mirror that can mysteriously communicate with him, and ends up freeing its prisoner: Lapis Lazuli, another mysterious Gem.
  • "Jungle Moon": Stevonnie crash-lands in a jungle on an alien moon and, unable to contact Lars, must fend for themself. They discover that the moon houses an abandoned Gem base and orbits a former Gem colony, and have a strange dream involving Yellow Diamond and Pink Diamond.
MATCH 3: "The Return" VS. "The Message"
  • "The Return": Steven helps evacuate Beach City in the face of an invasion from the Gem Homeworld by Peridot and the warrior Gem Jasper.
  • "The Message": Steven and the Gems need Greg's help to retrieve a message being transmitted through a Gem artifact called a Wailing Stone.
MATCH 4: "Lion 3: Straight to Video" VS. "Maximum Capacity"
  • "Lion 3: Straight to Video": Lion keeps lying on Steven's face while he's sleeping, leading Steven to discover a pocket dimension in Lion's mane.
  • "Maximum Capacity": While cleaning out Greg's storage unit, he and Amethyst are distracted by watching old episodes of their favorite sitcom Li'l Butler.
MATCH 5: "Rose's Scabbard" VS. "Coach Steven"
  • "Rose's Scabbard": Pearl takes Steven to a special place that belonged to Rose Quartz after Lion finds the scabbard for Rose's sword.
  • "Coach Steven": Against Pearl's advice, Steven becomes determined to get stronger after watching Garnet and Amethyst fuse into the mighty (and destructive) Sugilite.
MATCH 6: "Legs From Here to Homeworld" VS. "Monster Reunion"
  • "Legs From Here to Homeworld": Steven tells Blue and Yellow Diamond that their final attack on the Earth corrupted the remaining Gems on the planet, instead of destroying them outright as intended. The three together attempt to cure Centipeetle's corruption, and almost succeed. To try to finish the job and cure all the corrupted Gems, Blue, Yellow, and the Crystal Gems travel to Homeworld to seek White Diamond's help.
  • "Monster Reunion": When Steven's healing powers suddenly return, he re-releases the Centipeetle and attempts to heal her. He can't fully cure her corruption, but he learns from her about her history as a Homeworld officer abandoned on Earth at the end of the war.
MATCH 7: "Bismuth" VS. "Hit the Diamond"
  • "Bismuth": Bismuth, one of the original Crystal Gems, is accidentally freed by Steven from a bubble inside Lion's mane. She is welcomed back with open arms by Pearl and Garnet, while Amethyst quickly warms up to her company. However, Steven soon notices that Bismuth's outlook on the rebellion is radically different from the other Gems' when she shows eagerness to re-ignite the Gem War with an unethical secret weapon.
  • "Hit the Diamond": A dispatch team of five Ruby soldiers arrive from Homeworld in search of the missing Earth mission leader. To protect Peridot, the Crystal Gems (with Garnet splitting into Ruby and Sapphire again) attempt to get rid of the gullible Rubies by challenging them to a game of baseball.
MATCH 8: "Storm in the Room" VS. "Stuck Together"
  • "Storm in the Room": Steven uses his room in the temple to create a simulated image of Rose Quartz in order to try to experience what it would be like to know his mother. He ends up confronting her with his troubled feelings about her complex legacy and her choice to create him.
  • "Stuck Together": Steven and Lars, stuck inside Topaz, try to look for a way to escape the Homeworld-bound ship. Their heartfelt conversation commiserating over their plight earns them Topaz's sympathy.



General Comments

All sixteen remaining episodes are very strong in their own right, and upsets are just as likely. We'll see what happens!

Remember to check daily on your favorite episodes! Tomorrow we'll hop back into round 2 of Bracket D!

submitted by TheBeaningOfLife to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Blind Reaction To Steven Universe Season 1 Finale, Episodes 51-52

Episodes 1-2 Episodes 3-4 Episodes 5-6 Episodes 7-8 Episodes 9-10 Episodes 11-12 Episodes 13-14 Episodes 15-16 Episodes 17-18 Episodes 19-20 Episodes 21-22 Episodes 23-24 Episodes 25-26 Episodes 27-28 Episodes 29-30 Episodes 31-32 Episodes 33-34 Episodes 35-36 Episodes 37-38 Episodes 39-40 Episodes 41-42 Episodes 43-44 Episodes 45-46 Episodes 47-48 Episodes 49-50


Hey, guys. We’re here for real. Before we get into the finale, I wanted to take a moment to discuss something that’s important to me, personally. Yes, I’m dead. I’ve been dead since Alone Together, actually. Making the transition into being dead has been incredibly painful and difficult for me. I feel awkward walking in public with my bones exposed, and even little things, like going to the store, are made uncomfortable by the stares of everyone around me. I’m experiencing new and different pains, especially around where my eyes used to be. As a skeleton, I’ve had to change my life enormously, and I’m really happy that you guys have been here to support me. This community has kept me going, replacing my complex musculature with sheer will and love. Thank you all so much...
For real, though, I wanted to thank all of you for being a part of this community, for reading my long, poorly-made reaction posts, and for being one of the most positive groups of people I’ve ever encountered. You’re all wonderful, and I’m so glad to have been able to have this experience with you guys so far. You’re all incredible. Moving into the finale, and into season 2, I’m hoping that we’ll be able to grow this incredible community, and I can’t wait until I finally join the rest of you in the community. I’m absolutely astonished by how incredible this community is. Thank you all for being here. This next post is only for beautiful people; That means all of you.

Episode 51- The Return

A threat to the Crystal Gems arrives in Beach City.
Written and Storyboarded by Raven M. Molisee and Paul Villeco
In Ocean Gem, Steven activated his shield because he wanted to talk to Lapis, and was sick of fighting her, We’re seeing the first step of maturity here. Steven wants to be a pacifist, and he wants to talk with Lapis. He believes that he can convince her to give back the ocean.
Here, we’re seeing an entirely different scenario. Steven decided that his love for his family was worth fighting, and potentially dying, for. This is an act of altruism here. Steven knows that the homeworld gems aren’t going to give up on Earth, but he wants to protect it, and the people that he loves. It’s subtle, but there’s a definite difference in how these scenes play out.

Closing Thoughts-

Wow, this episode was a big one! This is definitely the most plot we’ve gotten in a while. I don’t think I want to talk too much about this episode, since it really feels like a part of a bigger story, but the animation was lovely, the music was good, and our new gem, Jasper, is fantastic! Let’s get right into the next one!

Episode 52- Jailbreak

Steven teams up with a new ally to rescue the Crystal Gems.
Written and Storyboarded by Joe Johnson, Jeff Liu and Rebecca Sugar
If I could, begin to be, half of what, you think of me,
I could do about anything, I could even learn how to love,
Man, that was beautiful. These lyrics are horribly heartbreaking, though. It’s clearly a song between two lovers, both of whom believe that they aren’t as good as the other, and it’s genuinely sad when you look at it. The singer feels like they don’t know how to love, and aren’t anywhere near as good as the other lover, and yet the other lover also clearly believes that the singer is far greater than them. I’d go ahead and say that this is definitely about Rose and Greg, and I think that either one of them could be the singer, although the fact that it’s a female voice, and the lime “wondering when I’m coming back” suggest to me that it’s Rose. This is great stuff.

Closing Thoughts-

Holy shit, this was a big episode, huh? These two episodes were absolutely fantastic. Hell, the last 4 episodes had a lot of connections. The two before this were all about subtle buildup, and they really built suspense and tension that snapped near the end of The Return. After that, Jailbreak was an entire episode of climax! It was great fun, and absolutely wonderful to see. The animation was incredible in this episode, and I think it’s safe to say right now that Stronger Than You is going to be my top place vocal track. Discovering that Garnet was a fusion was a ton of fun, although I was fairly sure that she was the second that I saw Ruby. I loved their intimate moment. It was pure, unadulterated love, and it was incredible to watch. God fucking damnit, Steven Universe! I thought that you couldn’t get any gayer! Jasper was a fascinating little character, and Lapis was wonderful to see how horribly defeated she had become. It was a wild ride, to be honest, and I really enjoyed it. This reaction took a fair bit longer than I expected it to, mostly because of how much I had to talk about in these episodes! Seriously, these were great. My current top ten episodes are-
  1. Rose’s Scabbard.
  2. Alone Together
  3. On the Run
  4. Lion 3: Straight to Video
  5. Ocean Gem
  6. Coach Steven
  7. Winter Forecast
  8. Jailbreak.
  9. An Indirect Kiss
  10. Mirror Gem
10. Laser Light Cannon
As for my vocal tracks, they stand at-
  1. Stronger Than You
  2. On the Run
  3. Strong in the real way
  4. Let yourself be wherever you are
  5. I’m like a Comet
Finally, my backing tracks-
  1. I’m Still Here
  2. Glitch City
  3. Lapis' Tower
  4. Night Drive
  5. Twilight Run
  6. Alone Together
  7. The Cave
  8. The Hill/Rose’s Fountain
  9. Love like you(The Ocean Returns)
  10. Watermelon Steven
Thank you guys so much for following me up till this point, and thank you to any newcomers who came in, either when this was posted or far into the future! I appreciate this community and its incredible group of people so much. You guys really don’t know how much this means to me. Remember, guys, even though hype is totally fucking allowed, please avoid spoilers. Finally, a question-
Until Next Time!
submitted by elecathes to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Blind Reaction to Steven Universe Episodes 39-40

Episodes 1-2 Episodes 3-4 Episodes 5-6 Episodes 7-8 Episodes 9-10 Episodes 11-12 Episodes 13-14 Episodes 15-16 Episodes 17-18 Episodes 19-20 Episodes 21-22 Episodes 23-24 Episodes 25-26 Episodes 27-28 Episodes 29-30 Episodes 31-32 Episodes 33-34 Episodes 35-36 Episodes 37-38
Heya, guys! You know the drill, avoid spoilers in the chat and let’s get on with the episodes!

Episode 39- Future Vision

When Steven learns that Garnet can see into the future, he wants to know about the possible dangers around him.
Written and Storyboarded by Lamar Abrams and Hellen Jo
Wait, apparently this is a Hearthstone reference!
(See above when I expected this.)
Possible counterarguments for Garnet being a fusion-
I think that’s about it! I’m leaning a little towards the fusion theory, but I’m still pretty on the fence about it.

Closing Thoughts-

This episode was a little generic, but it was pulled through, I think, by Estelle’s delivery as Garnet. She really has a great sense of comedic timing, and the writing was absolutely hilarious! I think my favorite line was “I drink coffee for breakfast!” Steven was a little paranoid, which I guess he has a right to be right now, so this episode makes more sense when you consider its placement in the series. The relationship between Steven and the Gems is a little rocky right now, and Steven isn’t quite sure what to think about anything, so I actually like that we get an episode or two, like The Test, to deal with the fallout of the events of Warp Tour. Let’s move onto the next episode!

Episode 40-On the Run

When Steven and Amethyst try out life on the road, Amethyst takes him to the place she was created and tells him about her origins.
Storyboarded by Joe Johnston and Jeff Liu

Closing Thoughts-

This episode was fantastic. It was just an absolute rollercoaster of raw emotions, beautiful imagery, and wonderful animation. Everything in the Kindergarten was so incredibly awful and eerie, too. I got this real sense of trepidation. I got this sense that, if you moved too fast or touched something in the slightest way, the inert Kindergarten could start...doing. I don’t really know the specifics of what it does, I guess, but there was this horrible sense of fear throughout the entire location. The music of the first half was so wonderful, with a sense of wanderlust, and a quiet but subtle sadness, and then the music of the second half was oppressively empty. The animation of the fight between Pearl and Amethyst was some of the best that we’ve seen in the entire show, too. The final scene, where Pearl and Amethyst just talk, is just stunning. It brought back so many memories of similar situations with my mom.
My new episode listing is as follows-
  1. Alone Together
  2. On the Run
  3. Lion 3: Straight to Video
  4. Ocean Gem
  5. Coach Steven
  6. An Indirect Kiss
  7. Mirror Gem
  8. Laser Light Cannon
  9. Space Race
  10. The Test
As for my music, it stands at-
  1. On the Run
  2. Strong in the real way
  3. Let yourself be wherever you are
  4. Steven and the Stevens/Crystal Gems
  5. Giant Woman
Finally, my BGM is-
  1. Glitch City
  2. Lapis' Tower
  3. Night Drive
  4. Twilight Run
  5. Alone Together
  6. The Cave
  7. The Hill/Rose’s Fountain
  8. Love like you(The Ocean Returns)
  9. Watermelon Steven
  10. The Heaven Beetle/Reprise
As always, thanks for reading! Please remember to keep all comments spoiler free! Finally, a question-
Until Next Time!
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sugilite steven universe future video

Steven Universe Sugilite (Latino) - YouTube Steven Universe Soundtrack ♫ - Sugilite Returns - YouTube [60FPS] Steven Universe - Fusion Dance (Sugilite) - YouTube NYCC19 audience reaction to Steven Universe Future - YouTube Sugilite & Her Symbolism Explained!  Steven Universe ... Steven Universe Soundtrack ♫ - Synchronize/Sugilite - YouTube Every time Steven is MAD/UPSET - Steven Universe Future ...

Sugilite is the main antagonist of Steven Universe episode"Coach Steven". She is created when Garnet and Amethyst dance to synchronize and fuse together. She was voiced by the popular female rapper/singerNicki Minaj, who also played herself in Hip Hop Illuminati from The Cleveland Show. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 History 3.1 Coach Steven 3.2 Cry for Help 3.3 Snow Day 4 Gallery 4.1 Images 4.2 ... Sugilite is the fusion of Amethyst and Garnet (and, by extension, Ruby and Sapphire). She made her debut in "Coach Steven". 1 Appearance 1.1 Pre-regeneration (debut) 1.2 Post-regeneration (previous) 1.3 Third regeneration 2 Personality 3 History 3.1 "Coach Steven" 3.2 "Cry for Help" 3.3 "Snow Day" 4 Relationships 4.1 Steven Universe 4.2 Pearl 5 Abilities 5.1 Fusions 5.2 Skillset 5.3 Unique ... Mar 15, 2018 - Best sugilite memes - popular memes on the site Every day updated. High quality Steven Universe Sugilite gifts and merchandise. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. She makes one more non-speaking appearance in the original Steven Universe in the episode "Cry For Help" and in the episode "Snow Day" in Steven Universe Future. Sugilite's raw power may have only ... Sugilite is the fusion of Amethyst and Garnet (and, by extension, Ruby and Sapphire). She made her debut in "Coach Steven". 1 Appearance 1.1 Pre-regeneration (debut) 1.2 Post-regeneration (previous) 1.3 Third regeneration 2 Personality 3 History 3.1 "Coach Steven" 3.2 "Cry for Help" 3.3 "Snow Day" 4 Relationships 4.1 Steven Universe 4.2 Pearl 5 Abilities 5.1 Fusions 5.2 Skillset 5.3 Unique ... Sugilite é a fusão de Rubi, Safira (Garnet) e Ametista, que fez sua primeira aparição em "Treinador Steven". 1 Aparência 1.1 Pré-regeneração (Início) 1.2 Pós-regeneração (Atualmente) 2 Personalidade 3 História 3.1 1ª Temporada 3.2 2ª Temporada 4 Habilidades 4.1 Fusões 4.2 Habilidades Naturais... See a recent post on Tumblr from @gravityfallsrockz about sugilite-steven-universe. Discover more posts about sugilite-steven-universe. This is an online portal for the Cartoon Network show Steven Universe. Steven Universe is a coming-of-age story told from the perspective of Steven, the youngest member of a team of magical Guardians of the Universe. The animated series was conceived as part of the shorts development initiative at Cartoon Network Studios, and is related by Emmy and Annie Award-nominated writer and storyboard ...

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Steven Universe Sugilite (Latino) - YouTube

This is Steven Universe Future but Steven is mad, upset, angry, pissed out. Cactus Steven now was a deal for Steven! EP: Prickly Pair, Little Graduation, Blu... Nycc 2019 unveil of Steven Universe Future About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... Garnet and Amethyst's fusion dance music and Sugilite's theme from "Coach Steven."Composed by Aivi Tran and Steven "Surasshu" Velema. Picture drawn by Paul V... Hey! Wanna see something cool? We’re continuing our ongoing gem series, and today we’re talking about the fusion created by Amethyst and Garnet. We’ll be cov... The music that plays when Sugilite arrives at the temple and Pearl and Sugilite duke it out in "Coach Steven." Includes a reprise of "Strong in the Real Way.... Here's Garnet and Amethyst fusing into Sugilite.

sugilite steven universe future

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